this image contains text
happy sun died indoors
all the kids will eat it up, if its packaged properly
sliver info file for packet number four.. .
.. hello sadistic intent
welcome to this months sliver, we hope
you like the pack. i continue to see
definate improvement each month, and i
think our little group has quite a bit
of potential. if you would like to join sliver, please contact either unique phreak, demolisher or myself. our email addresses can be found at the end of this file.
this month we welcome new artist digital christ to sliver, and we bid farewell to
ruiner. actually, theyre the same guy, he just changed his name. darkleader has joined the sliver boys, as well as coder
lord mysteriis of the 403.
sliver is looking for coders, so if youre a coder of any
decency at all, and dont mind wasting your time with us, drop any one of the founders a line.
the sliver modding department will be debuting
soon, the working title for the group as of now is sauce. the idea to start the sub- group is toxixs. hes looking for modders of renegade, obv/2, iniquity, pc board,
and pretty much any fairly common bbs soft ware. you can contact him through either demolisher or email on any 403 scene board. leading the renegade division is sadistic intent, head of iniquity is
digital christ, and the obv/2 guy is toxix.
the sliver appgen v1.0 is finally complete, though im not sure if its going
to be in this pack.. if not, expect to see it in our fifth pack for sure. it
was coded in basic laugh by none other than the founder of sliver, demolisher!
well, thats all i can think of to say in this crappy info file.. pretty corny..oh well. hope to see you all next month, and umm.. download our packs.
.. . si out
sliver would like to greet the following groups.. .
fuel, blade, ice, cia, awe, noname, remorse, acid, twilight, echo, element.. .
info file done by sadistic intent
.. copyright sliver productions 1997... .
sadistic intent
demolisher/unique phreak
all the kids will eat it up, if its packaged properly
sliver info file for packet number four.. .
.. hello sadistic intent
welcome to this months sliver, we hope
you like the pack. i continue to see
definate improvement each month, and i
think our little group has quite a bit
of potential. if you would like to join sliver, please contact either unique phreak, demolisher or myself. our email addresses can be found at the end of this file.
this month we welcome new artist digital christ to sliver, and we bid farewell to
ruiner. actually, theyre the same guy, he just changed his name. darkleader has joined the sliver boys, as well as coder
lord mysteriis of the 403.
sliver is looking for coders, so if youre a coder of any
decency at all, and dont mind wasting your time with us, drop any one of the founders a line.
the sliver modding department will be debuting
soon, the working title for the group as of now is sauce. the idea to start the sub- group is toxixs. hes looking for modders of renegade, obv/2, iniquity, pc board,
and pretty much any fairly common bbs soft ware. you can contact him through either demolisher or email on any 403 scene board. leading the renegade division is sadistic intent, head of iniquity is
digital christ, and the obv/2 guy is toxix.
the sliver appgen v1.0 is finally complete, though im not sure if its going
to be in this pack.. if not, expect to see it in our fifth pack for sure. it
was coded in basic laugh by none other than the founder of sliver, demolisher!
well, thats all i can think of to say in this crappy info file.. pretty corny..oh well. hope to see you all next month, and umm.. download our packs.
.. . si out
sliver would like to greet the following groups.. .
fuel, blade, ice, cia, awe, noname, remorse, acid, twilight, echo, element.. .
info file done by sadistic intent
.. copyright sliver productions 1997... .
sadistic intent
demolisher/unique phreak
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