this image contains text
..spasticstudios... .1995..
Welcome to the second spastic packet. The huge chaos and busy energies
have died down a lot from the first month, allowing spastic a full month for
artists to do thier artwork, and for us to talk about quality control and
organizational matters. Things are a lot better now after the first month and
we can now put out a pack that looks both high level in quality and not rushed.
This groups direction is looking good, and thier are some notable events that
occured this month that i will explain in the following paragraphs of this
1 Devine Styler - Devine Styler joined the spastic team this month after
a dying paramount. We are very happy to have him along, considering how well
he supports a group, and how he shared the same philosophies as the rest of
spastic. His toony-type ansi style will greatly help out the group, and he will
prove a valuable asset for the months to come. Spastic welcomes Devine Styler.
2 The Sandman - The Sandmans previous handle was Invisible Anarchy. He also
left a dying paramount , and his ansi ability will also greatly be contributed
into spastics philosophy and work ethics. Spastic welcomes the sandman.
3 Krieg - Kriegs previous handle was Wizard of Wog. Krieg has been an
independent artist for a very long time, and has now stepped onto the
international scene to show his ansi talents to the world through spastic. We
are very glad to have Krieg in the group, as his attitude towards achieving
success is something that can get a group to stay in the right direction.
Spastic welcomes Krieg.
4 Cranial Illusion - Cranial Illusion has joined spastic this month as a
premier logo artist. He is very talented with logos and will attempt a pic ever
ynow and then. Spastic is glad to have him on our crew, and we hope his abilitie
swill grow, and become stronger, as he has defineite potential.
5 Arkane - Arkane has joined us as our one and only telecom man. We didnt
think it neccessary to have a lot of telecom members who do nothing, if one man
can do the job effectively. So, Arkane is that man. He is very skilled with
doing his duties, and many other things. We are glad to have him along.
6 Midnight Marauder - Midnight Marauder joins spastic to help in many ways. He
will not only help as support, but his board Psychotic Rebellion will be held
as a temporary submissions bbs since it is an 8oo . Midnight Marauder will hel
pin the organization and contribute in other ways as well. Spastic welcomes
Midnight Marauder.
7 J-Smoove - Bringing some phunk to the group, J-Smoove teams up with us as an
awesome controversial logo artist.He has a great attitude and is an overall
nice guy, so Spastic welcomes him with open arms, as usual g.
1Cybernary - The cofounder of Union decided to go back where he belonged,
and help rebuilding his group. We wish him and the Union crew best of luck.
2 Eternal Chaos - Eternal Chaos leaves to go to Union this month. We wish him
luck in Union and hopes he can improve his ansi quality in Union.
3 Rimgale - Rimgale leaves spastic this month due to him not having enough
time any longer to produce the limit to spastic, which is one ansi per two
months. Rimgale was a really nice guy, and we all wish him great luck in
whatever he goes to.
4 The Undecided - Spastic decided to let him go from his courier position
this month due to him being too involved in void. He is a senior of void, and
we decided that it would be wise for him to just support his biggest commitment
,and not worry about others.
5 Narcolept - Narcolept was booted out because of excessive lameness. More
on this later in this newsletter.
Now that we got all the members out of the way, i can explain changes
in spastics system. This month Spastic opened up a new division. It is for
people who do stuff for spastic but do not produce ansi for us, or do not
courier for us, or do not set up confs for us. The new division name is
Members. Names listed under this category in the membership listing are
members of Spastic.
A new rule recently set up in Spastic is regarding teleconferences.
If there is ever a Spastic conference, it is such. We only want Spastic members
on the conf, and we dont want any non-Spastic members getting ahold of Spastic
conf info. If any Spastic member gives out a Spastic conf info to a non-Spastic
member, that Spastic member will be removed from the Spastic membership. This i
svery important, and will be strictly enforced, because confs are a big means of
communication for this group, and can be easily ruined.
Azrael this month has been promoted as spastics Public Relations. He
is in the senior staff and will handle personal matter for the group, and will
help with the organizational matters and communication of spastic. If anyone
has any questions about spastic and would like to apply for some position, you
can contact The Wizard, Eerie, or Azrael now.
