this image contains text
:it8 8ti:
it8 ,s ,s s, 8ti
t8,S ,S S S,8t
8 ssSSs 8
8 8
t8 8t
it8S S , S8ti
blAh - that one board in 4i9
sys: sirdeath
num: for.won.nyn.for.svn.too.ohh.won.fiv.ate
asc: yGee sOlo95nthamuthafucknhizause
:it8 8ti:
it8 ,s ,s s, 8ti
t8,S ,S S S,8t
8 ssSSs 8
8 8
t8 8t
it8S S , S8ti
blAh - that one board in 4i9
sys: sirdeath
num: for.won.nyn.for.svn.too.ohh.won.fiv.ate
asc: yGee sOlo95nthamuthafucknhizause
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