this image contains text
sliver 03 information file.
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@*- we now join you for an exciting session on sliver.
woah. sliver is rocking the 403 ya right being one of the only groups that
orignated from the 403 sliver is not doing bad, we are trying to catch up on
coded app gens and viewers etc. as you can see in this packet. sliver now also has an irc channel sliver403.
it is usally not busy just me, talking to myself. , so join it.
also a big thanx to sadistic intent for the member list and for doing a total
of 22 ansiz .. holy shit... i only did 4 dammit!
this packet was one of our biggest yet, but no vga/musix was realeased..
new d00dz:
we welcome pezclownpc an non-local member, cronic killahck an non-normal
member sop of dw/2 , and we say farewell to da drugdd well at least i
think he quit.. ... .... +
for any requests why would you want ansis from us? ,
email d3m0@hotmail.com with this infromation:
name of artist that you want drawing it for ya:
logo, 24 liner, header, 50 liner, 80 liner etc:
how much you would be willing to pay: default 0 +
boards name:
sysop name:
and your email address:
and if the guy wants to draw something he will.. and email it to ya
until next time . eat turkey and obmit jello . the turkey tastes good the jello is awful.
sliver production c 1996
saying of the month: dont eat me out because my cunt is beatiful.
s 1
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@*- we now join you for an exciting session on sliver.
woah. sliver is rocking the 403 ya right being one of the only groups that
orignated from the 403 sliver is not doing bad, we are trying to catch up on
coded app gens and viewers etc. as you can see in this packet. sliver now also has an irc channel sliver403.
it is usally not busy just me, talking to myself. , so join it.
also a big thanx to sadistic intent for the member list and for doing a total
of 22 ansiz .. holy shit... i only did 4 dammit!
this packet was one of our biggest yet, but no vga/musix was realeased..
new d00dz:
we welcome pezclownpc an non-local member, cronic killahck an non-normal
member sop of dw/2 , and we say farewell to da drugdd well at least i
think he quit.. ... .... +
for any requests why would you want ansis from us? ,
email d3m0@hotmail.com with this infromation:
name of artist that you want drawing it for ya:
logo, 24 liner, header, 50 liner, 80 liner etc:
how much you would be willing to pay: default 0 +
boards name:
sysop name:
and your email address:
and if the guy wants to draw something he will.. and email it to ya
until next time . eat turkey and obmit jello . the turkey tastes good the jello is awful.
sliver production c 1996
saying of the month: dont eat me out because my cunt is beatiful.
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