this image contains text
/ dIS...rIGHT?
p h u x 0 r
s t u f f
Ok well call me a dumb shit but I lost the damned .nfo file I had made awhile
ago so Im starting from scratch. And before you groan about another group
look at the pack first eh and if you dont like it, then join and help us,
other wise shutthefuckup, As I write this Im hoping that I get the appgen
today, and if it aint there well Im extremely sorry it isnt. This group wontbe different from all the other groups, except skill level maybe and I guess
we arent assholes here like some groups But other than that, I wont try tokid you, yes our art may suck, or lack what some people call talent but we try to put out our best, not for you however, but to please ourselves, I myself could care less about what someone thinks of this. I hope ya like reading
people rambling because I do it alot. I guess Ill start by telling ya a lil
bit about sites and stuff and joining our friendly group hehe, anyway, ok so
on irc Im there quite a bit now so you can talk to me there, however, Ive had
alot of people /msg me about being a site, and Ive said wait for the appgen andmake an app and send it in, just so I can have the information somewhere safe
sides just the number and stuff. Right now we need a western HQ, a USHQ, a
Central HQ I guess, distro sites, and maybe a Euro HQ, or whatever type of HQ yacan think of. If you apply to be a site, Ill call your board to check out how
it looks, and everything. For distro sites, I only want one per AC, some
exceptions MAY be made, I dunno. If you dont have internet access 1. Youd
have to call LD to get packs hehe, and 2. Youll have to call my board the
colosseum to submit an app. I run NUV, so what youd probably be better off
doing is using my matrix and selecting Splat and uploading an app, this
applies to want-to-be members also. We need artists in all fields, rip/vga/ansilit/music/ascii everything, ansi is our biggest depo but we can always use you if cool and are good enough which isnt much But dont hesitate applying,
we dont care who you are, and as for dual grouping, its allowed but I mean
I personally think its kinda cheezy, but if you can take the demands and stuff
go for it. OK enough of that shit. Lets get on with the members. ME, ok well
Im just yer local k-rad dood I guess, people like me I hope, I dont think
I have problems with many people. I started doing phontz but then I started to get into pics after I did nr-spawn.ans but I need to goto the comic store nowfor cykos request. I dunwanna talk about me so Ill talk about Seize, seize
is uhm well a nice guy, he got into art about when I did 1 month ago? he has yet to try a pic, I guess he doesnt think he can do it. But I like his phontz
so be sure to look for him, hes on irc as Seize, Im on irc as nero or ner0
when people steal my damn nick, and if someone uses that im nero or nero or
ner0 But if ya see any ner in Ansi its probably me, unless its neuro hehe,
lesse as long as were talking about internet access, Ill tell ya about the twoother members that can be caught on IRC. First is Sydlexius who does a mixture
of things like ansi/music/coding etc, hell mainly do art for us, but maybe an
occasional s3m. He hasnt released anything this month do to his schedule, so
well show him off in august. Last person with I-net is Sexecutioner our VGA
Coordinator, he comes to us from AiM, hes still in AiM however. I dont think
hell have anything in the pack either because he is very new to our group.
But to see some of his VGA look in an AiM pack, I remember seeing it in AiM 3.
Hes coo, and we lub him. Ok thats it for people with I-Net, oh yeah Sexy goes
by sexectner on IRC. Ok Ill introduce to you Maddog Hoek, a sysop of a localboard called PyroGenesis, hes a cool guy, oh wait he has internet accces, oops,but I dont know if he can IRC, for more info on him read README!.TXT and
be amazed . Next is our other senior besides me and seize, who is Cav, cav
was in RiVAL for a bit, I think February. Hes a cool guy and uhm, Ill let hisansi speak for him . Ok next is Soda, he runs a local board named TNT, and hestarted doodling when I did I guess, hes a good artist and is getting into
ascii now I guess. Ok last but and maybe least, no Im joking hehe, is natas boy. Natas Boy is probably our newest to drawing artist in our group here and hes improving everytime he does an ansi. I think he has one ansi in here, but
Im not sure. Ok our fabulous coder is Spooky who was in rival as curse, umm
well hopefully his appgen is in our pack, then you can see his stuff. As I typethis Im thinking Cav might have a InterNet address, but Im not sure, in the
next pack Ill put all the members internet addresses. Once I get things
set up with one net everyone will have email in the groupThats it for members
I hope if I forgot ya Im really sorry. Lemme go back again to applying and
stuff, we also would like demo/loader coders if your out there, also people who
are into the InterNet and know it really well, if youd like to be internet
dood tell me and if ya can help us make a bot, a homepage, and alot of other
things yer in . Also I think we need a telecom guy, so if your out there,
cmere we need you. If one of these things isnt in the appgen then write me
mail nero@primenet.com and Ill go do somethin I guess. Word about the pack :Hey its our first pack, chill, we hope to have many more to come and to not justdie like alot of groups are doing. The next pack will be better, i promise you.Well I cant think of much more to say. Oh yeah, about this .nfo file, I had
a really nice one but I deleted it and Im too lazy to redo that whole thing,
so live with this, and if you didnt read it screw you too. If ya did, thank
you, Im flattered. And if you read it and liked it Im more flattered, and if
you read it and hated it screw ya again Also the appgen I was just told will
be done soon, but its not pretty yet, thats going to be the next pack, right
now we just wanted to have something you could use to apply with Later On
/ dIS...rIGHT?
