this image contains text
./. ?k. .yy,. ,y, ,y,
k T T ,y,
T ,sSk. ,s ./. .d. ,y,
.d T k. jjk,
j T .d,. k ,y,
l T j *Tl TT ,yy,
,. 4T j ,. T . 7 , T .
Tk, ll. l jk, k T
,d/ T uk
. jl *** . T ,
T/,..dk,..,d,..,, :: l, T
,y, /T: l Ss,.
,y,** dT ./.
,y, *T T :
,y,,y, T / /T T
/. ./T . ** //T
pg. ,..,dT.y, , /
, 7* / .
Well, first pack and stuff, in my first pc group. I was never good with
beginings in writing, so id like to get to it. First, I know most people
in the scene has a certien attitude towards new groups, and i can hardly
blaim those doubtfull persons.. when there seemed to be a new stable group
as prelude especially and its leader decides to kill it dont bullshit me
a merge is a complete merge not three or four people for his own selfish
reasons, who am i to blaim you... the doubtfull viewer of this pack...
But let me get a few things stright, first me and Cleaner were against this decision in 100. and we did not saved those opiniuns to ourselves on
the subject. About merging or wannabe merging better word were not
about it... We are not in here to merge into a bigger well established
group. I have no doubt that any of our members could get into those groups
themself, but they have choosen us, and that flatters us very much... This
group is not about me and Cleaner unlike some *cough*deviant*cough group
Why Creating a new group you ask?
Because we feel the scene needs more groups, its not that much of a fun
with two groups in the entire ascii scene.
Why joining us?
Well, we unlike other groups needs each and every one of you talented
artists!, second of all we are about quality not quantity, so each and
every member, get the same attention as the other...
Now about our oldschool team Which im quiete proud of may i say. First
of all Im attempting to create some kind of bridge between the pc and the
amiga oldschool scenes, even though the style of releasing and attitude is
very different in both scenes, one thing we have in common is the
universal art style called ascii... During the years many pc oldschool
artists got influenced by the amiga art style. Many artists in the pc
scene use AFS.COM Amiga Font Simulator in order to create their art. So
naturally we are closer to the amiga side than we think...
So i hope you will enjoy the first pack of Sublime Design and be tuned for
for our next pack to be released in the 15th of next month.
B.T.W: We are looking for newschool and oldschool heads for the group. If
youre interested mail us.
Well, Cleaner typing now. It finally happened, after almost one month that
we exist, were revealing ourself to the scene, with our first artpack.
Everybody know what happened with Prelude, thats why me and Volatile
decided to create this group. I dont have much to say then ill keep
brief. First of all I would like to thanks all the members who trusted us
and teamed up with Sublime, and also all the artists who guested in this
pack: Emok, Gravedancer, Kayozz, Keetar and Rippa. Thanks to all of you
for your support!
Sad but true, we have to say goodbye to Subsonic, he choosed to take a
break from the asciiscene for draw vga, good luck man, youll always be
welcome if you choose to come back to ascii.
As you probably have noticed, we dont have much newschool in this pack,
but remember, quality before quantity! Anyway, well have more in the next
package, thats why we need newschool artists to feel the ranks, if you
think youre good enough, send me a mail including your latest artwork and
some informations about yourself, or catch me on irc :
./. ?k. .yy,. ,y, ,y,
k T T ,y,
T ,sSk. ,s ./. .d. ,y,
.d T k. jjk,
j T .d,. k ,y,
l T j *Tl TT ,yy,
,. 4T j ,. T . 7 , T .
Tk, ll. l jk, k T
,d/ T uk
. jl *** . T ,
T/,..dk,..,d,..,, :: l, T
,y, /T: l Ss,.
,y,** dT ./.
,y, *T T :
,y,,y, T / /T T
/. ./T . ** //T
pg. ,..,dT.y, , /
, 7* / .
Well, first pack and stuff, in my first pc group. I was never good with
beginings in writing, so id like to get to it. First, I know most people
in the scene has a certien attitude towards new groups, and i can hardly
blaim those doubtfull persons.. when there seemed to be a new stable group
as prelude especially and its leader decides to kill it dont bullshit me
a merge is a complete merge not three or four people for his own selfish
reasons, who am i to blaim you... the doubtfull viewer of this pack...
But let me get a few things stright, first me and Cleaner were against this decision in 100. and we did not saved those opiniuns to ourselves on
the subject. About merging or wannabe merging better word were not
about it... We are not in here to merge into a bigger well established
group. I have no doubt that any of our members could get into those groups
themself, but they have choosen us, and that flatters us very much... This
group is not about me and Cleaner unlike some *cough*deviant*cough group
Why Creating a new group you ask?
Because we feel the scene needs more groups, its not that much of a fun
with two groups in the entire ascii scene.
Why joining us?
Well, we unlike other groups needs each and every one of you talented
artists!, second of all we are about quality not quantity, so each and
every member, get the same attention as the other...
Now about our oldschool team Which im quiete proud of may i say. First
of all Im attempting to create some kind of bridge between the pc and the
amiga oldschool scenes, even though the style of releasing and attitude is
very different in both scenes, one thing we have in common is the
universal art style called ascii... During the years many pc oldschool
artists got influenced by the amiga art style. Many artists in the pc
scene use AFS.COM Amiga Font Simulator in order to create their art. So
naturally we are closer to the amiga side than we think...
So i hope you will enjoy the first pack of Sublime Design and be tuned for
for our next pack to be released in the 15th of next month.
B.T.W: We are looking for newschool and oldschool heads for the group. If
youre interested mail us.
Well, Cleaner typing now. It finally happened, after almost one month that
we exist, were revealing ourself to the scene, with our first artpack.
Everybody know what happened with Prelude, thats why me and Volatile
decided to create this group. I dont have much to say then ill keep
brief. First of all I would like to thanks all the members who trusted us
and teamed up with Sublime, and also all the artists who guested in this
pack: Emok, Gravedancer, Kayozz, Keetar and Rippa. Thanks to all of you
for your support!
Sad but true, we have to say goodbye to Subsonic, he choosed to take a
break from the asciiscene for draw vga, good luck man, youll always be
welcome if you choose to come back to ascii.
As you probably have noticed, we dont have much newschool in this pack,
but remember, quality before quantity! Anyway, well have more in the next
package, thats why we need newschool artists to feel the ranks, if you
think youre good enough, send me a mail including your latest artwork and
some informations about yourself, or catch me on irc :
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