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------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization 8 be prepared as synthetic releases its eighth pack into the scene! its been a hard working month for us, April. we drew, we improved, we drew more! and here it is! a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
we would like to have some feedback on a issue which has been arisen here at synthetic thus is that we dont
know whether you people like large packs like this 4
disk pack, which contains many quality pictures, or
just keep it simple and release only a max. of 2 or so however, containing less art! all comments will be accepted and should be sent to either Mur Systems or via the internet to trippah@midian.apana.org.au
we need your feedback to keep synthetic the best.
internet issues, www/ftp
the synthetic internet sites are going damn smoothly now
with our extra new web page which went up mid april.
we now use frames as i personally think frames make browsing the web sooo much easier.
we appreciate any comments/feedback on our web page, and
if anyone is aware of any other sites other than digits.
com for the number of users to hit web page counter
please mail me! all i need now is that and i will be happy with page 100!
i will also be uploading the rest of synthetic packs to the ftp site. they
should all be there by the time you read this. feel free to download the lot
for your viewing pleasure!
our site in belgium has gone down, however, kriz who changed his alias to
iCeBuRG will be getting a small site there again and placing his version of
the synthetic web page on there. keep a look out for the address in the next
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
we gained a new headquarters in United Kingdom, Chronic Organism with Poison
being the system operator! hes board will hopefully be offering synthetic
packs free of downloads. give it a call all you uk boarderz!
welcome Staesis, the new outpost in sydney, oz! the operator for this wiked
board is cyntax, a memeber of xpsforce division! so all you force cunts,
give it a call and leech the synth packs on 61-2-983-2403.
essence will be a new artist here at synthetic. as much as i know, he will be
doing asciis for Synthetic. we welcome him into the scene and hope to see some
great work from him!
Mur Systems, the world headquarters of synthetic has nearly run out of disk
space once again. users please be patient as another cd will be burnt and the
free space will be back once again very shortly!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! aPR97
------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization 8 be prepared as synthetic releases its eighth pack into the scene! its been a hard working month for us, April. we drew, we improved, we drew more! and here it is! a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
we would like to have some feedback on a issue which has been arisen here at synthetic thus is that we dont
know whether you people like large packs like this 4
disk pack, which contains many quality pictures, or
just keep it simple and release only a max. of 2 or so however, containing less art! all comments will be accepted and should be sent to either Mur Systems or via the internet to trippah@midian.apana.org.au
we need your feedback to keep synthetic the best.
internet issues, www/ftp
the synthetic internet sites are going damn smoothly now
with our extra new web page which went up mid april.
we now use frames as i personally think frames make browsing the web sooo much easier.
we appreciate any comments/feedback on our web page, and
if anyone is aware of any other sites other than digits.
com for the number of users to hit web page counter
please mail me! all i need now is that and i will be happy with page 100!
i will also be uploading the rest of synthetic packs to the ftp site. they
should all be there by the time you read this. feel free to download the lot
for your viewing pleasure!
our site in belgium has gone down, however, kriz who changed his alias to
iCeBuRG will be getting a small site there again and placing his version of
the synthetic web page on there. keep a look out for the address in the next
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
we gained a new headquarters in United Kingdom, Chronic Organism with Poison
being the system operator! hes board will hopefully be offering synthetic
packs free of downloads. give it a call all you uk boarderz!
welcome Staesis, the new outpost in sydney, oz! the operator for this wiked
board is cyntax, a memeber of xpsforce division! so all you force cunts,
give it a call and leech the synth packs on 61-2-983-2403.
essence will be a new artist here at synthetic. as much as i know, he will be
doing asciis for Synthetic. we welcome him into the scene and hope to see some
great work from him!
Mur Systems, the world headquarters of synthetic has nearly run out of disk
space once again. users please be patient as another cd will be burnt and the
free space will be back once again very shortly!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! aPR97
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