this image contains text
if you did not read my first font thing, the general idea was i know my
fonts look the same. to me they are all different so like, dont tell me about it
if you have not been bugged for an ansi by mind freeze you are a rare breed..
a r c t i c
i n sa ni t y
dvation. i think it is a magazine. oh well, i got an ansi for this thing. yip
another chains of destruction font. he had the nerve to ask me for another!..
of destruction
uhm. kfc font for asphixia. i asked him what it was, and he said dont ask...
fonts are getting smaller. this is for valley of the buffalo . i wont ask
v o t b
this is for myrddins board break on through . where the hell is his mag?!
uhmm. i guess that is it for this month. i still have a shitload of requests,
trades, freebies, to do for people. so please think about that if you want an
ansi from me. but then again why would you? itll just look like these fonts!
if you did not read my first font thing, the general idea was i know my
fonts look the same. to me they are all different so like, dont tell me about it
if you have not been bugged for an ansi by mind freeze you are a rare breed..
a r c t i c
i n sa ni t y
dvation. i think it is a magazine. oh well, i got an ansi for this thing. yip
another chains of destruction font. he had the nerve to ask me for another!..
of destruction
uhm. kfc font for asphixia. i asked him what it was, and he said dont ask...
fonts are getting smaller. this is for valley of the buffalo . i wont ask
v o t b
this is for myrddins board break on through . where the hell is his mag?!
uhmm. i guess that is it for this month. i still have a shitload of requests,
trades, freebies, to do for people. so please think about that if you want an
ansi from me. but then again why would you? itll just look like these fonts!
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