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05/97 info
As the masses get ready to riot, here comes surge14. This is the collection of art from surge productions, may 1997. This
month, unfortunately, there is close to no productivity from the lo-rez departments. Hmm. Once again, sn releases some
very nice ansis and a few asciis, but otherwise well, i guess i can say we sucked. Ok, now with that behind me some
more bad news. Our favorite ascii man, blood, has been caught
up in a tad bit of controversy. Thanks to rorshack, weve found out about his wrongdoing and booted him back to his
100preteensexpics. Check out bd-rips.ans for more info.. Both represented in this pack, surge has two newcomers. Firs
t is nytefalln for vga, and imani for ascii. We expect good things from them in the future and welcome them. Bac
k from a long abcense is gide.. err, i mean stoner. Stoner came back a couple days before the pack, but already
fills the vacant title of ansi coordinator cus hes muh boy,. hmm beyond that,
all i gotta say is next month looks alot better for surge. If we get the same production from the vga department and build
up our ansi/ascii, things should be looking real good..
abbr name
ans.asc.rip.vga.mus.code sen ra relaye
1 1 sn sadistic nightmare 3 2
ma maligor
ans *st stoner 2
i! internal stalker
fz frizzle
ph ph0man
asc mk mardukk
at alienated testicle
im imani 2
uo umaro 1
cod ka kapheine 1
*gz gonzo 1
js the jester
vga nt nytefalln 2
o2 o2sin 4
*ta tarmac 5
* department head
active inactive *** Any member inactive this month will be dropped
next pack if no subissions are recieved. Idling will not be tolerated.
whq Higher force 203-tmp-down Maligor ushq Lethal
Vengeance 206-313-1963 Mardukk euro Mystic +49-69-514523 Universe
The death star 203-894-1805 Meltdown 911
717-868-3766 Ph0man
surge ftp site ftp://ysc.stpats.net/surge acid artpacks archive ftp://artpacks.acid.org/incoming
surgeweb http://surge.base.org
Surge14 nfo layout: Internal Stalker content: Relaye
Surge Greets: Meltdown, Blade, Zuel, TWISTED..
05/97 info
As the masses get ready to riot, here comes surge14. This is the collection of art from surge productions, may 1997. This
month, unfortunately, there is close to no productivity from the lo-rez departments. Hmm. Once again, sn releases some
very nice ansis and a few asciis, but otherwise well, i guess i can say we sucked. Ok, now with that behind me some
more bad news. Our favorite ascii man, blood, has been caught
up in a tad bit of controversy. Thanks to rorshack, weve found out about his wrongdoing and booted him back to his
100preteensexpics. Check out bd-rips.ans for more info.. Both represented in this pack, surge has two newcomers. Firs
t is nytefalln for vga, and imani for ascii. We expect good things from them in the future and welcome them. Bac
k from a long abcense is gide.. err, i mean stoner. Stoner came back a couple days before the pack, but already
fills the vacant title of ansi coordinator cus hes muh boy,. hmm beyond that,
all i gotta say is next month looks alot better for surge. If we get the same production from the vga department and build
up our ansi/ascii, things should be looking real good..
abbr name
ans.asc.rip.vga.mus.code sen ra relaye
1 1 sn sadistic nightmare 3 2
ma maligor
ans *st stoner 2
i! internal stalker
fz frizzle
ph ph0man
asc mk mardukk
at alienated testicle
im imani 2
uo umaro 1
cod ka kapheine 1
*gz gonzo 1
js the jester
vga nt nytefalln 2
o2 o2sin 4
*ta tarmac 5
* department head
active inactive *** Any member inactive this month will be dropped
next pack if no subissions are recieved. Idling will not be tolerated.
whq Higher force 203-tmp-down Maligor ushq Lethal
Vengeance 206-313-1963 Mardukk euro Mystic +49-69-514523 Universe
The death star 203-894-1805 Meltdown 911
717-868-3766 Ph0man
surge ftp site ftp://ysc.stpats.net/surge acid artpacks archive ftp://artpacks.acid.org/incoming
surgeweb http://surge.base.org
Surge14 nfo layout: Internal Stalker content: Relaye
Surge Greets: Meltdown, Blade, Zuel, TWISTED..
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