this image contains text
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0397CONT.ANS9k Synthetic pack Seven contents
0397MEMB.ANS12k Synthetic pack Seven members
0397NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Seven news
FILEID.DIZ0.8k The Dizzy Wizzy
PF-CYBER.ANS3k Pure Filths Cyberzone menu
PF-ID.ASC0.4k Pure Filths Tmt dizzy!
PF-SIG.ANS1k Pure Filths Signal advert
PH-CLNE.ASC0.9k Phoenixs clone
PH-DGR.ANS2k Phoenixs dgr, da grim reaper
PH-WINK.ASC0.6k Phoenixs Winx logo
SC-APP.DOC5k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SC-APP.EXE20k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-PIPN.JPG331k Syds WiKED Picture
TR-BBRD.JPG120k Trips Black Board Table!
TR-COLLY.ANS11k Trips Ansi colly
TR-MUR3k Trips Melb.Under.Ravers Menu!
TR-SC.RIP5k Trips synthetic rip
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 651,410 bytes of hard disk
total files -- 20 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 9
no. of ascii related files -- 3
no. of vga related files -- 2
no. of executable files -- 2
other -- 4
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0397CONT.ANS9k Synthetic pack Seven contents
0397MEMB.ANS12k Synthetic pack Seven members
0397NEWS.ANS10k Synthetic pack Seven news
FILEID.DIZ0.8k The Dizzy Wizzy
PF-CYBER.ANS3k Pure Filths Cyberzone menu
PF-ID.ASC0.4k Pure Filths Tmt dizzy!
PF-SIG.ANS1k Pure Filths Signal advert
PH-CLNE.ASC0.9k Phoenixs clone
PH-DGR.ANS2k Phoenixs dgr, da grim reaper
PH-WINK.ASC0.6k Phoenixs Winx logo
SC-APP.DOC5k Synthetics App.Gen Document
SC-APP.EXE20k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-PIPN.JPG331k Syds WiKED Picture
TR-BBRD.JPG120k Trips Black Board Table!
TR-COLLY.ANS11k Trips Ansi colly
TR-MUR3k Trips Melb.Under.Ravers Menu!
TR-SC.RIP5k Trips synthetic rip
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 651,410 bytes of hard disk
total files -- 20 art related files
no. of ansi related files -- 9
no. of ascii related files -- 3
no. of vga related files -- 2
no. of executable files -- 2
other -- 4
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