this image contains text
S T A B P A C K 7
Since there are always many things going
on in STAB pack to pack, w
e include an official newsletter to confirm, deny, up
date, and report all sorts o
f stab stuff to you.
The Silver Pentacle-
Silver Pentacle, a local 708 board run by Flo
ra Dawn, has been recently named a
full STAB support site. However, the BBS is
moving to southern Illinois and will not b
e able to support the affiliation.
Disallusioned Society- DS, a 708 boa
rd run by former member Electric Vi
sionary, has been removed as a support site.
Expanding our Horizions-
STAB has recently made a renewed effort to
expand our borders and out of state
acknowledgement. One step towards this
was finding a good relations coordinator who c
ould work to help stab achive this
goal. The result was instating into a STAB a rather
long-time enemy of the senior staf
f, Pyromaniac Pure Resistance. This decision to d
o this was made by me, Captin, i
n an effort to end a rather lame, petty fight shared
for about 8-9 months. So far Pyrom
aniac has done an excellent job as the
relations coordinator, and there will not, nor
do I expect will there be, any prob
lems down the road. There are many positions still o
pen for relations members and cou
riers, as well as Support sites.
Support sites- STAB is looking for suppo
rt sites outside the 708 area code.
Reqirements: - Art oriented
- Board is called frequetl
y, is nicely configured - S
ysop is experienced with net setup
- Open 24 hours B
enefits: - Death Before Corr
uption DBC net - Custom a
rtwork for your board - Adv
ertising throughout the US from ads inclued in the p
acks - Ability to request work
from STAB members If you
are interested in becoming a Support site, call the
STAB WHQ, Suicidal Entity, at 7088
89-8135, and leave mail to the sysop, Suicide.
Bug trouble- STABVIE
W seems to have a bug when viewing some types of
rip files. This was stated by Bedl
am in the last pack so we think its a good
idea to tell you the rips STABVIEW has trouble
with. This month Supreme Purga
torys SP-ACDMY.RIP locks up STABVIEW. Please view t
his rip in ACIDs ACIDVIEW tm or
a similar viewer. STABVIEWs coder, Bleys, is curr
ently on vacation, but when he gets
back he will be totally recoding STABVIEW. This
is due in part that the source code
being lost in a hd crash. So in the
upcoming packs look for a brand new STABVIEW w
ith all the great things the old
one had, plus a collection of all new supported forma
ts and abilities: STABVIEW 4.00
Teimeus- Has been demoted t
o member status during his leave of absence.
Black Pawn- Has been dem
oted to trial member due to inactivity.
CyberKnight- Has been removed from ST
AB due to inactivity. Dr. Clone
- Has joined from invitation as a full Mu
sician. Eomer- Has b
een re-instated from invitation as a full Courier.
IronGhost- Has been
demoted to trial member due to inactivity.
Kobb- Has joined as a tr
ial Musician. Nemph-
Has been promoted to full member status.
Polynominal C- Has been
promoted to full member status.
Ravenwolf- Has been demoted to tria
l member due to inactivity. Red
King- Has resigned from STAB due to inabil
ity to produce with a job and soo
n leaving to college. We wish you well, DBC!
Silicon Mirage- Has been
promoted to full member status.
The STAB pack 7 Newsletter was written by Cap
tin, founder of STAB.
S T A B - D E A T
Since there are always many things going
on in STAB pack to pack, w
e include an official newsletter to confirm, deny, up
date, and report all sorts o
f stab stuff to you.
The Silver Pentacle-
Silver Pentacle, a local 708 board run by Flo
ra Dawn, has been recently named a
full STAB support site. However, the BBS is
moving to southern Illinois and will not b
e able to support the affiliation.
Disallusioned Society- DS, a 708 boa
rd run by former member Electric Vi
sionary, has been removed as a support site.
Expanding our Horizions-
STAB has recently made a renewed effort to
expand our borders and out of state
acknowledgement. One step towards this
was finding a good relations coordinator who c
ould work to help stab achive this
goal. The result was instating into a STAB a rather
long-time enemy of the senior staf
f, Pyromaniac Pure Resistance. This decision to d
o this was made by me, Captin, i
n an effort to end a rather lame, petty fight shared
for about 8-9 months. So far Pyrom
aniac has done an excellent job as the
relations coordinator, and there will not, nor
do I expect will there be, any prob
lems down the road. There are many positions still o
pen for relations members and cou
riers, as well as Support sites.
Support sites- STAB is looking for suppo
rt sites outside the 708 area code.
Reqirements: - Art oriented
- Board is called frequetl
y, is nicely configured - S
ysop is experienced with net setup
- Open 24 hours B
enefits: - Death Before Corr
uption DBC net - Custom a
rtwork for your board - Adv
ertising throughout the US from ads inclued in the p
acks - Ability to request work
from STAB members If you
are interested in becoming a Support site, call the
STAB WHQ, Suicidal Entity, at 7088
89-8135, and leave mail to the sysop, Suicide.
Bug trouble- STABVIE
W seems to have a bug when viewing some types of
rip files. This was stated by Bedl
am in the last pack so we think its a good
idea to tell you the rips STABVIEW has trouble
with. This month Supreme Purga
torys SP-ACDMY.RIP locks up STABVIEW. Please view t
his rip in ACIDs ACIDVIEW tm or
a similar viewer. STABVIEWs coder, Bleys, is curr
ently on vacation, but when he gets
back he will be totally recoding STABVIEW. This
is due in part that the source code
being lost in a hd crash. So in the
upcoming packs look for a brand new STABVIEW w
ith all the great things the old
one had, plus a collection of all new supported forma
ts and abilities: STABVIEW 4.00
Teimeus- Has been demoted t
o member status during his leave of absence.
Black Pawn- Has been dem
oted to trial member due to inactivity.
CyberKnight- Has been removed from ST
AB due to inactivity. Dr. Clone
- Has joined from invitation as a full Mu
sician. Eomer- Has b
een re-instated from invitation as a full Courier.
IronGhost- Has been
demoted to trial member due to inactivity.
Kobb- Has joined as a tr
ial Musician. Nemph-
Has been promoted to full member status.
Polynominal C- Has been
promoted to full member status.
Ravenwolf- Has been demoted to tria
l member due to inactivity. Red
King- Has resigned from STAB due to inabil
ity to produce with a job and soo
n leaving to college. We wish you well, DBC!
Silicon Mirage- Has been
promoted to full member status.
The STAB pack 7 Newsletter was written by Cap
tin, founder of STAB.
S T A B - D E A T
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