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oct95 month1
- -- -- - --- - -- - - - solo monthly news
sOlo a group thunk up by sirdeath.
..i was sitting at home on a rainy day.. bored, didnt feel too good, had a
headache.. locally logged onto my bbs, newscanned messages.. then, i came acrossa few messages concerning older groups, mags, and other shit thatd been tried
in my area code.. it hit me that nobody had put together a successful group
in the area code, with the excepton of dwi.. dwi was a group thrown together by
everlast and raven, and merged with rave before any dwi packs were released..
then, rave merged with cia.. thats about all thats come out of my ac.. but
now, the guys who put dwi together have all gone their ways.. most of them have
sold or scrapped their computers.. then, my mom turned on the light in my room,
and it came to me.. something needed to come out of the area code.. sitting in
my room tapping this out, i planned out sOlo.. the group is for anyone who has
some kind of interest in improving.. the idea is that the more experienced
people will help the beginners, so that theres some sort of accomplishment
going on.. i thought to myself, its pointless to have a group of cocky dicks
who have their head up their ass and think theyre the best.. so, i figured
this would be the best and most productive way i could make up a group.. and
then, the head of each department eg. ansi, ascii, text, coding, etc. will be
required to write something each month that gives tips about their specialty..
eg. the ansi guys will give ansi tips, the coders will give hints about coding,etc. sOlo, in simpler terms, is a group to help beginners out, and to sooner
or later get off the ground and kick some ass. well see..
still dont get it? the idea of sOlo is just to introdouce people to
being in an active group.. groups 101 if you will. its just an equal
oppritunity whatever that is, these days. crazy kids. group. if you think youhave any potential talent, let us know. were interested in you if all you can
draw is stick figures. if you used to be the president of some big league group,youre welcome too.
so you wanna join? thats great. first, conjure up somethin to give to the
head honchos of sOlo sirdeath and dillinger, both formerly cia. then, call
the sOlo whq blah. at four one nine four seven two - zero one five eight.
create an account, and in the validation letter, let the sysop know youre
intrested in joining sOlo. then, upload your sample work to the sOlo apps filebase. then, call back in about a week, and well letcha know if youre in or
so, all in all, sOlos a group that wants to hear from you, and even if you
suck, we still love you. but remember, when it comes to crunchtime, you put out
or get out. but that shouldnt be a problem now, should it?
until next time..
-dillinger ..good guy badges dont mean a fuck to me.
oct95 month1
- -- -- - --- - -- - - - solo monthly news
sOlo a group thunk up by sirdeath.
..i was sitting at home on a rainy day.. bored, didnt feel too good, had a
headache.. locally logged onto my bbs, newscanned messages.. then, i came acrossa few messages concerning older groups, mags, and other shit thatd been tried
in my area code.. it hit me that nobody had put together a successful group
in the area code, with the excepton of dwi.. dwi was a group thrown together by
everlast and raven, and merged with rave before any dwi packs were released..
then, rave merged with cia.. thats about all thats come out of my ac.. but
now, the guys who put dwi together have all gone their ways.. most of them have
sold or scrapped their computers.. then, my mom turned on the light in my room,
and it came to me.. something needed to come out of the area code.. sitting in
my room tapping this out, i planned out sOlo.. the group is for anyone who has
some kind of interest in improving.. the idea is that the more experienced
people will help the beginners, so that theres some sort of accomplishment
going on.. i thought to myself, its pointless to have a group of cocky dicks
who have their head up their ass and think theyre the best.. so, i figured
this would be the best and most productive way i could make up a group.. and
then, the head of each department eg. ansi, ascii, text, coding, etc. will be
required to write something each month that gives tips about their specialty..
eg. the ansi guys will give ansi tips, the coders will give hints about coding,etc. sOlo, in simpler terms, is a group to help beginners out, and to sooner
or later get off the ground and kick some ass. well see..
still dont get it? the idea of sOlo is just to introdouce people to
being in an active group.. groups 101 if you will. its just an equal
oppritunity whatever that is, these days. crazy kids. group. if you think youhave any potential talent, let us know. were interested in you if all you can
draw is stick figures. if you used to be the president of some big league group,youre welcome too.
so you wanna join? thats great. first, conjure up somethin to give to the
head honchos of sOlo sirdeath and dillinger, both formerly cia. then, call
the sOlo whq blah. at four one nine four seven two - zero one five eight.
create an account, and in the validation letter, let the sysop know youre
intrested in joining sOlo. then, upload your sample work to the sOlo apps filebase. then, call back in about a week, and well letcha know if youre in or
so, all in all, sOlos a group that wants to hear from you, and even if you
suck, we still love you. but remember, when it comes to crunchtime, you put out
or get out. but that shouldnt be a problem now, should it?
until next time..
-dillinger ..good guy badges dont mean a fuck to me.
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