this image contains text
s O c i e t
p a c k
i n f o
s o c i e t y !
Welcome to pack 3 of society productions. This month has been
pretty slow due to the fact that school just began so we dont
have as much art as we did the time before or in pack one, well
thats not a problem i hope.
oh yeah, and... i forgot to mention in the last two packs that
that god seraphim thought of the name society for the group
...our thanks to seraphim!!!
i n f o o n --
ok, mfires mentaview hasnt been updated since the last pack
cuz of a simple reason, mfire died uh i mean broke his leg in a
car accident.... so be sure to check out the new version next
well, were not gonna release mentaview this pack cuz the NEW
mentaview isnt ready yet, but find it in society pack 4!!!!!!
society sees ya
m e m b e r ! i n f o
this month not many people left the group or joined : ... well
heres who did and who didnt... i am not listing the people we
kicked for inactivity cuz i cant remember..
people who left
jekyll left the group
malformed left the group
people who joined
hos that cool logoist guy whos back in the scene!
diadem joins us for coding and irc staff
rzarector is BACK!!!
if you would like to join society, email society@iname.com with
your app or find archangel or any senior on irc and give them
your app... dont forget to send examples of your work aswell
society sees ya
w o r d s f r o m t h e
s e n i o r s
Heyah. Didnt have time to draw any pictures this month so I just
released some 1 month old logos. If you want a logo or a picture
to your board send a email to sims@algonet.se I draw for free
well... lookie there... thats my ansi at top with that funky
ass shading that was definatly not done by me... hopefully
i can get some more ansis done in the future since work and
school has been messing with my mind to much. Oh yeah...
dont forget to run my puny ass but large filesized vga
demo and call TMC bbs... well... remember kids
pooping does the body good! so pass it on!
society sees ya
s o c i e t y i n f o
email: society@antisocial.com
irc: society on EFNET or soc
webpage: uhhh, coming soon!
p a c k
i n f o
s o c i e t y !
Welcome to pack 3 of society productions. This month has been
pretty slow due to the fact that school just began so we dont
have as much art as we did the time before or in pack one, well
thats not a problem i hope.
oh yeah, and... i forgot to mention in the last two packs that
that god seraphim thought of the name society for the group
...our thanks to seraphim!!!
i n f o o n --
ok, mfires mentaview hasnt been updated since the last pack
cuz of a simple reason, mfire died uh i mean broke his leg in a
car accident.... so be sure to check out the new version next
well, were not gonna release mentaview this pack cuz the NEW
mentaview isnt ready yet, but find it in society pack 4!!!!!!
society sees ya
m e m b e r ! i n f o
this month not many people left the group or joined : ... well
heres who did and who didnt... i am not listing the people we
kicked for inactivity cuz i cant remember..
people who left
jekyll left the group
malformed left the group
people who joined
hos that cool logoist guy whos back in the scene!
diadem joins us for coding and irc staff
rzarector is BACK!!!
if you would like to join society, email society@iname.com with
your app or find archangel or any senior on irc and give them
your app... dont forget to send examples of your work aswell
society sees ya
w o r d s f r o m t h e
s e n i o r s
Heyah. Didnt have time to draw any pictures this month so I just
released some 1 month old logos. If you want a logo or a picture
to your board send a email to sims@algonet.se I draw for free
well... lookie there... thats my ansi at top with that funky
ass shading that was definatly not done by me... hopefully
i can get some more ansis done in the future since work and
school has been messing with my mind to much. Oh yeah...
dont forget to run my puny ass but large filesized vga
demo and call TMC bbs... well... remember kids
pooping does the body good! so pass it on!
society sees ya
s o c i e t y i n f o
email: society@antisocial.com
irc: society on EFNET or soc
webpage: uhhh, coming soon!
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