this image contains text
hello welcome to my very first ansi type how to draw with dat phunk thing i have never done one of these, and im probably not good enough to consider it but what the hello jello eh?.. ok so i start with a block font k, and
then i split it.. as you can see the splits are the same type just in diffnt spots. ok not to hard. and it looks pretty lame.
ok so you look at the font down there and you say wtf!!?? its diffnt
yes i did change it. or maybe your hallucianting stop smokeing that funny
leef or maybe im manipulating your thoughts. 2+25 hehe : know where dats
frum ?. anyways. its really block up there an blocks suck, so im going to
attempt to make it funkadelic with half blocks and stuff. ,,,,.
ok now you just finished looking at that thing up there and you go,
ok fucking great thank you for showing me how to go from something i can read
to something that looks really fucking screwy. well thats like origional font
stuff : so wh0rd. its tricky to get a feel for where you should push the ansi
in and out in an out.., oh ya.. OHHH YAYYY!.. in and out.. umm : like you
just gotta do what feels ok, try not to make the ansi like and so on cause
zig-zagging looks like shit.. i think. make it rounded
like out then come in slowly and stuff, dont push the outer
edge like that above example.. in then out but out then back in is ok.
like that, see below on the p? and see the inside of the u is in then
out. cause its the inside edge. : understand kinda maybe?? ok
on to shading.. wow shading sucks. its like the hardest to do and
harder to explain. it takes time to do it right, i usually go over an ansi
a couple times to get the shading right, im picky. so ill try some stuff
i ussually go through a couple colors just deciding what to do.. so
here goes.
ok so i chose the colors yellow bright and bluelight i like the bright/ligtcolors for outlines because then later you can use like another light color
to brighten a corner or somehting.. its just cool. for the actuall shading im
just going to use somehthing simmple, nothing too fancy. somting even you dog
could do, if hes like realy smart. plesae bear with me.,i might change the
colors of the outline a bit.. : hehe. groooviee.. on wit it.
ok i talk again does he ever shut the hell up??? i feel deep in the
recesses of my demented mind and soul that yellow and purple are
the funkadelicest combination in the stratosphear. i just love them. now ok
that was cool.. ill be tring to use ect type combinations
i might youse more or less but at least two of those. a bit. k
ok that was ok its kinda funky color, like ow my eyes. but who gives eh?
youll notice i was jsut basic in my shading, and stuff, i added some green
to make it jump out more and some white to give it a neeto look. now ill add
the finishing touches.. maybe a face or some and stuff like that.
ok so its like about done.. maybe if this was a really drawing type thing
id put a real border and maybe a sun or something. but its a good enough
doodle fer me. so thats it this was brought to you by the sad jester sad
im on the irc as sadjester and usually in ansi or depression. if you
really want an ansi, and are desperite or demented or both, and you think i
am a ok doodle boy teen then you can ask me. please dont just ask me
cause im like the only one who doesnt charge nothing anymore.. almost :
hehe ok well this is for my friends.. this goes to brian who well you
dont know but i doo and stuff so he can learn more bout ansi, this goes to
those that care about ansi and like to create and dont just do it for money
or fame or sexual satisfaction, this goes to all that actually read the entire
file and thought that i almost new what the hell i was talking about, this goes
to purusit and its members that never greet me, this goes to loi who moved
to fish land and has neither emailed me or foned me or nothing, damn fool, this
goes to the yams that have become semi-permanatly lodged in my ears. this is
going to that little blue face up there, and to the stars. because the stars
are far away but they provied isperation for lovers and poets and scientists.
may the stars never fall onto your head and give you a bump.
good nightits like 1:00 or something, damn coffee. i drunk tooo mucho.
the sad jester c 1996 sad of pursuit it think, or maybe it was trance.
i cant remeber.. the end. live long and then kill your bunny rabbits.
then i split it.. as you can see the splits are the same type just in diffnt spots. ok not to hard. and it looks pretty lame.
ok so you look at the font down there and you say wtf!!?? its diffnt
yes i did change it. or maybe your hallucianting stop smokeing that funny
leef or maybe im manipulating your thoughts. 2+25 hehe : know where dats
frum ?. anyways. its really block up there an blocks suck, so im going to
attempt to make it funkadelic with half blocks and stuff. ,,,,.
ok now you just finished looking at that thing up there and you go,
ok fucking great thank you for showing me how to go from something i can read
to something that looks really fucking screwy. well thats like origional font
stuff : so wh0rd. its tricky to get a feel for where you should push the ansi
in and out in an out.., oh ya.. OHHH YAYYY!.. in and out.. umm : like you
just gotta do what feels ok, try not to make the ansi like and so on cause
zig-zagging looks like shit.. i think. make it rounded
like out then come in slowly and stuff, dont push the outer
edge like that above example.. in then out but out then back in is ok.
like that, see below on the p? and see the inside of the u is in then
out. cause its the inside edge. : understand kinda maybe?? ok
on to shading.. wow shading sucks. its like the hardest to do and
harder to explain. it takes time to do it right, i usually go over an ansi
a couple times to get the shading right, im picky. so ill try some stuff
i ussually go through a couple colors just deciding what to do.. so
here goes.
ok so i chose the colors yellow bright and bluelight i like the bright/ligtcolors for outlines because then later you can use like another light color
to brighten a corner or somehting.. its just cool. for the actuall shading im
just going to use somehthing simmple, nothing too fancy. somting even you dog
could do, if hes like realy smart. plesae bear with me.,i might change the
colors of the outline a bit.. : hehe. groooviee.. on wit it.
ok i talk again does he ever shut the hell up??? i feel deep in the
recesses of my demented mind and soul that yellow and purple are
the funkadelicest combination in the stratosphear. i just love them. now ok
that was cool.. ill be tring to use ect type combinations
i might youse more or less but at least two of those. a bit. k
ok that was ok its kinda funky color, like ow my eyes. but who gives eh?
youll notice i was jsut basic in my shading, and stuff, i added some green
to make it jump out more and some white to give it a neeto look. now ill add
the finishing touches.. maybe a face or some and stuff like that.
ok so its like about done.. maybe if this was a really drawing type thing
id put a real border and maybe a sun or something. but its a good enough
doodle fer me. so thats it this was brought to you by the sad jester sad
im on the irc as sadjester and usually in ansi or depression. if you
really want an ansi, and are desperite or demented or both, and you think i
am a ok doodle boy teen then you can ask me. please dont just ask me
cause im like the only one who doesnt charge nothing anymore.. almost :
hehe ok well this is for my friends.. this goes to brian who well you
dont know but i doo and stuff so he can learn more bout ansi, this goes to
those that care about ansi and like to create and dont just do it for money
or fame or sexual satisfaction, this goes to all that actually read the entire
file and thought that i almost new what the hell i was talking about, this goes
to purusit and its members that never greet me, this goes to loi who moved
to fish land and has neither emailed me or foned me or nothing, damn fool, this
goes to the yams that have become semi-permanatly lodged in my ears. this is
going to that little blue face up there, and to the stars. because the stars
are far away but they provied isperation for lovers and poets and scientists.
may the stars never fall onto your head and give you a bump.
good nightits like 1:00 or something, damn coffee. i drunk tooo mucho.
the sad jester c 1996 sad of pursuit it think, or maybe it was trance.
i cant remeber.. the end. live long and then kill your bunny rabbits.
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