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s y n t h e t i c o r g a n i z a t i o n p r e s e n t s m u r s y s
M u r S y s t e m s
local Operator: Syd Waters MUR Director: Genocide Prepare Manager: Trippah
Melbourne Underground Ravers / Synthetic Organization WHQ
drEam.rEcordings / Apocalyptic Visions Distrobution Site
xPRESS mOddINg kREW / Isolated Kids Members Site
buzz on 61-3-9844-2185 9600+bps twofour hours a day
snip! 8--------
phew.. nearly 100 lines.. damn, oh well.. heres a pic for Mur Systems, you
havnt seen a pic from me for ages.. hope ya like it.
this picture was taken out of the glow in the dark stickers sponsered by
Uncle Tobiestm for the promotion of the movie, space jam, although i
havnt seen the movie myself.
if you would like an ansi from me, you can catch me via these:
1 internet email to: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
2 internet chat at: when im on, i usually connect to ansi, efnet.
3 bulletin boardz: Mur Systems, Midian, Cheese Factory, Dreamstate.
4 net mails: Madness Network, ForceNet.
greets and that to the following people.
genocide - give me the source to scview! i want to just make some adjustments
syd waters - teach me more of 3ds4 please!
phoenix - your asciis are sick man.
flax - nice web page, i prefer the new to the old.
wolverine - always a big thanks for the email axx.
M u r S y s t e m s
local Operator: Syd Waters MUR Director: Genocide Prepare Manager: Trippah
Melbourne Underground Ravers / Synthetic Organization WHQ
drEam.rEcordings / Apocalyptic Visions Distrobution Site
xPRESS mOddINg kREW / Isolated Kids Members Site
buzz on 61-3-9844-2185 9600+bps twofour hours a day
snip! 8--------
phew.. nearly 100 lines.. damn, oh well.. heres a pic for Mur Systems, you
havnt seen a pic from me for ages.. hope ya like it.
this picture was taken out of the glow in the dark stickers sponsered by
Uncle Tobiestm for the promotion of the movie, space jam, although i
havnt seen the movie myself.
if you would like an ansi from me, you can catch me via these:
1 internet email to: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
2 internet chat at: when im on, i usually connect to ansi, efnet.
3 bulletin boardz: Mur Systems, Midian, Cheese Factory, Dreamstate.
4 net mails: Madness Network, ForceNet.
greets and that to the following people.
genocide - give me the source to scview! i want to just make some adjustments
syd waters - teach me more of 3ds4 please!
phoenix - your asciis are sick man.
flax - nice web page, i prefer the new to the old.
wolverine - always a big thanks for the email axx.
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