this image contains text
kamehameha! /
------ Synthetic Organization Six News Letter! ----------
pack seven at your screen
Heres the seventh pack for Synthetic, with a wiked pack
once again! its been about 1 year since i started to
draw ansis and now its begining to be a bore, but i do
it anyway
i never thought we would reach pack seven this fast with-
out stuffing up the others as some like last pack was
amazing. i think its the first 3 disk pack ever released
in australia, i mean av never mad it assuming they are
not going to get any better from the looks of things,
SiCk never making it past the first pack, and force who
has reached 2 pack release, however, not the third.
And as for DiE, i dont recall seeing a 3 pack release.
inform me if i am mistaken as it would be an intresting
thing to know if it is true or false to the people who
have stayed in the scene for long enough to tell!
internet issues, www/ftp
ok, got off my butt and did something for the internet
side of things. i now have a 3month, one hour per day
shell/ppp axx for 21 dollars at breakdown bbs, which
is now called axs connection.
i will/have created the web page by the time this pack
is released. i will be slowly uploading the packs to my
ftp site axs connection have provided me, however, i
can only store 5 megs, so i will keep the 5 most recent
megs released on there for public downloads.
i know that the web page is very lame. if you can do me one with frames and
that, please do one and send it to me, if its good, i will consider using it
for sure!
synthetic view
there was a fairly large mistake in our last pack, with synthview showing the
error: file not found filename.ext. do not worry about this. when genocide
was patching up synthview or something, he was coding the demo for royal crulty
and he had made synthview hide the files used with the demo and not the viewer
itself. so yeah the errors given when ya first ran synthview will/does NOT
fuckup any functions in synthview its just one of those homosapian mistakes.
members stuff!
cmon people! the oz scene is very lame. we have no sick active artists any-
more cept for some artists from av and force. we know all of you digital
artists are hiding out there, get involved, join synthetic! wether your a
ansi craze, to a vga geek, we want you! please run sc-app.exe contained with
this pack and upload the .APP file to either Mur Systems on 61-3-9844-2185 or
via email to trippah@midian.apana.org.au, thanking wolverine for the email axx!
cheese factory is a new outpost distrobuting synthetic packs hopefully for
free of downloads. i dont know of fluff wants me to distrobute the number so
if he doesnt mind, i shall change it by next month.
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- genocide@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
good luck/bad luck!
as you can tell from the sub-heading, its time to tell you my bad/good luck
which occured today.
good luck -- i found 20 bucks in the laundry.
bad luck -- instead of doing DEL *.BAK while i was compiling the pack
so it happend in the c:synthpack7 directory, i did
DEL *.ANS and lost all the ansi files, except for the two
fucking bak files which were 2 unfinished ansis. i cant
be fucked fixing them so they are at their state.
i was able to download the other members ansis, however,
as i am compiling the pack, i didnt have to upload my
part, therefore, all mine except the colly and another is
the only ones ive released
however, i have fixed the 0397*.ANS files. including this
one as i cant just copy last months
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAR97
------ Synthetic Organization Six News Letter! ----------
pack seven at your screen
Heres the seventh pack for Synthetic, with a wiked pack
once again! its been about 1 year since i started to
draw ansis and now its begining to be a bore, but i do
it anyway
i never thought we would reach pack seven this fast with-
out stuffing up the others as some like last pack was
amazing. i think its the first 3 disk pack ever released
in australia, i mean av never mad it assuming they are
not going to get any better from the looks of things,
SiCk never making it past the first pack, and force who
has reached 2 pack release, however, not the third.
And as for DiE, i dont recall seeing a 3 pack release.
inform me if i am mistaken as it would be an intresting
thing to know if it is true or false to the people who
have stayed in the scene for long enough to tell!
internet issues, www/ftp
ok, got off my butt and did something for the internet
side of things. i now have a 3month, one hour per day
shell/ppp axx for 21 dollars at breakdown bbs, which
is now called axs connection.
i will/have created the web page by the time this pack
is released. i will be slowly uploading the packs to my
ftp site axs connection have provided me, however, i
can only store 5 megs, so i will keep the 5 most recent
megs released on there for public downloads.
i know that the web page is very lame. if you can do me one with frames and
that, please do one and send it to me, if its good, i will consider using it
for sure!
synthetic view
there was a fairly large mistake in our last pack, with synthview showing the
error: file not found filename.ext. do not worry about this. when genocide
was patching up synthview or something, he was coding the demo for royal crulty
and he had made synthview hide the files used with the demo and not the viewer
itself. so yeah the errors given when ya first ran synthview will/does NOT
fuckup any functions in synthview its just one of those homosapian mistakes.
members stuff!
cmon people! the oz scene is very lame. we have no sick active artists any-
more cept for some artists from av and force. we know all of you digital
artists are hiding out there, get involved, join synthetic! wether your a
ansi craze, to a vga geek, we want you! please run sc-app.exe contained with
this pack and upload the .APP file to either Mur Systems on 61-3-9844-2185 or
via email to trippah@midian.apana.org.au, thanking wolverine for the email axx!
cheese factory is a new outpost distrobuting synthetic packs hopefully for
free of downloads. i dont know of fluff wants me to distrobute the number so
if he doesnt mind, i shall change it by next month.
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- genocide@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
good luck/bad luck!
as you can tell from the sub-heading, its time to tell you my bad/good luck
which occured today.
good luck -- i found 20 bucks in the laundry.
bad luck -- instead of doing DEL *.BAK while i was compiling the pack
so it happend in the c:synthpack7 directory, i did
DEL *.ANS and lost all the ansi files, except for the two
fucking bak files which were 2 unfinished ansis. i cant
be fucked fixing them so they are at their state.
i was able to download the other members ansis, however,
as i am compiling the pack, i didnt have to upload my
part, therefore, all mine except the colly and another is
the only ones ive released
however, i have fixed the 0397*.ANS files. including this
one as i cant just copy last months
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAR97
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