this image contains text
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0597CONT.ANS15k Synthetic pack Eight contents
0597MEMB.ANS26k Synthetic pack Eight members
0597NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Eight news
FILEID.DIZ689b The Dizzy Wizzy
SCAPP.DOC7k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SCAPP.EXE17k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-BARJ.JPG741k Syds barjarg flyer
SYD-HALL.JPG235k Syds room of hall.
SYD-ILND.JPG206k Syds pyramid of life
SYD-PYRD.JPG295k Syds spiral
SYD-SPRL.JPG358k Syds spiraling
SYD-TNNL.JPG312k Syds tunnel
TR-AVBK.ANS4k Trips apoc.viss comeback!
TR-CHEZ!.JPG48k Trips cheeze factory advert
TR-COLLY.ANS15k Trips ansi colly
TR-MSGS.ANS3k Trips messages menu
TR-PCI!.ANS10k Trips PCinstaller ansis
TR-SCWEB.JPG52k Trips synthetic web vga
TR-TEMP.ANS6k Trips the temple advert
TR-VOTE.ANS3k Trips xVOTE v1.O
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 2,426,035 bytes of HardDisk
total files -- 22 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 9
size in bytes -- 94,297
no. of ascii related files -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
no. of vga related files -- 8
size in bytes -- 2,248,628
no. of executable files -- 2
size in bytes -- 67,937
other -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0597CONT.ANS15k Synthetic pack Eight contents
0597MEMB.ANS26k Synthetic pack Eight members
0597NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Eight news
FILEID.DIZ689b The Dizzy Wizzy
SCAPP.DOC7k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SCAPP.EXE17k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-BARJ.JPG741k Syds barjarg flyer
SYD-HALL.JPG235k Syds room of hall.
SYD-ILND.JPG206k Syds pyramid of life
SYD-PYRD.JPG295k Syds spiral
SYD-SPRL.JPG358k Syds spiraling
SYD-TNNL.JPG312k Syds tunnel
TR-AVBK.ANS4k Trips apoc.viss comeback!
TR-CHEZ!.JPG48k Trips cheeze factory advert
TR-COLLY.ANS15k Trips ansi colly
TR-MSGS.ANS3k Trips messages menu
TR-PCI!.ANS10k Trips PCinstaller ansis
TR-SCWEB.JPG52k Trips synthetic web vga
TR-TEMP.ANS6k Trips the temple advert
TR-VOTE.ANS3k Trips xVOTE v1.O
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 2,426,035 bytes of HardDisk
total files -- 22 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 9
size in bytes -- 94,297
no. of ascii related files -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
no. of vga related files -- 8
size in bytes -- 2,248,628
no. of executable files -- 2
size in bytes -- 67,937
other -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
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