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do you remember dthe yodaysremeiner 69?e the days in 69?
Seeing all the skinheadsngstanding inkanlines sheads standing in a line
Foamdombeyoudthrememberredtheeyodaysremeiner 69?uth, Waiting for a fight
HighSeeingnalldthestskinheadsngstandingsinkanlinehair, what a fuckin sight
you Foamingbeat dthe ymouth,mWaiting 6for amfi you remember the days
g meiner 69?e days iir,gwhatsalfuckindsing all the skinheads stand
nggsinkanlines standing ig for amfight Waitiing at the mouth, Waiting
boysremeiner 69?e days a fuckindsight, what boots, cropped hair, what a
lindingsinkanlines astandi
igng 6for amfight Waiti 69 do you remember the days in 69?
igsalfuckindsight,gwhataal seeing all the skinheads standing in a line
inmfight Waiting for a fi foaming at the mouth, Waiting for a fight
t dsight, what a fuckin si high boots, cropped hair, what a fuckin sight
. c h a o s . 4 - s k i n s
er dthe yodaysremeiner 69?e the days in 69? tanding in a lin
kinheadsngstanding inkanlines sheads stano you remember the days
memberredtheeyodaysremeiner 69?uth, Waitineeing all the skinheads stand
estskinheadsngstandingsinkanlinehair, what oaming at the mouth, Waiting
the ymouth,mWaiting 6for amfi you remembeigh boots, cropped hair, what a
Seeing all the skinheadsngstanding inkanlines sheads standing in a line
Foamdombeyoudthrememberredtheeyodaysremeiner 69?uth, Waiting for a fight
HighSeeingnalldthestskinheadsngstandingsinkanlinehair, what a fuckin sight
you Foamingbeat dthe ymouth,mWaiting 6for amfi you remember the days
g meiner 69?e days iir,gwhatsalfuckindsing all the skinheads stand
nggsinkanlines standing ig for amfight Waitiing at the mouth, Waiting
boysremeiner 69?e days a fuckindsight, what boots, cropped hair, what a
lindingsinkanlines astandi
igng 6for amfight Waiti 69 do you remember the days in 69?
igsalfuckindsight,gwhataal seeing all the skinheads standing in a line
inmfight Waiting for a fi foaming at the mouth, Waiting for a fight
t dsight, what a fuckin si high boots, cropped hair, what a fuckin sight
. c h a o s . 4 - s k i n s
er dthe yodaysremeiner 69?e the days in 69? tanding in a lin
kinheadsngstanding inkanlines sheads stano you remember the days
memberredtheeyodaysremeiner 69?uth, Waitineeing all the skinheads stand
estskinheadsngstandingsinkanlinehair, what oaming at the mouth, Waiting
the ymouth,mWaiting 6for amfi you remembeigh boots, cropped hair, what a
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