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spread the disease
the first sign of infection.
spread the disease.. not so much just a name as it is a lifestyle. the meaning
behind std is spreading ansi.. spreading art. trying to get the fire that used
to burn so bright to flare up once again. giving into the disease that haunts
most of us, the desire to create the best images we can using a very limiting
medium. i personally dedicate this pack to guys like enzo, alla xul, spear,
nokturnal emission, and anyone else still doing ansi and doing it their own way
.i never thought i would see ansi still being produced in 2003. it keeps us
young and keeps us creative. push the boundaries of this artform. keep creatin
gnew and exciting images. infect the minds of all who view your art. most of al
lspread the disease. find us on EFNET on irc in disease. www.spreadthedisease.com coming soon.
the first sign of infection.
spread the disease.. not so much just a name as it is a lifestyle. the meaning
behind std is spreading ansi.. spreading art. trying to get the fire that used
to burn so bright to flare up once again. giving into the disease that haunts
most of us, the desire to create the best images we can using a very limiting
medium. i personally dedicate this pack to guys like enzo, alla xul, spear,
nokturnal emission, and anyone else still doing ansi and doing it their own way
.i never thought i would see ansi still being produced in 2003. it keeps us
young and keeps us creative. push the boundaries of this artform. keep creatin
gnew and exciting images. infect the minds of all who view your art. most of al
lspread the disease. find us on EFNET on irc in disease. www.spreadthedisease.com coming soon.
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