this image contains text
it spells trip from synthetic!
want an ansi? if i can be bothered,
mail me: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
my collys for the month, with exciting ansis yet again.
want an ansi? mail me via inet on the above address!
only a couple of days left till i have to get this finnished so let me roll on
with it
deathstrokeav - thanks for the ascii man, heres an ansi of your
board in return! hope ya like.
s y n t h e t i c o r g a n i z a t i o n
s c h i z o i d b b s
shis hop: deathstrokeav coh hop: jonny howdypar
running obv-two at 28800 full speed. trading in the art/demo/vga scene
you can contact via modem on 61-3-XxXx-XxXx
.,aRSra,. .,aa,..
Ra,. .,atSEa
s a jl
RSf . .aSSa d
.,aRSSa. .,aSSa SS
k efSa, .aR
b ,
b d b
a, , ,SR
n o r d i c p r o d u c t i o n s
nordic diz!
nordic productions presents! 01/01/97
blah blah for bbs systems and others!
create blahs to make you hyptemized
or do the same to your enemys for 4
pieces of gold time bank installed!
want an ansi? if i can be bothered,
mail me: trippah@midian.apana.org.au
my collys for the month, with exciting ansis yet again.
want an ansi? mail me via inet on the above address!
only a couple of days left till i have to get this finnished so let me roll on
with it
deathstrokeav - thanks for the ascii man, heres an ansi of your
board in return! hope ya like.
s y n t h e t i c o r g a n i z a t i o n
s c h i z o i d b b s
shis hop: deathstrokeav coh hop: jonny howdypar
running obv-two at 28800 full speed. trading in the art/demo/vga scene
you can contact via modem on 61-3-XxXx-XxXx
.,aRSra,. .,aa,..
Ra,. .,atSEa
s a jl
RSf . .aSSa d
.,aRSSa. .,aSSa SS
k efSa, .aR
b ,
b d b
a, , ,SR
n o r d i c p r o d u c t i o n s
nordic diz!
nordic productions presents! 01/01/97
blah blah for bbs systems and others!
create blahs to make you hyptemized
or do the same to your enemys for 4
pieces of gold time bank installed!
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