this image contains text
yG //.//
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- solo, in nine five.
new news.
this month we picked up the dood yGee, who i didnt know drew. he hadnt calledmy board in a long time, and one day he did, and uploaded some ascii, and now ispart of solo. uhm, this month fury seems to be getting a lot better, along withmuh other solo noodles.
let me clarify what solo does, and the mediums. solo is not only for me to helpmembers get better, with suggestions, and examples, its for one another in thegroup to help each other get better, with critcism, etc. anyone can join now,all you have to do is turn in some art before the releasing date, which is thefirst of every month, and you are a member. i dont intend on using the cheapapplication textfile anymore. the mediums it supports, is *whatever* you liketo do, or are talented at. except for couriers, and those jobs, if you producefiles to release, you are solo qualified.
having been in dwi, rave, and cia at one time or another, i know its a real
pain in the ass to be in these groups. so, before i get started, i just wanna
thank all the past and present members o solo.
as usual, were looking for new artists. if you suck, thats fine. if youve
never drawn in your life, thats fine. we just want *artists*, good or bad. if
you are the least bit interested in joining solo, just let us know. you could
call up the solo whq, blah, and drop sir death or dillinger email and let themknow youre interested. then, just upload in the file area, dur a sample of
your work. well get back to you. or, if youd rather not do all that shit,
just mail sdee oer the internet, and let him know youre interested, blahblah.
either way, someonell get back to you and let you know if youre in or out.
anyway, i just want to say a quick thanks to sdee for gettin this group off theground, unlike the majority of the shit that goes on in this god forsaken area
code, four one nine. and you, for showing some remote interest in our little
group. anyway, thats all i gotsa say.
my email address, sir death, is agolatka@glasscity.net for anyone who needs totalk to me, or call blah, at 419-472-0158.
sir death interviews fury
sd howd you get starting in drawing?
fu well, i got started becuase you told me that if i wanted to be on your
board, that i would have to draw you a cool ansi..
sd what mediums do you draw in?
fu uhmmm.. i dunno.
sd yes you do, ansi, ascii, what?
fu oh.. ansi, ascii..
sd who is your favorite artist?
fu chromatik
sd whats your group situation?
fu well i have been in solo for a while, suct died, magick is almost dead,
and i am not as of today in odium..
sd you are not in odium?! i thought you were in.
fu oh.. oopse.. i mean i am in there..
sd ok, how old are you?
fu 13
sd starting young is good. if you could pick any group to be in, what group
would it be?
fu saga or acid
sd well, saga merged with acid,.. so, id be acid. uhm, if you could
draw like anyone, or could be someone, whod you want to be?
fu lord jazz, becuase everyone likes him a lot..
sd ok. any last words?
fu not really,.. cept this interview was a lot shorter than the other ones,
but i would like to greet lordjazz: thanks for letting me in chromatik: you
are very inspiring.. sir death: for getting me into drawing.. kodie: for
getting me into all of this computer crap.. thats all.
sd ok. my greets go out to, misfit your still the best, lordjazz yoyoyo.
wassup man, denial a logo for 10?!, airborn long time no chat, and any
others wassup, and just wanna say, ice, acid, solo, trank, apathy keep up
the good work, and odium lets go.
-sirdeath -fury
sir death asks the excited fury the big
questions. look for more, coming soon
..the end?!
------------- -------- ----------- ---------------------------------------additional - header by yGee, rest of newsletter by sirdeath, and dillinger.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- solo, in nine five.
new news.
this month we picked up the dood yGee, who i didnt know drew. he hadnt calledmy board in a long time, and one day he did, and uploaded some ascii, and now ispart of solo. uhm, this month fury seems to be getting a lot better, along withmuh other solo noodles.
let me clarify what solo does, and the mediums. solo is not only for me to helpmembers get better, with suggestions, and examples, its for one another in thegroup to help each other get better, with critcism, etc. anyone can join now,all you have to do is turn in some art before the releasing date, which is thefirst of every month, and you are a member. i dont intend on using the cheapapplication textfile anymore. the mediums it supports, is *whatever* you liketo do, or are talented at. except for couriers, and those jobs, if you producefiles to release, you are solo qualified.
having been in dwi, rave, and cia at one time or another, i know its a real
pain in the ass to be in these groups. so, before i get started, i just wanna
thank all the past and present members o solo.
as usual, were looking for new artists. if you suck, thats fine. if youve
never drawn in your life, thats fine. we just want *artists*, good or bad. if
you are the least bit interested in joining solo, just let us know. you could
call up the solo whq, blah, and drop sir death or dillinger email and let themknow youre interested. then, just upload in the file area, dur a sample of
your work. well get back to you. or, if youd rather not do all that shit,
just mail sdee oer the internet, and let him know youre interested, blahblah.
either way, someonell get back to you and let you know if youre in or out.
anyway, i just want to say a quick thanks to sdee for gettin this group off theground, unlike the majority of the shit that goes on in this god forsaken area
code, four one nine. and you, for showing some remote interest in our little
group. anyway, thats all i gotsa say.
my email address, sir death, is agolatka@glasscity.net for anyone who needs totalk to me, or call blah, at 419-472-0158.
sir death interviews fury
sd howd you get starting in drawing?
fu well, i got started becuase you told me that if i wanted to be on your
board, that i would have to draw you a cool ansi..
sd what mediums do you draw in?
fu uhmmm.. i dunno.
sd yes you do, ansi, ascii, what?
fu oh.. ansi, ascii..
sd who is your favorite artist?
fu chromatik
sd whats your group situation?
fu well i have been in solo for a while, suct died, magick is almost dead,
and i am not as of today in odium..
sd you are not in odium?! i thought you were in.
fu oh.. oopse.. i mean i am in there..
sd ok, how old are you?
fu 13
sd starting young is good. if you could pick any group to be in, what group
would it be?
fu saga or acid
sd well, saga merged with acid,.. so, id be acid. uhm, if you could
draw like anyone, or could be someone, whod you want to be?
fu lord jazz, becuase everyone likes him a lot..
sd ok. any last words?
fu not really,.. cept this interview was a lot shorter than the other ones,
but i would like to greet lordjazz: thanks for letting me in chromatik: you
are very inspiring.. sir death: for getting me into drawing.. kodie: for
getting me into all of this computer crap.. thats all.
sd ok. my greets go out to, misfit your still the best, lordjazz yoyoyo.
wassup man, denial a logo for 10?!, airborn long time no chat, and any
others wassup, and just wanna say, ice, acid, solo, trank, apathy keep up
the good work, and odium lets go.
-sirdeath -fury
sir death asks the excited fury the big
questions. look for more, coming soon
..the end?!
------------- -------- ----------- ---------------------------------------additional - header by yGee, rest of newsletter by sirdeath, and dillinger.
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