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,ss.:: ,ss.:: ::::: zow... the sig gets bigger every month... the :: ss. .: sss :: trademark ever-changing ascii sig, that is... :::. sss.::: ..::: heres an ok picture for spastic ...... i hope you : s4...s.: ::::: like it. read y0lk... talk to me on irc... et s :: ::::: cetera, and other important shit... ya know, i :.b ,s ::::: always think... damn, i wish i had a bigger box to ::::.bs: :::: write more in... now look at me. ugh, outa room. ::::::.P:: .::::::::::::::..::: .::::::: email: stain@novasys.com vmb: 1-800-314-8885 842
rust: 1000 nodes. acid whq.ice whq.int whq.20 gigs.xXxxXx-xXxX.moo goo gai pa
rust: 1000 nodes. acid whq.ice whq.int whq.20 gigs.xXxxXx-xXxX.moo goo gai pa
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