this image contains text
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0497CONT.ANS15k Synthetic pack Eight contents
0497MEMB.ANS14k Synthetic pack Eight members
0497NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Eight news
ESS-HOLE.ANS4k Essence The Hole Advert
ESS-SYD.ANS3k Essence Syd ascii
FILEID.DIZ0.5k The Dizzy Wizzy
PH-COLLY.ANS3k Phoenixs ansi colly!
PH-MUR1.ANS8k Phoenixs mur advert
PH-PARTY.JPG198k Phoenixs The Party People Advert
PH-SC97.JPG184k Phoenixs synthetic advert
PH-SCAD!.JPG80k Phoenixs synthetic advert 2
PH-STDIO.JPG130k Phoenixs hollywood studios
SCAPP.DOC7k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SCAPP.EXE17k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC8k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-56LN.JPG335k Syds 56 lines of code
SYD-600L.JPG278k Syds only 600 lines of code
SYD-CAR.JPG360k Syds Car
SYD-CGUN.JPG210k Syds ChainGun
SYD-HCAR.JPG294k Syds Flying Cars
SYD-IWSH.JPG325k Syds i only wish
SYD-LIFT.JPG232k Syds Lift off
SYD-MIRR.JPG300k Syds mirror mirrarge
SYD-PLNE.JPG196k Syds plane sky
SYD-PREV.JPG422k Syds p.revolution advert
SYD-SKLT.JPG299k Syds skeleton hands
TR-BENCH.JPG119k Trips Park Bench!
TR-COLLY.ANS18k Trips ansi colly
TR-MISC.ANS22k Trips misc ansis
TR-ROOM1.JPG32k Trips sesh room.
TR-STHC.ANS7k Trips south central advert
TR-STHR.ANS14k Trips The Dark Throne bbs!
WRP-CHAO.JPG6k Warps Chaos advert!
WRP-CL08.ASC87k Warps ascii colly
WRP-EVOL.JPG259k Warps evolution
WRP-EYES.JPG121 Warps synthetic advert 1
WRP-FORB.JPG128 Warps forbiden plannet
WRP-RHIN.JPG89k Warps synthetic advert 2
WRP-SYNT.ASC1k Warps synthetic advert 3
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 4,986,417 bytes of HardDisk
total files -- 40 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 11
size in bytes -- 119,066
no. of ascii related files -- 2
size in bytes -- 6,173
no. of vga related files -- 22
size in bytes -- 4,730,848
no. of executable files -- 2
size in bytes -- 67,937
other -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0497CONT.ANS15k Synthetic pack Eight contents
0497MEMB.ANS14k Synthetic pack Eight members
0497NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Eight news
ESS-HOLE.ANS4k Essence The Hole Advert
ESS-SYD.ANS3k Essence Syd ascii
FILEID.DIZ0.5k The Dizzy Wizzy
PH-COLLY.ANS3k Phoenixs ansi colly!
PH-MUR1.ANS8k Phoenixs mur advert
PH-PARTY.JPG198k Phoenixs The Party People Advert
PH-SC97.JPG184k Phoenixs synthetic advert
PH-SCAD!.JPG80k Phoenixs synthetic advert 2
PH-STDIO.JPG130k Phoenixs hollywood studios
SCAPP.DOC7k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SCAPP.EXE17k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC8k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-56LN.JPG335k Syds 56 lines of code
SYD-600L.JPG278k Syds only 600 lines of code
SYD-CAR.JPG360k Syds Car
SYD-CGUN.JPG210k Syds ChainGun
SYD-HCAR.JPG294k Syds Flying Cars
SYD-IWSH.JPG325k Syds i only wish
SYD-LIFT.JPG232k Syds Lift off
SYD-MIRR.JPG300k Syds mirror mirrarge
SYD-PLNE.JPG196k Syds plane sky
SYD-PREV.JPG422k Syds p.revolution advert
SYD-SKLT.JPG299k Syds skeleton hands
TR-BENCH.JPG119k Trips Park Bench!
TR-COLLY.ANS18k Trips ansi colly
TR-MISC.ANS22k Trips misc ansis
TR-ROOM1.JPG32k Trips sesh room.
TR-STHC.ANS7k Trips south central advert
TR-STHR.ANS14k Trips The Dark Throne bbs!
WRP-CHAO.JPG6k Warps Chaos advert!
WRP-CL08.ASC87k Warps ascii colly
WRP-EVOL.JPG259k Warps evolution
WRP-EYES.JPG121 Warps synthetic advert 1
WRP-FORB.JPG128 Warps forbiden plannet
WRP-RHIN.JPG89k Warps synthetic advert 2
WRP-SYNT.ASC1k Warps synthetic advert 3
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 4,986,417 bytes of HardDisk
total files -- 40 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 11
size in bytes -- 119,066
no. of ascii related files -- 2
size in bytes -- 6,173
no. of vga related files -- 22
size in bytes -- 4,730,848
no. of executable files -- 2
size in bytes -- 67,937
other -- 0
size in bytes -- 0
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