this image contains text
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0297CONT.ANS11k Synthetic pack Six contents
0297MEMB.ANS12k Synthetic pack Six members
0297NEWS.ANS8k Synthetic pack Six news
FILEID.DIZ0.7k The Dizzy Wizzy
GEN-RCDM.ZIP40k Genocides Royal Cruelty Demo
SC-APP.EXE19k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-ADVT.JPG3k Syds Synthetic Advert
SYD-ARCH.JPG3k Syds Archry i think!
SYD-CAND.JPG314k Syds Candy Vga
SYD-KOCH.JPG4k Syds Koch Snowflake
SYD-WKD!.JPG668k Syds WiKED Picture
TR-ANS!.ANS 3k Trips Ansi colly
TR-ASC!.ANS1k Trips Ascii colly NEW!
TR-MRAVE.RIP15k Trips Mu.r.avers Rippy!
TR-MSYS.ANS20k Trips Mur Systems Ascii
TR-MUR.JPG140k Trips Mur Systems Vga
TR-MURS.ANS2k Trips Mur Systems Ansi
TR-PULSE.ANS320k Trips Pulse Distro
TR-RTL!.ANS5k Trips Ride The L BBS advert!
TR-SIG!.JPG237k Trips Trippen Signature!
TR-TMNU!.ANS18k Trips Temple BBS Advert
TR-TOILT.92k Trips Toilet
TR-TREAK.ANS3k Trips Total Recal BBS Advert
WRP-ALIE.JPG184k Warps Alien Moods
WRP-BALL.JPG96k Warps Five of Wizdom
WRP-FACE.ASC50k Warps Facial figure
WRP-RAVE.JPG106k Warps RAVE! underground E-Mag
WRP-SYN!.JPG66k Warps Synthetic advert!
WRP-W.JPG234k Warps Own Advert!
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 3,405,902 bytes of hard disk
total files -- 31 art related files
file/directory name description
A: Trips Floppy Drive
B: Trips Floppy Drive
C: Trips Hard Drive
D: Trips CD-ROM Drive
. Refresh directory listing
.. Go one directory down
0297CONT.ANS11k Synthetic pack Six contents
0297MEMB.ANS12k Synthetic pack Six members
0297NEWS.ANS8k Synthetic pack Six news
FILEID.DIZ0.7k The Dizzy Wizzy
GEN-RCDM.ZIP40k Genocides Royal Cruelty Demo
SC-APP.EXE19k Synthetics Application Generator
SCVIEW.DOC7k Synthetics Viewer Documentation
SCVIEW.EXE51k Synthetics Viewer
SYD-ADVT.JPG3k Syds Synthetic Advert
SYD-ARCH.JPG3k Syds Archry i think!
SYD-CAND.JPG314k Syds Candy Vga
SYD-KOCH.JPG4k Syds Koch Snowflake
SYD-WKD!.JPG668k Syds WiKED Picture
TR-ANS!.ANS 3k Trips Ansi colly
TR-ASC!.ANS1k Trips Ascii colly NEW!
TR-MRAVE.RIP15k Trips Mu.r.avers Rippy!
TR-MSYS.ANS20k Trips Mur Systems Ascii
TR-MUR.JPG140k Trips Mur Systems Vga
TR-MURS.ANS2k Trips Mur Systems Ansi
TR-PULSE.ANS320k Trips Pulse Distro
TR-RTL!.ANS5k Trips Ride The L BBS advert!
TR-SIG!.JPG237k Trips Trippen Signature!
TR-TMNU!.ANS18k Trips Temple BBS Advert
TR-TOILT.92k Trips Toilet
TR-TREAK.ANS3k Trips Total Recal BBS Advert
WRP-ALIE.JPG184k Warps Alien Moods
WRP-BALL.JPG96k Warps Five of Wizdom
WRP-FACE.ASC50k Warps Facial figure
WRP-RAVE.JPG106k Warps RAVE! underground E-Mag
WRP-SYN!.JPG66k Warps Synthetic advert!
WRP-W.JPG234k Warps Own Advert!
If Any of these files are missing from your archive, you have a
tapmered copy and is suggested that you connect to one of the ftp
sites listed on the members list for the original released archives.
total bytes -- 3,405,902 bytes of hard disk
total files -- 31 art related files
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