this image contains text
gygypgg .
:.. .aS! 7@a, .... ,oSQ! : ,aS!P 7@a, ..:
:: ib !. ::: : lyy i: b i :..
.... y::l: i aa :a ?: ::
: :1 18 : :ii::li
:. il 1aa . lyyymm aal 1 i
: ?P i . aa l: iyya
yy: P l: :lsaa .+ y
. ii ,i i . :.. ! 7 l
. 1 i s i8, ?!b,dS!P
P P .. 7 s liquids0ap?!
. s i m p l e ! a S C i i . ..
Simple Newsletter.. ....:....
Hi there.. mjay here. : ....:. : i :
Here, just for the new year...
I decided to start an ascii grewp with crash override, just fer the fun
of eet. l8r mart joined us as senior, and then liquid s0ap.
We, crsh and myself first thought of vomit fer the grewp name.. But
then i had lotsa complaints and shit.. its totally gross. Vs are too
damn tuff to draw. the name is lame etc.. etc...
And since crsh got some prob to connect to internet, and mart never got
on, i decided to change the name with the help of 2 members, tda and
bizzach, we choosed simple. i think its kewl, and hope ull enjoy eet
to. mart totaly aproved eet, and when liquid s0ap joined, he thought
it was pretty phat tew.
hi, liquid s0ap here
y0 wh0rd uP f00?z, liquid s0aps in da house
Simple!ascii has been a blast so far, and ive joined as a senior because
I hope to be able to help this group go far, not just to quit after the
THIRD pack, like some groups. I think that we need more ascii groups in
the scene, so we bring to yah.. simple!ascii. I joined a little late in
the month, so i hope to get as much work in as possible. Umm.. greets to
my wh0res.. cain and ohseven. Check out my leet0 header at the top!
Gnew members fewl?!@
Well, look in the memlist fewlz, its our first pack.
Talk to us?
If yad like to get in touch with us, just join simple on efnet. Or
e-mail a senior. We, of couz, are looking for more artists to join.
As for sites, we havent talk about it yet, so u can get our pack from
ftp.cdrom.com or irc. ascii - simple.
Final word from simple...
We havent created simple!ascii to make competition against other ascii
grewp such as noname, remorse, grill, etc.. We just thought it would
be kewl. And most of all, we wanted to give a chance to new talented
artists to release their stuff and shit..
The principal goal of simple!ascii didnt change. But we thought we had
the possibilities of releasing QUALITY asciis first of all.. So after
the first pack, u can expect a big clean-up of the artists, to re-build
the group. However our main goal is not to be number one, but still,
we would like to see the group getting bigger and better every pack.
So enjoy the release folks, and dont hesitate to give us youre
comment about the grewp, good or not. just dont say: wow it sucked.
Tell us why :
SIMPLE!ASKEE, welcome to the simple w0rld bitch..
--end of nfo file -- phear
:.. .aS! 7@a, .... ,oSQ! : ,aS!P 7@a, ..:
:: ib !. ::: : lyy i: b i :..
.... y::l: i aa :a ?: ::
: :1 18 : :ii::li
:. il 1aa . lyyymm aal 1 i
: ?P i . aa l: iyya
yy: P l: :lsaa .+ y
. ii ,i i . :.. ! 7 l
. 1 i s i8, ?!b,dS!P
P P .. 7 s liquids0ap?!
. s i m p l e ! a S C i i . ..
Simple Newsletter.. ....:....
Hi there.. mjay here. : ....:. : i :
Here, just for the new year...
I decided to start an ascii grewp with crash override, just fer the fun
of eet. l8r mart joined us as senior, and then liquid s0ap.
We, crsh and myself first thought of vomit fer the grewp name.. But
then i had lotsa complaints and shit.. its totally gross. Vs are too
damn tuff to draw. the name is lame etc.. etc...
And since crsh got some prob to connect to internet, and mart never got
on, i decided to change the name with the help of 2 members, tda and
bizzach, we choosed simple. i think its kewl, and hope ull enjoy eet
to. mart totaly aproved eet, and when liquid s0ap joined, he thought
it was pretty phat tew.
hi, liquid s0ap here
y0 wh0rd uP f00?z, liquid s0aps in da house
Simple!ascii has been a blast so far, and ive joined as a senior because
I hope to be able to help this group go far, not just to quit after the
THIRD pack, like some groups. I think that we need more ascii groups in
the scene, so we bring to yah.. simple!ascii. I joined a little late in
the month, so i hope to get as much work in as possible. Umm.. greets to
my wh0res.. cain and ohseven. Check out my leet0 header at the top!
Gnew members fewl?!@
Well, look in the memlist fewlz, its our first pack.
Talk to us?
If yad like to get in touch with us, just join simple on efnet. Or
e-mail a senior. We, of couz, are looking for more artists to join.
As for sites, we havent talk about it yet, so u can get our pack from
ftp.cdrom.com or irc. ascii - simple.
Final word from simple...
We havent created simple!ascii to make competition against other ascii
grewp such as noname, remorse, grill, etc.. We just thought it would
be kewl. And most of all, we wanted to give a chance to new talented
artists to release their stuff and shit..
The principal goal of simple!ascii didnt change. But we thought we had
the possibilities of releasing QUALITY asciis first of all.. So after
the first pack, u can expect a big clean-up of the artists, to re-build
the group. However our main goal is not to be number one, but still,
we would like to see the group getting bigger and better every pack.
So enjoy the release folks, and dont hesitate to give us youre
comment about the grewp, good or not. just dont say: wow it sucked.
Tell us why :
SIMPLE!ASKEE, welcome to the simple w0rld bitch..
--end of nfo file -- phear
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