this image contains text
tm 05 fileinfo ..
06 was held 09/28/96 in irc
channel swaptm. there were 9 people
total, no unfin
ished ansis, and it took
3 hours. wee!
01 : dieznyik 04a: widowmak
er 07: cheeze
02a: flame 04b: lo
rd jazz fill-in
02b: illx fill-in 05 : trahma
03 : nail 0
6 : bviper
*the file
names are in the following format:
being the ansi , xx being the persons who ju
worked on i
t - the original ansis are compiled into -steps.an
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-03.ans
01-03.ans 02-04.ans
01-04.ans 02-05.ans
01-05.ans 02-06.ans
01-06.ans 02-07.ans
01-07.ans 02-01.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
01-final.ans 02-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- neato concept. couldve been better - t
his one turned out pretty damn cool. had everyone use
d their time wisely. the pizza could ha
ve been shadded, but
still cool though. it
doesnt really matter..
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans
03-05.ans 04-06.ans
03-06.ans 04-07.ans
03-07.ans 04-01.ans
03-01.ans 04-02.ans fill-in
03-02.ans fill-in 04-03.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
03-final.ans 04-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- pretty cool font. what the hell is -
whoa! cool! .. the shadding on the
that cyan shit doing there, illx? g
uy or whatevers face could use a
little work, but otherwise, very cool.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-07.ans
05-07.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans fill-in?
05-02.ans fill-in 06-03.ans
05-03.ans 06-04.ans skipped
05-04.ans fill-in 06-05.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- well, the font on this is pretty -
whoa.. bone on crack rules. i dontcool, but the r
est is just.. uhm.. really like the d
ark cyan higlights in icky? .. the stuff really d
oesnt the face, and the backround coul
d use a go together at all, and the face is
lot of work, but still pretty swell.
nowhere near finished. oh well..
---+ ansi:
---+ consists of:
---+ final ansi:
---+ notes:
- this started out pretty cool through
the first few ansis, but the shadding
got out of hand, and.. what the HELL
are those cacti things doing there?
tm 05 fileinfo ..
06 was held 09/28/96 in irc
channel swaptm. there were 9 people
total, no unfin
ished ansis, and it took
3 hours. wee!
01 : dieznyik 04a: widowmak
er 07: cheeze
02a: flame 04b: lo
rd jazz fill-in
02b: illx fill-in 05 : trahma
03 : nail 0
6 : bviper
*the file
names are in the following format:
being the ansi , xx being the persons who ju
worked on i
t - the original ansis are compiled into -steps.an
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-03.ans
01-03.ans 02-04.ans
01-04.ans 02-05.ans
01-05.ans 02-06.ans
01-06.ans 02-07.ans
01-07.ans 02-01.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
01-final.ans 02-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- neato concept. couldve been better - t
his one turned out pretty damn cool. had everyone use
d their time wisely. the pizza could ha
ve been shadded, but
still cool though. it
doesnt really matter..
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans
03-05.ans 04-06.ans
03-06.ans 04-07.ans
03-07.ans 04-01.ans
03-01.ans 04-02.ans fill-in
03-02.ans fill-in 04-03.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
03-final.ans 04-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- pretty cool font. what the hell is -
whoa! cool! .. the shadding on the
that cyan shit doing there, illx? g
uy or whatevers face could use a
little work, but otherwise, very cool.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-07.ans
05-07.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans fill-in?
05-02.ans fill-in 06-03.ans
05-03.ans 06-04.ans skipped
05-04.ans fill-in 06-05.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- well, the font on this is pretty -
whoa.. bone on crack rules. i dontcool, but the r
est is just.. uhm.. really like the d
ark cyan higlights in icky? .. the stuff really d
oesnt the face, and the backround coul
d use a go together at all, and the face is
lot of work, but still pretty swell.
nowhere near finished. oh well..
---+ ansi:
---+ consists of:
---+ final ansi:
---+ notes:
- this started out pretty cool through
the first few ansis, but the shadding
got out of hand, and.. what the HELL
are those cacti things doing there?
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