this image contains text
a joint eden/spastic ansi rolled up by saint sinner
and acid phix...
um, well this is my first joint ansi
with anyo
ne, hope it came out well..
if you want an ansi, find me :
le m33p out ta:
ap-thanks man, you improved this
ansi more than you give yourself
ss credit for :
Some of this ansi was shaded by that phunky
sysop of
one last phix, Acid Ph
ix of Spastic.
Acid Phix would like to give a big,
fat join
t to the following people:
int Sinner - Desire - Desires new friend
- Th
e Wizard - Eerie - and, that drunk guy
- M
orbid PHIXation yo mama! -
spas If yo
u wanna Acid Phix ansi, or wanna chat, or
just wanna shoot the breeze, call up m
uh board,
e Last Phix 717-795-9408, NUP- BREAKFAST.
Its a really coo
l board...
black on
black rules..
particle man, particle m
n..doin the things a
ticle can..whatd he li
ke?..its not importan
tparticle man..is he a d
ot, or is he a speck?..w
hen hes underwater..does heg
etwet?..or does the water g
et him instead?..nobody knows..prti
cle man..triangle man, triangle man
..triangle man hates particle.psychotic rebelli
on.man..they have a fight..trian
gle wins..triangle man..hi eerie.1 800 blahblah.
-they might be giants rule!!!!!
1any fool out there who doe.lots of really keen st
ats.snt like tmbg should get
slapped around a little.ops midnight marauder ha
ph blok...flood! flood! flood!
!.eof. .eof
and acid phix...
um, well this is my first joint ansi
with anyo
ne, hope it came out well..
if you want an ansi, find me :
le m33p out ta:
ap-thanks man, you improved this
ansi more than you give yourself
ss credit for :
Some of this ansi was shaded by that phunky
sysop of
one last phix, Acid Ph
ix of Spastic.
Acid Phix would like to give a big,
fat join
t to the following people:
int Sinner - Desire - Desires new friend
- Th
e Wizard - Eerie - and, that drunk guy
- M
orbid PHIXation yo mama! -
spas If yo
u wanna Acid Phix ansi, or wanna chat, or
just wanna shoot the breeze, call up m
uh board,
e Last Phix 717-795-9408, NUP- BREAKFAST.
Its a really coo
l board...
black on
black rules..
particle man, particle m
n..doin the things a
ticle can..whatd he li
ke?..its not importan
tparticle man..is he a d
ot, or is he a speck?..w
hen hes underwater..does heg
etwet?..or does the water g
et him instead?..nobody knows..prti
cle man..triangle man, triangle man
..triangle man hates particle.psychotic rebelli
on.man..they have a fight..trian
gle wins..triangle man..hi eerie.1 800 blahblah.
-they might be giants rule!!!!!
1any fool out there who doe.lots of really keen st
ats.snt like tmbg should get
slapped around a little.ops midnight marauder ha
ph blok...flood! flood! flood!
!.eof. .eof
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