this image contains text
s p a s t i c s t u d i o s
member listing as of february 25th, 1995
founder the wizard
president eerie
artists ap acid phix
ar actraiser
az azrael
bl black lightning
ct corruption
cy cybernary
dp dairy product
33 eerie
ec eternal chaos
hy hyped
it impact
iv inner vision
jd jaydee
kr kerplunk
mb mad bomber
mn myrddin
pe pale
pr prowler
rg rimgale
sm spoonman
im the image
ip the wizard
yo young
zr zoltar
couriers iczer-1
napalm death
the undecided
telecom narcolept
if you want to join the spastic studios, then contact eerie
or the wizard
on the stellar nights or sarcastic toaster, and give us some of
your best
stuff. we are only looking for ansi artists. if you dont have
any ansi
skills, please refrain from applying.
s p a s t i c s t u d i o s
member listing as of february 25th, 1995
founder the wizard
president eerie
artists ap acid phix
ar actraiser
az azrael
bl black lightning
ct corruption
cy cybernary
dp dairy product
33 eerie
ec eternal chaos
hy hyped
it impact
iv inner vision
jd jaydee
kr kerplunk
mb mad bomber
mn myrddin
pe pale
pr prowler
rg rimgale
sm spoonman
im the image
ip the wizard
yo young
zr zoltar
couriers iczer-1
napalm death
the undecided
telecom narcolept
if you want to join the spastic studios, then contact eerie
or the wizard
on the stellar nights or sarcastic toaster, and give us some of
your best
stuff. we are only looking for ansi artists. if you dont have
any ansi
skills, please refrain from applying.
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