p h u x 0 r
s t u f f
Ok well call me a dumb shit but I lost the damned .nfo file I had made awhile
ago so Im starting from scratch. And before you groan about another group
look at the pack first eh and if you dont like it, then join and help us,
other wise shutthefuckup, As I write this Im hoping that I get the appgen
today, and if it aint there well Im extremely sorry it isnt. This group wontbe different from all the other groups, except skill level maybe and I guess
we arent assholes here like some groups But other than that, I wont try tokid you, yes our art may suck, or lack what some people call talent but we try to put out our best, not for you however, but to please ourselves, I myself could care less about what someone thinks of this. I hope ya like reading
people rambling because I do it alot. I guess Ill start by telling ya a lil
bit about sites and stuff and joining our friendly group hehe, anyway, ok so
on irc Im there quite a bit now so you can talk to me there, however, Ive had
alot of people /msg me about being a site, and Ive said wait for the appgen andmake an app and send it in, just so I can have the information somewhere safe
sides just the number and stuff. Right now we need a western HQ, a USHQ, a
Central HQ I guess, distro sites, and maybe a Euro HQ, or whatever type of HQ yacan think of. If you apply to be a site, Ill call your board to check out how
it looks, and everything. For distro sites, I only want one per AC, some
exceptions MAY be made, I dunno. If you dont have internet access 1. Youd
have to call LD to get packs hehe, and 2. Youll have to call my board the
colosseum to submit an app. I run NUV, so what youd probably be better off
doing is using my matrix and selecting Splat and uploading an app, this
applies to want-to-be members also. We need artists in all fields, rip/vga/ansilit/music/ascii everything, ansi is our biggest depo but we can always use you if cool and are good enough which isnt much But dont hesitate applying,
we dont care who you are, and as for dual grouping, its allowed but I mean
I personally think its kinda cheezy, but if you can take the demands and stuff
go for it. OK enough of that shit. Lets get on with the members. ME, ok well
Im just yer local k-rad dood I guess, people like me I hope, I dont think
I have problems with many people. I started doing phontz but then I started to get into pics after I did nr-spawn.ans but I need to goto the comic store nowfor cykos request. I dunwanna talk about me so Ill talk about Seize, seize
is uhm well a nice guy, he got into art about when I did 1 month ago? he has yet to try a pic, I guess he doesnt think he can do it. But I like his phontz
so be sure to look for him, hes on irc as Seize, Im on irc as nero or ner0
when people steal my damn nick, and if someone uses that im nero or nero or
ner0 But if ya see any ner in Ansi its probably me, unless its neuro hehe,
lesse as long as were talking about internet access, Ill tell ya about the twoother members that can be caught on IRC. First is Sydlexius who does a mixture
of things like ansi/music/coding etc, hell mainly do art for us, but maybe an
occasional s3m. He hasnt released anything this month do to his schedule, so
well show him off in august. Last person with I-net is Sexecutioner our VGA
Coordinator, he comes to us from AiM, hes still in AiM however. I dont think
hell have anything in the pack either because he is very new to our group.
But to see some of his VGA look in an AiM pack, I remember seeing it in AiM 3.
Hes coo, and we lub him. Ok thats it for people with I-Net, oh yeah Sexy goes
by sexectner on IRC. Ok Ill introduce to you Maddog Hoek, a sysop of a localboard called PyroGenesis, hes a cool guy, oh wait he has internet accces, oops,but I dont know if he can IRC, for more info on him read README!.TXT and
be amazed . Next is our other senior besides me and seize, who is Cav, cav
was in RiVAL for a bit, I think February. Hes a cool guy and uhm, Ill let hisansi speak for him . Ok next is Soda, he runs a local board named TNT, and hestarted doodling when I did I guess, hes a good artist and is getting into
ascii now I guess. Ok last but and maybe least, no Im joking hehe, is natas boy. Natas Boy is probably our newest to drawing artist in our group here and hes improving everytime he does an ansi. I think he has one ansi in here, but
Im not sure. Ok our fabulous coder is Spooky who was in rival as curse, umm
well hopefully his appgen is in our pack, then you can see his stuff. As I typethis Im thinking Cav might have a InterNet address, but Im not sure, in the
next pack Ill put all the members internet addresses. Once I get things
set up with one net everyone will have email in the groupThats it for members
I hope if I forgot ya Im really sorry. Lemme go back again to applying and
stuff, we also would like demo/loader coders if your out there, also people who
are into the InterNet and know it really well, if youd like to be internet
dood tell me and if ya can help us make a bot, a homepage, and alot of other
things yer in . Also I think we need a telecom guy, so if your out there,
cmere we need you. If one of these things isnt in the appgen then write me
mail nero@primenet.com and Ill go do somethin I guess. Word about the pack :Hey its our first pack, chill, we hope to have many more to come and to not justdie like alot of groups are doing. The next pack will be better, i promise you.Well I cant think of much more to say. Oh yeah, about this .nfo file, I had
a really nice one but I deleted it and Im too lazy to redo that whole thing,
so live with this, and if you didnt read it screw you too. If ya did, thank
you, Im flattered. And if you read it and liked it Im more flattered, and if
you read it and hated it screw ya again Also the appgen I was just told will
be done soon, but its not pretty yet, thats going to be the next pack, right
now we just wanted to have something you could use to apply with Later On
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