this image contains text
kamehameha! /
.aSSa. .aSSa.
a s aS a toritpu/synth
l l l l l l Sa.
l l l l l l l l aS
Sz. .z Sz.z z.z z
------------------ Synthetic Organization Six News Letter! --------------------
Synthetic Issue Six
Yesh, its that time of the month again, and no, im not talking about your rags
however, its time once again for another Synthetic Pack.. After a long time of
improper care towards the internet side of things, we now have a ftp site which
will this time hold all our previous packs for those who have missed it and
want a peek, and also our own home page for the first time! Please check the
file mm/yyMEMB.ANS contained with this archive for the most upto date address.
SyntheticView v0.1b
After a long wait for Genocide to improve on his pascal knowledge, we here at
Synthetic thought it was time the art scene was hit by another graphics viewer.
Along with this pack should contain the file SCVIEW.EXE plus the documentation
of our new viewer thanks to Genocide! For more details about our new viewer,
please scan the file SCVIEW.DOC. And please, dont forget to play our viewergame
The adventures of SpeedBoat McFredric!
World HeadQuarters!
After heaps of adjustments and that, our WHQ, MUR SYSTEMS is now in a stable
condition and i have not seen it crashed at all, except when i shell to dOS
and fuck up :. We need more users to upload more art packs since ive gotten
sick of keeping all the ACiD/iCE/ETC packs on my hdd and deleted them all.
If you would like to call this fantastic board of ours, please do so! the ph.
number is .. +61-3-9844-2185. This is just a little advert incase people dont
read/see our zippy advert files.
Sorry, my mind just fully blanked out and that was all that i could think of.
Any comments on synthetic or on any artwork is most welcome! we like to hear
from you anything that comes on your mind even if it doesnt make sense.
This came into my mind as ive had a fair amout of them lately and most of the
time i have 1/2 of our viewers saying its cool but then others saying
fUCKhEADS!. Hey, if we are shit, then tell us why we are shit so we can
change the way it is done to suit everyone.
The Endism Dude!
Ok, this is getting really boring so ill cut it short and tell you to watch out
for our next packuette early next month! until then, suck it down!
PS. Note!
Word has been in from SydWaters that Mur Systems are now on the net and we
will be one of the links there, which means we will fully have a web page +
a ftp site just for synthetic where all the previous packs will be stored for
public downloading plus it will be the second place the pack will be released
on the release date! We are not sure exacly what the address will be, and also
i will now have to create a web page, so ill post the address in our next pack
so until then your stuck with cdrom.com!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAR97
.aSSa. .aSSa.
a s aS a toritpu/synth
l l l l l l Sa.
l l l l l l l l aS
Sz. .z Sz.z z.z z
------------------ Synthetic Organization Six News Letter! --------------------
Synthetic Issue Six
Yesh, its that time of the month again, and no, im not talking about your rags
however, its time once again for another Synthetic Pack.. After a long time of
improper care towards the internet side of things, we now have a ftp site which
will this time hold all our previous packs for those who have missed it and
want a peek, and also our own home page for the first time! Please check the
file mm/yyMEMB.ANS contained with this archive for the most upto date address.
SyntheticView v0.1b
After a long wait for Genocide to improve on his pascal knowledge, we here at
Synthetic thought it was time the art scene was hit by another graphics viewer.
Along with this pack should contain the file SCVIEW.EXE plus the documentation
of our new viewer thanks to Genocide! For more details about our new viewer,
please scan the file SCVIEW.DOC. And please, dont forget to play our viewergame
The adventures of SpeedBoat McFredric!
World HeadQuarters!
After heaps of adjustments and that, our WHQ, MUR SYSTEMS is now in a stable
condition and i have not seen it crashed at all, except when i shell to dOS
and fuck up :. We need more users to upload more art packs since ive gotten
sick of keeping all the ACiD/iCE/ETC packs on my hdd and deleted them all.
If you would like to call this fantastic board of ours, please do so! the ph.
number is .. +61-3-9844-2185. This is just a little advert incase people dont
read/see our zippy advert files.
Sorry, my mind just fully blanked out and that was all that i could think of.
Any comments on synthetic or on any artwork is most welcome! we like to hear
from you anything that comes on your mind even if it doesnt make sense.
This came into my mind as ive had a fair amout of them lately and most of the
time i have 1/2 of our viewers saying its cool but then others saying
fUCKhEADS!. Hey, if we are shit, then tell us why we are shit so we can
change the way it is done to suit everyone.
The Endism Dude!
Ok, this is getting really boring so ill cut it short and tell you to watch out
for our next packuette early next month! until then, suck it down!
PS. Note!
Word has been in from SydWaters that Mur Systems are now on the net and we
will be one of the links there, which means we will fully have a web page +
a ftp site just for synthetic where all the previous packs will be stored for
public downloading plus it will be the second place the pack will be released
on the release date! We are not sure exacly what the address will be, and also
i will now have to create a web page, so ill post the address in our next pack
so until then your stuck with cdrom.com!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAR97
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