exdus - sl.
..s, if you like my art. which the chance is small. contact me
,, at the following. my art it free. i do askee. and lit. ok?!
thats all.
lah. f0rw0nnine.f0rsevunt00.0hw0nfiveate
,. or
@, K4x.1-8oo-236-oo44
@@ x
i walk down this path of fear
full of rage and despair
i talk aimlessly to no one eNGeNCe WiLL FaLL
as i walk farther wihout a care.
my heart is up :
my soul it down
the world is spinning around :
as i lose control of myself :
the world falls down .
and my spirit is gone o o :
this error will occur again
but not for long
so prepare my friend. keep your soul up. uPoN uS!
for when the world falls down.
sniper sup bro?! WTF is the numbah fer yur board?! fury didjou get yur fone like back yet?! and dillinger, sir death, hitman, catalyst, fiction, and epoch.
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