this image contains text
swaptm 04
file info!
the file format is like so: -xx.ans
being the of the person who s
the ansi, xx being the of the person who worked on the par
ticular ansi
in this packet, and from now on, the ansis will be comp
iled into -steps.ans,
so that it is easier to view and compare all the steps
is the of the
person who started the ansi
outkast: 01 illx: 04
safety: 02 cheeze: 05
tsk: 03 grindstone: 06
splatt: stand-in to help get some of the ansis more comp
lete read info04.ans
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-04.ans
01-05.ans 02-05.ans
01-06.ans stand-in 02-06.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this one couldve been a lot better - another one
that could have been
is everone had come together to work pretty co
ol if everyone had worked on on it, but it is missi
ng work from 04 it. 01 left before he g
ot a chance to
as well as 03 as is everyone. do this
one, and no work from 03.
---+ file: ---+ file:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans
---+ notes: 04-06.ans
- these are the two segments that were 04
done on 03s ansi. he left, so we ---+
pulled it out of the shuffle. - a
lot of cutting on this one, not much a
dding. had people not cut so much
out of it towards the end, it
might have
been cool, besides the fac
t that there
is no work from 02 who left to
wards the
end and 03
of coz . i like some of
the first few segments a lot,
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans
05-02.ans 06-04.ans
05-04.ans 06-05.ans
---+ final: ---+ final:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- turned out for the most part -
this one also got to everyone, except
nicely. i like some of the interior 03
yeah, yeah . turned out nicely,
steps better than the final though. and
im sure if one more person had
again, no work from 03, but this one wo
rked on it it would be very well
DID get to everyone. refin
completed ansis 2
causualties of someone leaving 4
better ratio than before, mainly because i worked out a
scheme to deal with
someone leaving, but still not good. i shouldnt even ha
ve to say the following
DONT LEAVE! .. and if you think you may have to leave
in the course of the
event, leave between segments AFTER you turn in what you
were just working on.
then i can get a replacement.
c o l o r scem e + layout by ch eeze / lo
go by spear / swaptm 1996
file info!
the file format is like so: -xx.ans
being the of the person who s
the ansi, xx being the of the person who worked on the par
ticular ansi
in this packet, and from now on, the ansis will be comp
iled into -steps.ans,
so that it is easier to view and compare all the steps
is the of the
person who started the ansi
outkast: 01 illx: 04
safety: 02 cheeze: 05
tsk: 03 grindstone: 06
splatt: stand-in to help get some of the ansis more comp
lete read info04.ans
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-04.ans
01-05.ans 02-05.ans
01-06.ans stand-in 02-06.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this one couldve been a lot better - another one
that could have been
is everone had come together to work pretty co
ol if everyone had worked on on it, but it is missi
ng work from 04 it. 01 left before he g
ot a chance to
as well as 03 as is everyone. do this
one, and no work from 03.
---+ file: ---+ file:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans
---+ notes: 04-06.ans
- these are the two segments that were 04
done on 03s ansi. he left, so we ---+
pulled it out of the shuffle. - a
lot of cutting on this one, not much a
dding. had people not cut so much
out of it towards the end, it
might have
been cool, besides the fac
t that there
is no work from 02 who left to
wards the
end and 03
of coz . i like some of
the first few segments a lot,
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans
05-02.ans 06-04.ans
05-04.ans 06-05.ans
---+ final: ---+ final:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- turned out for the most part -
this one also got to everyone, except
nicely. i like some of the interior 03
yeah, yeah . turned out nicely,
steps better than the final though. and
im sure if one more person had
again, no work from 03, but this one wo
rked on it it would be very well
DID get to everyone. refin
completed ansis 2
causualties of someone leaving 4
better ratio than before, mainly because i worked out a
scheme to deal with
someone leaving, but still not good. i shouldnt even ha
ve to say the following
DONT LEAVE! .. and if you think you may have to leave
in the course of the
event, leave between segments AFTER you turn in what you
were just working on.
then i can get a replacement.
c o l o r scem e + layout by ch eeze / lo
go by spear / swaptm 1996
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