this image contains text
takeayedump buffer saved on Sat Apr 12 19:57:44 1997
*** Now talking in takeayedump
*** martz sets mode: +l 2
*** martz sets mode: +s
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has joined takeayedump
whirr and what the hell is this?
martz hello
martz this is an interview
martz Name you full nick and affiliations
whirr ill just bet it is. Youre just using me for my godliness. oh
whirr WindRider Quad-P/Revolt/bunch of other dead groups.
martz ok, whats up?
whirr oh whole bunch of not much, which is why im here
instead of out doing reality.
martz well ok, the interview is over i guess......
whirr good questions so far.
martz tnx...
martz end of interview for now
whirr kick me, you know you wanna...
martz ill have a longer one later mang
*** whirr was kicked by martz did my boot get in yer anus?
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has joined takeayedump
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has left takeayedump
*** mr4tune phourt@dd23-042.compuserve.com has joined
martz hoho
mr4tune haha
martz Well, here we go, name you full nick and affiliations plz
mr4tune interview ? for what ?
mr4tune well Im mr4tune of cia , awe and echo
martz good...
mr4tune hi and stuff
martz well can yew tell us something about yerself?
mr4tune depends on whatcho wanna hear
martz well anything
mr4tune yah well I do original ansi at ma 3 groups and I run a
board located in ma hometown berlin/germany called kafkaesk
martz cool
martz well thats it mate
martz nice interviewing yew
mr4tune thats ma word
martz well cya around
mr4tune I just recognized that this is ma life ... doin ansi and
runnin a board
mr4tune aint that sad ?
martz well, yeah
mr4tune AINT THAT SAD ?
martz yew *SHOULD* go out more
mr4tune yah .. aight , so Im gonna kill maself now .. THANKS
martz yer welcome, goodbye
mr4tune k
mr4tune cu
mr4tune on da other side
martz ttyl
mr4tune or somethin
*** mr4tune phourt@dd23-042.compuserve.com has left
*** ZeusII beyotch@t3o8p12.telia.com has joined
martz heyhey
martz Well, here we go...
martz name yer full nick and affiliations
ZeusII Zeus II / twilight / err is it OK if i mention GULP cosysop
martz sure
ZeusII ok Zeus II / twilight / gulp cosysop then.
martz cool
martz well tell us somefing about yerself
ZeusII erhm ok I draw oldschool ansi and I think there should be
more ansipic artists in the scene
martz good good... me too
ZeusII I say the scene is moving towards too many logos..
martz yes, i think so myself...
martz although i draw oldskool, so its logos only
martz well i think i requested a pic from yew once
ZeusII hey. then we must be friends
ZeusII but honestly
ZeusII I think too many artists just give up doing ansipics cuz its
hard and they think theyre bad at it
ZeusII but I say DO IT ANYWAY
martz yew are rite
martz absolutely
martz well, i guess the interviews over.... see ya around mate
ZeusII haha thats a short mother fucker
ZeusII 2 questions?
martz i know... we have low fundings
martz 4tune commited sucide btw
ZeusII thats bad
ZeusII you should try some ads
ZeusII or something
martz well, i think im done....
ZeusII Is the emag really called takeayedump, or no, or are you
just doing this for fun?
martz i guess im doing it for fun
ZeusII haha. Its a scam, isnt it!!!?!@
ZeusII ok ok Im going. next time I recomend you have some
good questions :
martz ok
martz ttyl
*** ZeusII beyotch@t3o8p12.telia.com has left takeayedump
End of takeayedump buffer Sat Apr 12 19:57:44 1997
*** Now talking in takeayedump
*** martz sets mode: +l 2
*** martz sets mode: +s
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has joined takeayedump
whirr and what the hell is this?
martz hello
martz this is an interview
martz Name you full nick and affiliations
whirr ill just bet it is. Youre just using me for my godliness. oh
whirr WindRider Quad-P/Revolt/bunch of other dead groups.
martz ok, whats up?
whirr oh whole bunch of not much, which is why im here
instead of out doing reality.
martz well ok, the interview is over i guess......
whirr good questions so far.
martz tnx...
martz end of interview for now
whirr kick me, you know you wanna...
martz ill have a longer one later mang
*** whirr was kicked by martz did my boot get in yer anus?
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has joined takeayedump
*** whirr dwb300@janus1-1.usask.ca has left takeayedump
*** mr4tune phourt@dd23-042.compuserve.com has joined
martz hoho
mr4tune haha
martz Well, here we go, name you full nick and affiliations plz
mr4tune interview ? for what ?
mr4tune well Im mr4tune of cia , awe and echo
martz good...
mr4tune hi and stuff
martz well can yew tell us something about yerself?
mr4tune depends on whatcho wanna hear
martz well anything
mr4tune yah well I do original ansi at ma 3 groups and I run a
board located in ma hometown berlin/germany called kafkaesk
martz cool
martz well thats it mate
martz nice interviewing yew
mr4tune thats ma word
martz well cya around
mr4tune I just recognized that this is ma life ... doin ansi and
runnin a board
mr4tune aint that sad ?
martz well, yeah
mr4tune AINT THAT SAD ?
martz yew *SHOULD* go out more
mr4tune yah .. aight , so Im gonna kill maself now .. THANKS
martz yer welcome, goodbye
mr4tune k
mr4tune cu
mr4tune on da other side
martz ttyl
mr4tune or somethin
*** mr4tune phourt@dd23-042.compuserve.com has left
*** ZeusII beyotch@t3o8p12.telia.com has joined
martz heyhey
martz Well, here we go...
martz name yer full nick and affiliations
ZeusII Zeus II / twilight / err is it OK if i mention GULP cosysop
martz sure
ZeusII ok Zeus II / twilight / gulp cosysop then.
martz cool
martz well tell us somefing about yerself
ZeusII erhm ok I draw oldschool ansi and I think there should be
more ansipic artists in the scene
martz good good... me too
ZeusII I say the scene is moving towards too many logos..
martz yes, i think so myself...
martz although i draw oldskool, so its logos only
martz well i think i requested a pic from yew once
ZeusII hey. then we must be friends
ZeusII but honestly
ZeusII I think too many artists just give up doing ansipics cuz its
hard and they think theyre bad at it
ZeusII but I say DO IT ANYWAY
martz yew are rite
martz absolutely
martz well, i guess the interviews over.... see ya around mate
ZeusII haha thats a short mother fucker
ZeusII 2 questions?
martz i know... we have low fundings
martz 4tune commited sucide btw
ZeusII thats bad
ZeusII you should try some ads
ZeusII or something
martz well, i think im done....
ZeusII Is the emag really called takeayedump, or no, or are you
just doing this for fun?
martz i guess im doing it for fun
ZeusII haha. Its a scam, isnt it!!!?!@
ZeusII ok ok Im going. next time I recomend you have some
good questions :
martz ok
martz ttyl
*** ZeusII beyotch@t3o8p12.telia.com has left takeayedump
End of takeayedump buffer Sat Apr 12 19:57:44 1997
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