this image contains text
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 1997 it is!
---the deep for ca1n---------------------------------------------------------
/ i /
: d a d e e p :
---simple fer simple!ascii---------------------------------------------------
SIMPLE!ASKEE , welcome to the simple world bitch..
---roujin x fer d2/rn--------------------------------------------------------
r o u n j i n X
---bribe fer bribe emag------------------------------------------------------
: 0o / :
: -mjay?!:
. b r i b e a s c i i r e v i e w e - m a g .
---bdc for bone driven couriers----------------------------------------------
- -- ---+------------..BoneDriven!Couriers..-----------+--- -- -
: -mjay?!:
---super file system fer mtl-------------------------------------------------
/ / l/ /
: s u p e r f i l e s y s t e m :
---bone driven couriers fer venom--------------------------------------------
/ -mjay?!
0o /
. b O N E d R I V E N c O U R I E R S .
---deadlock fer black jack---------------------------------------------------
. d e a d l o c k .
---divine intervention fer concisis------------------------------------------
d i v i n e e n t e r v e n t i o n
: -mjay?!:
---plastic e-mag fer phanatik------------------------------------------------
/ / ..plastic..
---slaved souls fer sojourner------------------------------------------------
: s L A V E D s O U L S :
---the end fewl--------------------------------------------------------------
greets: liquid s0ap, crash override, mart, simple!ascii...
greets to noname and 50 of remorse too
sup fewlz! an other month, and other colly... and happy new year tew niggahz!
newayz, i got nuthing to talk about, i wont talk about anything.
if yad like a request, mj@ftn.net, or just msg me on irc.. ascii, simple.
thats about it bros, l8ah.
---the deep for ca1n---------------------------------------------------------
/ i /
: d a d e e p :
---simple fer simple!ascii---------------------------------------------------
SIMPLE!ASKEE , welcome to the simple world bitch..
---roujin x fer d2/rn--------------------------------------------------------
r o u n j i n X
---bribe fer bribe emag------------------------------------------------------
: 0o / :
: -mjay?!:
. b r i b e a s c i i r e v i e w e - m a g .
---bdc for bone driven couriers----------------------------------------------
- -- ---+------------..BoneDriven!Couriers..-----------+--- -- -
: -mjay?!:
---super file system fer mtl-------------------------------------------------
/ / l/ /
: s u p e r f i l e s y s t e m :
---bone driven couriers fer venom--------------------------------------------
/ -mjay?!
0o /
. b O N E d R I V E N c O U R I E R S .
---deadlock fer black jack---------------------------------------------------
. d e a d l o c k .
---divine intervention fer concisis------------------------------------------
d i v i n e e n t e r v e n t i o n
: -mjay?!:
---plastic e-mag fer phanatik------------------------------------------------
/ / ..plastic..
---slaved souls fer sojourner------------------------------------------------
: s L A V E D s O U L S :
---the end fewl--------------------------------------------------------------
greets: liquid s0ap, crash override, mart, simple!ascii...
greets to noname and 50 of remorse too
sup fewlz! an other month, and other colly... and happy new year tew niggahz!
newayz, i got nuthing to talk about, i wont talk about anything.
if yad like a request, mj@ftn.net, or just msg me on irc.. ascii, simple.
thats about it bros, l8ah.
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