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ans2irc 411
aight gz here, this is a nice lil proggy that will strip the ansi
escape code from color ansi/asciis and replaces them with the color
code in mirc.
to use:
use the nice lil /play filename delay.. and to complie from mirc
do a lil run action.. anyways.. this is the script that i have under
popupsmenu bar cuz i know yer all lazy people
best viewed at font terminal size 6, with a decent lengthed nick and
the room maximized, 80characters wide will fit on one line so it will
look nice nice.
well.. dont flood yourself, so keep the mircsciis to like 8 lines..
it all changes depending on server, bots, and all that fun stuff.
also all pics may not compile perfectly.. this will be fixed in
future versions.. so hold on.. as for now.. it works pretty nice nice.
SAUCE00Mircscii 411 Gonzo Surge 1997511P
aight gz here, this is a nice lil proggy that will strip the ansi
escape code from color ansi/asciis and replaces them with the color
code in mirc.
to use:
use the nice lil /play filename delay.. and to complie from mirc
do a lil run action.. anyways.. this is the script that i have under
popupsmenu bar cuz i know yer all lazy people
best viewed at font terminal size 6, with a decent lengthed nick and
the room maximized, 80characters wide will fit on one line so it will
look nice nice.
well.. dont flood yourself, so keep the mircsciis to like 8 lines..
it all changes depending on server, bots, and all that fun stuff.
also all pics may not compile perfectly.. this will be fixed in
future versions.. so hold on.. as for now.. it works pretty nice nice.
SAUCE00Mircscii 411 Gonzo Surge 1997511P
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