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m a s c O t c O l l y
ok this is a cOlly of the mascots splat has, one for each division,
also there is one dinky one for the coder cuz we only have one so i did it to represent him, same with the internet dewd. kradkid is the main doo that is the mascot of all..and then sexy leroy is the ansi mascot, i know i know the size isalot different but hey I just drew these with imagination soo...i could not
really have the right sizes and stuff...but as long as its good in my eyes and
i like it hey etz coo.. letz do a run down on all the mascots, sides kradkid
there is sexy leroy the ansi mascot, then spewky the coder, then halbert is the
ascii mascot, and gHETtObOy is our vga/rip mascot, oh jeah and laymur is our
internet dewd.. oh jeah and i put Neros on em cuz theyre 100 mE me me :
and cuz i was bored..
O .
: neros :
. k r a d k i d .
if it dunt make dolluhz it dunt make sense, punk ass bitchez
eihtjeahshouldicontinue? yaleftoutdagcuzdagaint injoo
: neros :
. s e x y l e r o y .
oh hOe gO hOme, gO hOme!
spewky eh? damn
eye cont drawl
: neros :
. s p e w k y .
stop cussing in public my children are listening! eat a dick bitch!
: neros :
. h a l b e r t .
bitch bettuh have muh munee
: neros :
. g h e t t o b o y .
if you aint nevuh been to da ghetto, stay da fuck out!
: neros :
. l a y m u r .
yew was standin on da wall like jew was poindextuh
dis has been a 1O1 percent original Nero of Splat Productions
ok this is a cOlly of the mascots splat has, one for each division,
also there is one dinky one for the coder cuz we only have one so i did it to represent him, same with the internet dewd. kradkid is the main doo that is the mascot of all..and then sexy leroy is the ansi mascot, i know i know the size isalot different but hey I just drew these with imagination soo...i could not
really have the right sizes and stuff...but as long as its good in my eyes and
i like it hey etz coo.. letz do a run down on all the mascots, sides kradkid
there is sexy leroy the ansi mascot, then spewky the coder, then halbert is the
ascii mascot, and gHETtObOy is our vga/rip mascot, oh jeah and laymur is our
internet dewd.. oh jeah and i put Neros on em cuz theyre 100 mE me me :
and cuz i was bored..
O .
: neros :
. k r a d k i d .
if it dunt make dolluhz it dunt make sense, punk ass bitchez
eihtjeahshouldicontinue? yaleftoutdagcuzdagaint injoo
: neros :
. s e x y l e r o y .
oh hOe gO hOme, gO hOme!
spewky eh? damn
eye cont drawl
: neros :
. s p e w k y .
stop cussing in public my children are listening! eat a dick bitch!
: neros :
. h a l b e r t .
bitch bettuh have muh munee
: neros :
. g h e t t o b o y .
if you aint nevuh been to da ghetto, stay da fuck out!
: neros :
. l a y m u r .
yew was standin on da wall like jew was poindextuh
dis has been a 1O1 percent original Nero of Splat Productions
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