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the zandura
z a n d u r a 1 9 9 9 QUIT
Squint asked me to do a login. Ok i said. Then he asked me that have i made
logins before. I said Jeah Ive made some, tho, I think i forget to tell him
that I made my last login 3 years a go and it sucked, it realy did. This is
best login Ive made, so bite me. -luminator of sodapop family
z a n d u r a 1 9 9 9 QUIT
Squint asked me to do a login. Ok i said. Then he asked me that have i made
logins before. I said Jeah Ive made some, tho, I think i forget to tell him
that I made my last login 3 years a go and it sucked, it realy did. This is
best login Ive made, so bite me. -luminator of sodapop family
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