this image contains text
s yahoo.. er.. i just found out that 70 of this months
sss work was deleted cuz i was fooling around with os/2...
sssss but who cares, most of the people i drew for got their
ssss stuff, i hope... eh. well, here is my logocluster for
s s this month. y0wl. hope you enjoy it and stuff... l8r
email: stain@novasys.com vmb: 1-800-314-8885 box number 842 web: coming soon
shitty little file header for cirron bbs software
cirron bbs...
i have a
feeling this
thing is never
coming out so
why did i make
this logo?
c i r r o n
-what a cool acronym. hmm i forget who i did this for, too... probably someone
cool enough to get me to draw a logo for him.
.ministry of outkasts.
we really do loo
k like this.
stain - tripe -
-ok, i have one more thing this month, about 25-30 lines or something, but i
cant get it on my hd... however, its on my unix, so im sending it to the
wizard... just explaining why its not on my stack. st-pitt.ans hope you like
dmy pitiful submission for this month. im not lazy, im just stupid and i lik
eto delete stuff ...if you want something from me, catch me on irc as stain
or email me or call my vmb. info at the top just below the sig seeya. -s
-billy corgan is my love slave. he lives in my closet, next to all the dead ani
mals and jimmy hoffa.... boo.
sss work was deleted cuz i was fooling around with os/2...
sssss but who cares, most of the people i drew for got their
ssss stuff, i hope... eh. well, here is my logocluster for
s s this month. y0wl. hope you enjoy it and stuff... l8r
email: stain@novasys.com vmb: 1-800-314-8885 box number 842 web: coming soon
shitty little file header for cirron bbs software
cirron bbs...
i have a
feeling this
thing is never
coming out so
why did i make
this logo?
c i r r o n
-what a cool acronym. hmm i forget who i did this for, too... probably someone
cool enough to get me to draw a logo for him.
.ministry of outkasts.
we really do loo
k like this.
stain - tripe -
-ok, i have one more thing this month, about 25-30 lines or something, but i
cant get it on my hd... however, its on my unix, so im sending it to the
wizard... just explaining why its not on my stack. st-pitt.ans hope you like
dmy pitiful submission for this month. im not lazy, im just stupid and i lik
eto delete stuff ...if you want something from me, catch me on irc as stain
or email me or call my vmb. info at the top just below the sig seeya. -s
-billy corgan is my love slave. he lives in my closet, next to all the dead ani
mals and jimmy hoffa.... boo.
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