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Synthetic Production in 1997
r e f r a c t i o n b u l l e t i n b o a r d
operator -- nutbutter
apocalyptic visions members site
i started this ansi meaning it to be a chic, however, it turns out as a dood!
anyway before i exit aciddraw just a few waves to cancer, xsdata, krl, ba, fk.
see you boyz later then shall i? trippahsynth
r e f r a c t i o n b u l l e t i n b o a r d
operator -- nutbutter
apocalyptic visions members site
i started this ansi meaning it to be a chic, however, it turns out as a dood!
anyway before i exit aciddraw just a few waves to cancer, xsdata, krl, ba, fk.
see you boyz later then shall i? trippahsynth
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