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spastic newsletter ...
-the wizards part-
welcome to the august spastic pak! so many changes have happened this month.
for one, i decided to come back into the scene big time and regain control of
spastic. secondly, spastic merged with a very promising 215/610 area code based
ansi group. thirdly, spastic added a vga division to the group, allowing for ne
wartists of any type of artwork to join now. spastic is no longer limited to
accepting only ansi artists. times are changing for spastic, and ideas are
changing. this pack may not be our best yet, but at least we are still alive.
and with these new changes, and with being alive still, comes hope. and i am
guaranteed that spastic will regain the once high world-wide respect very
shortly, if we have not already done that.
-rustys part-
hi, this is rusty of acm...err..spastic! formerly, shadowhawk and i formed a
group known as acme which you all know about but we merged with spastic and
so now were here and its spastic all the way!!in spastic 95 i hope to see
the rise of our group and the improvement of our artists. what the merger means
is that acme is now gone but spastic is bigger and better, and i think its a
better spotlight for the acme boys! to let you know, shadowhawk and i come on
as senior staffers, cryptic blood is staying on as the spastic global
coordinator. so i hope everyone in the scene is ready for some more what were
about, and dont worry, wizard, cause that slump you were telling me about
should end just about now.. hasta till next month.
-shadowhaws part-
ello! umm.. its like midnight and wizard just told me and rusty to write
our part of the newsletter. well, excuse the poorly typing errors and such,
its late! Well the point of this is that im supposed to right something that
about a couple of thousand people are going to read. no pressure, right? ok,
acme to tell the truth was kinda wierd for a while. if you saw the subs on
cybergenesis mine, or point omega rustys there was about 75 new posts
each day. and of those posts most of them were wars. fighting about things that
made no sense whatsoever. we needed change, so when the oppurtunity arroused
to join spastic, well the rest is present. adios... and time for bed.
-the wizards part..again-
well, there was just a couple other things i have to mention before i let
you all check out the pak. there were an influx of new members this month with
the acme merge and such. i would like to acknowledge krieg and eojin. they
rejoined spastic, and used to be in spastic during pack one, but left due
to the groups politics. but now that everything is cool in spastic, they
rejoined. its great to have them back. there a group couple of guys. also,
spastic wants to acknowledge shadowhand from blade. he is a great addition
to spastic. and of course, welcome to call those acme guys!
the wizard founder/president
rusty senior member
shadowhawk senior member
ps- if you would like to apply to spastic, or leave feedback on what you
thought about the pak, you can email skaufman@netaxs.com, or call the whq,
psycotic rebellion at 610-262-1664 and email the wizard, or contact any
senior staffers. and last but not least, you can call the spastic voice mail
box at 1-800-241-7337 Box: 1682. cya all next month
psps - one more little note. after 2 1/2 years, the stellar nights former
spastic world headquarters is gone. i was bored ith running a bbs. tsn
will always hold a lot of nice memories, and i hope people never forget about
the stellar nights bbs. i know i wont.
spastic newsletter ...
-the wizards part-
welcome to the august spastic pak! so many changes have happened this month.
for one, i decided to come back into the scene big time and regain control of
spastic. secondly, spastic merged with a very promising 215/610 area code based
ansi group. thirdly, spastic added a vga division to the group, allowing for ne
wartists of any type of artwork to join now. spastic is no longer limited to
accepting only ansi artists. times are changing for spastic, and ideas are
changing. this pack may not be our best yet, but at least we are still alive.
and with these new changes, and with being alive still, comes hope. and i am
guaranteed that spastic will regain the once high world-wide respect very
shortly, if we have not already done that.
-rustys part-
hi, this is rusty of acm...err..spastic! formerly, shadowhawk and i formed a
group known as acme which you all know about but we merged with spastic and
so now were here and its spastic all the way!!in spastic 95 i hope to see
the rise of our group and the improvement of our artists. what the merger means
is that acme is now gone but spastic is bigger and better, and i think its a
better spotlight for the acme boys! to let you know, shadowhawk and i come on
as senior staffers, cryptic blood is staying on as the spastic global
coordinator. so i hope everyone in the scene is ready for some more what were
about, and dont worry, wizard, cause that slump you were telling me about
should end just about now.. hasta till next month.
-shadowhaws part-
ello! umm.. its like midnight and wizard just told me and rusty to write
our part of the newsletter. well, excuse the poorly typing errors and such,
its late! Well the point of this is that im supposed to right something that
about a couple of thousand people are going to read. no pressure, right? ok,
acme to tell the truth was kinda wierd for a while. if you saw the subs on
cybergenesis mine, or point omega rustys there was about 75 new posts
each day. and of those posts most of them were wars. fighting about things that
made no sense whatsoever. we needed change, so when the oppurtunity arroused
to join spastic, well the rest is present. adios... and time for bed.
-the wizards part..again-
well, there was just a couple other things i have to mention before i let
you all check out the pak. there were an influx of new members this month with
the acme merge and such. i would like to acknowledge krieg and eojin. they
rejoined spastic, and used to be in spastic during pack one, but left due
to the groups politics. but now that everything is cool in spastic, they
rejoined. its great to have them back. there a group couple of guys. also,
spastic wants to acknowledge shadowhand from blade. he is a great addition
to spastic. and of course, welcome to call those acme guys!
the wizard founder/president
rusty senior member
shadowhawk senior member
ps- if you would like to apply to spastic, or leave feedback on what you
thought about the pak, you can email skaufman@netaxs.com, or call the whq,
psycotic rebellion at 610-262-1664 and email the wizard, or contact any
senior staffers. and last but not least, you can call the spastic voice mail
box at 1-800-241-7337 Box: 1682. cya all next month
psps - one more little note. after 2 1/2 years, the stellar nights former
spastic world headquarters is gone. i was bored ith running a bbs. tsn
will always hold a lot of nice memories, and i hope people never forget about
the stellar nights bbs. i know i wont.
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