For people who did not read the spastic newsletter last month, the
spastic VMB is 1-800-241-7337 / Box : 1682 . Special thanks to Hyped for
giving spastic his own vmb.
I would now like to make an attempt to clear up some of the little
group politics that is occuring:
1 Integrity - Integrity is a great group, and the members are very friendly.
Spastic holds no bad feelings toward this group, and hopes that we can get on
with what we have to do, and for both groups, Integrity and Spastic to forget
whatever arguments there was.
2 CiA - Once again, i state that CiA is one of my favorite groups on the scen
eat this time. Thier a fun group, that has great attitudes toward success. If
anything has been ever said bad about cia from spastics end, it was most most
defiently FALSE. Example: The Interview in Penguin Monthly with the statement
CiA is a bunch of loozers, was never made by the person being interviewed, an
din reality the oposite was said.
Another important event that happened this month is Narcolepts rippin
gof an ansi by Bibitte from GRiP/AD. We are very sorry about this, trust me..
But well, thats how life goes. Anyway, Narcolame was booted out of Spastic and
wed like to apologize to Bibitte, GRiP, and anyone who feels like it..
We also want to mention that we couldnt get Azraels work this month
due to a misunderstanding. I Eerie told him he could give me his pics later
on pack day, but The Wizard had to go away for a long time A few days before
Azraels coming back from work and stuff, and of course Wiz wanted to bethere
at pack time. Hey, its the founder, so..Whatever, Im blabbering, butwell,
our apologies to Azrael for all that.
On an ending note, lets mention the incredible work you can find in
this pack this month, especially from Black Lightning and Young, who contri-
buted alotmore than usual .. Of course, thanks to all the Spastic artists
for their support and loyalty, we appreciate a whole lot. It just helps keeping
the group together, I guess..
Now with all this information out of the way, you all have a chance
to look at and enjoy spastics second release. We hope you find it excellent in
quality, and would like feedback as soon as possible on the vmb, or to any
spastic members.
-Spastic Newsletter written by: The Wizard-
-Some additions by: Eerie-
TH3 3ND!!
.. phumpkey 4eve
..spasticstudios... .1995..
Welcome to the second spastic packet. The huge chaos and busy energies
have died down a lot from the first month, allowing spastic a full month for
artists to do thier artwork, and for us to talk about quality control and
organizational matters. Things are a lot better now after the first month and
we can now put out a pack that looks both high level in quality and not rushed.
This groups direction is looking good, and thier are some notable events that
occured this month that i will explain in the following paragraphs of this
1 Devine Styler - Devine Styler joined the spastic team this month after
a dying paramount. We are very happy to have him along, considering how well
he supports a group, and how he shared the same philosophies as the rest of
spastic. His toony-type ansi style will greatly help out the group, and he will
prove a valuable asset for the months to come. Spastic welcomes Devine Styler.
2 The Sandman - The Sandmans previous handle was Invisible Anarchy. He also
left a dying paramount , and his ansi ability will also greatly be contributed
into spastics philosophy and work ethics. Spastic welcomes the sandman.
3 Krieg - Kriegs previous handle was Wizard of Wog. Krieg has been an
independent artist for a very long time, and has now stepped onto the
international scene to show his ansi talents to the world through spastic. We
are very glad to have Krieg in the group, as his attitude towards achieving
success is something that can get a group to stay in the right direction.
Spastic welcomes Krieg.
4 Cranial Illusion - Cranial Illusion has joined spastic this month as a
premier logo artist. He is very talented with logos and will attempt a pic ever
ynow and then. Spastic is glad to have him on our crew, and we hope his abilitie
swill grow, and become stronger, as he has defineite potential.
5 Arkane - Arkane has joined us as our one and only telecom man. We didnt
think it neccessary to have a lot of telecom members who do nothing, if one man
can do the job effectively. So, Arkane is that man. He is very skilled with
doing his duties, and many other things. We are glad to have him along.
6 Midnight Marauder - Midnight Marauder joins spastic to help in many ways. He
will not only help as support, but his board Psychotic Rebellion will be held
as a temporary submissions bbs since it is an 8oo . Midnight Marauder will hel
pin the organization and contribute in other ways as well. Spastic welcomes
Midnight Marauder.
