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Welcome one, welcome all, to another fantastic month of shiver.... information! : Now most of you right now are probably thinking hey what happend to the nifty newsletter you had last month? well basically most people thought it was way to much to read, and I have to agree with em : 1001 lines is definatly not something you read in a few minutes, hehe. The overall response was rather good, but still not enough good response to warrant another issue of it. Unless lots of people want it back the shiver newsletter is outta buisness.. anyways onto bigger and better things. This month shiver went through yet another merge. This merge warranted to be one of the best ones we have had. We merged with a fantastic group called Pro, and gained some great artists such as Asylum, Aventuri, Flood Myth, The Undead Sorcerer, and Shattered Link who really worked his ass off to get tons of quality and quanity in this months pack. Also we gained cyric who coded one of the best scrolling viewers I have seen since Tribe View. The thing supports almost everything imaginable and is only 22k! Great job man. We also gained a fantastic vga artist named Fozman who has mastered the art of 3D studio. He should have some great stuff in the next pack. Also Plasmatoid of former Pro Senior Staff joins us as North American coordinator, and Black Magik joins us from Pro as the Western Coordinator. We thank em both for helping us out in the coordinating division. I cant say enough about these Pro guys. Without them the pack wouldnt look nearly as good as it does. Great work guys! Other additions to the shiver family are Deathblow, who is the famed brother of the famous p-chan of acid. This guy really has some talent, and I wouldnt be surprised if he was asked to acid in a couple months or so. Also we gained Cesspool, a great vga artist, and Genmas from Justice, who really has improved in the past month. Check out his ansi in this pack and see for yourself! Another fantastic addition to shiver is Lord Drakul from a small local group called Aim, who came out of nowhere, producing some fantastic acid and ice quality ansis. Necromancer joins our ascii division, and as you can see by the asciis this month, this guy doesnt know when to stop : Prime Evil, the famed Vga artist from Tribe also joins us, helping our vga division get stronger, and helping out by being American Coordinator. Great to have ya man! Also another member from Justice, Inner Vision joins us. Im sure he had some work for this pack but unfortunatly I lost his number and cant get in contact with him. Hopefully he will have some great work to showcase next month. Sorry bout that man. And last but not least comes Trickster. Another fantastic vga artist that has mastered the fine art of 3D Studio. I know I forgot some people, like I always do, so sorry if I forgot you, and feel free to shoot me its a joke, dont really do it : Now comes the part where I mention all the miscellaneous things that have been happening in shiver. First off Shivernet is on hold. If you are a distribution site for shiver and are trying to get the net to work, please wait awhile until the net is up and running. Also Outback changed his handle to Achilles. And Soultaker has been promoted to Global Coordinator. Unfortunatly Assaylant, The founder of Shiver has left the group, due to the fact his life is too busy right now, and he doesnt have time for computers. If it wasnt for him Shiver wouldnt be alive today. He will truly be missed. And once again for the 1500th time we are not accepting anymore distribution site applicants! Sites are invite only! After telling people in the newsletters, magazine articles, etc.. they still come crying for a site. The answer will be no, so dont bother asking. Well thats everything in a nutshell in shiver this month Id like to thank everyone in shiver for doing a great job on making this pack a great one! Until the next... The Guardian / Shiver SS
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