this image contains text
swap08 .. another great success. no one left, everyone
had fun, and all the ansis turned out unique
.. YAY! take part in the swaps. its a helluva
lot of fun. and now.. to the other info.
heres the list of participants by theyre numbers:
01 flame 04 black viper
02 fluor 05 warpus
03 widowmaker 06 sirdeath
i love you all. peace. love. happiness. thanks to warpu
s/hennie/crayon for
the ideas, and pzyko for that nifty logo up there.. and bv,
you are STILL my
swap staff guy.. wee.
01-final.ans :: i love this logo. fucking rad.
02-final.ans :: the colors are.. different. and that chic
k wouldve been cool if she was done.. pretty coo
l none the less.
03-final.ans :: cool menuset.. i liked some of the earlier v
ersions of the face, but its still great.
04-final.ans :: all i can say is - wierd. this couldve
taken another
angle from warpuss changes, but this one is pretty coo
05-final.ans :: wee! i love it. great stuff.
06-final.ans :: wierd colors and shit. very different.. and
next swap will be on sunday night 10/27 at 7pm eastern
in swaptm. NO
SCENE NEWBIES! sorry.. you must have some ansi experience.
wee.. be there.
contact me, cheeze, at swap-@cris.com or on doink 407-7
83-1522 for any
questions/info.. you can grab the swap packets on ftp.cdrom.
incoming/artpacks, by telneting to tregency.res.cmu.edu, or
by calling doink.
a mistake made in the last packet was the use of the ph
word.. warpus will
now throw rocks at me for eternity. sigh
swap08 .. another great success. no one left, everyone
had fun, and all the ansis turned out unique
.. YAY! take part in the swaps. its a helluva
lot of fun. and now.. to the other info.
heres the list of participants by theyre numbers:
01 flame 04 black viper
02 fluor 05 warpus
03 widowmaker 06 sirdeath
i love you all. peace. love. happiness. thanks to warpu
s/hennie/crayon for
the ideas, and pzyko for that nifty logo up there.. and bv,
you are STILL my
swap staff guy.. wee.
01-final.ans :: i love this logo. fucking rad.
02-final.ans :: the colors are.. different. and that chic
k wouldve been cool if she was done.. pretty coo
l none the less.
03-final.ans :: cool menuset.. i liked some of the earlier v
ersions of the face, but its still great.
04-final.ans :: all i can say is - wierd. this couldve
taken another
angle from warpuss changes, but this one is pretty coo
05-final.ans :: wee! i love it. great stuff.
06-final.ans :: wierd colors and shit. very different.. and
next swap will be on sunday night 10/27 at 7pm eastern
in swaptm. NO
SCENE NEWBIES! sorry.. you must have some ansi experience.
wee.. be there.
contact me, cheeze, at swap-@cris.com or on doink 407-7
83-1522 for any
questions/info.. you can grab the swap packets on ftp.cdrom.
incoming/artpacks, by telneting to tregency.res.cmu.edu, or
by calling doink.
a mistake made in the last packet was the use of the ph
word.. warpus will
now throw rocks at me for eternity. sigh
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