7 J-Smoove - Bringing some phunk to the group, J-Smoove teams up with us as an
awesome controversial logo artist.He has a great attitude and is an overall
nice guy, so Spastic welcomes him with open arms, as usual g.
1Cybernary - The cofounder of Union decided to go back where he belonged,
and help rebuilding his group. We wish him and the Union crew best of luck.
2 Eternal Chaos - Eternal Chaos leaves to go to Union this month. We wish him
luck in Union and hopes he can improve his ansi quality in Union.
3 Rimgale - Rimgale leaves spastic this month due to him not having enough
time any longer to produce the limit to spastic, which is one ansi per two
months. Rimgale was a really nice guy, and we all wish him great luck in
whatever he goes to.
4 The Undecided - Spastic decided to let him go from his courier position
this month due to him being too involved in void. He is a senior of void, and
we decided that it would be wise for him to just support his biggest commitment
,and not worry about others.
5 Narcolept - Narcolept was booted out because of excessive lameness. More
on this later in this newsletter.
Now that we got all the members out of the way, i can explain changes
in spastics system. This month Spastic opened up a new division. It is for
people who do stuff for spastic but do not produce ansi for us, or do not
courier for us, or do not set up confs for us. The new division name is
Members. Names listed under this category in the membership listing are
members of Spastic.
A new rule recently set up in Spastic is regarding teleconferences.
If there is ever a Spastic conference, it is such. We only want Spastic members
on the conf, and we dont want any non-Spastic members getting ahold of Spastic
conf info. If any Spastic member gives out a Spastic conf info to a non-Spastic
member, that Spastic member will be removed from the Spastic membership. This i
svery important, and will be strictly enforced, because confs are a big means of
communication for this group, and can be easily ruined.
Azrael this month has been promoted as spastics Public Relations. He
is in the senior staff and will handle personal matter for the group, and will
help with the organizational matters and communication of spastic. If anyone
has any questions about spastic and would like to apply for some position, you
can contact The Wizard, Eerie, or Azrael now.
For people who did not read the spastic newsletter last month, the
spastic VMB is 1-800-241-7337 / Box : 1682 . Special thanks to Hyped for
giving spastic his own vmb.
I would now like to make an attempt to clear up some of the little
group politics that is occuring:
1 Integrity - Integrity is a great group, and the members are very friendly.
Spastic holds no bad feelings toward this group, and hopes that we can get on
with what we have to do, and for both groups, Integrity and Spastic to forget
whatever arguments there was.
2 CiA - Once again, i state that CiA is one of my favorite groups on the scen
eat this time. Thier a fun group, that has great attitudes toward success. If
anything has been ever said bad about cia from spastics end, it was most most
defiently FALSE. Example: The Interview in Penguin Monthly with the statement
CiA is a bunch of loozers, was never made by the person being interviewed, an
din reality the oposite was said.
Another important event that happened this month is Narcolepts rippin
gof an ansi by Bibitte from GRiP/AD. We are very sorry about this, trust me..
But well, thats how life goes. Anyway, Narcolame was booted out of Spastic and
wed like to apologize to Bibitte, GRiP, and anyone who feels like it..
We also want to mention that we couldnt get Azraels work this month
due to a misunderstanding. I Eerie told him he could give me his pics later
on pack day, but The Wizard had to go away for a long time A few days before
Azraels coming back from work and stuff, and of course Wiz wanted to bethere
at pack time. Hey, its the founder, so..Whatever, Im blabbering, butwell,
our apologies to Azrael for all that.
On an ending note, lets mention the incredible work you can find in
this pack this month, especially from Black Lightning and Young, who contri-
buted alotmore than usual .. Of course, thanks to all the Spastic artists
for their support and loyalty, we appreciate a whole lot. It just helps keeping
the group together, I guess..
Now with all this information out of the way, you all have a chance
to look at and enjoy spastics second release. We hope you find it excellent in
quality, and would like feedback as soon as possible on the vmb, or to any
spastic members.
-Spastic Newsletter written by: The Wizard-
-Some additions by: Eerie-
TH3 3ND!!
.. phumpkey 4eve
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