this image contains text
This day has taken such a long time to arrive. Now that
it has come, there are so many things to talk about, I
cant even think where I should begin. Here it goes:
For those of you who have followed our saga, you will
surely know that this has definatly been an action filled
month. The artists from around the world that expressed
interest in our team was amazing, and quite plentiful.
Nearly every single day an application was handed in, or
a new art piece from one of our existing members. By the
time the end of the month rolled by, we had over three
megabytes of artwork for this, the July pack. Im sure
you will find that the quantity of the art is there, and
I am hoping that you will see that the much sought after
quality is there as well.
The people on the other side of the scale who were look-
ing to furnish their board statistics with our name,
were so plentiful, that many had to be turned away empty
handed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
each and every one of you whom expressed some sort of
interest. We could have never gotten where we are without
support such as that.
The most noticable, and I suppose most contraversial
incident occured not one week ago. I was talking to the
boys on the Internet and me and Peak Velocity were
talking of how Sk and Cav were taking over the channel.
Our discusion ended, and I thought nothing of it. I did
not even stop to ask him what group he was with. The next
time I logged onto the Irc, they were calling me into a
private channel, and they wanted to talk of a merger.
I had known that Vi had just merged with Breed, and this
concerned me. Then we got to talking and it was agreed
that things would go alot smoother without the Breed
members. Now, things are looking great. Vi brings with
them, leadership, charisma, and above all: talent. I
would personally like to thank Usul for seeing things in
my light, and to hang in there, because when you are with
Shiver, things can get bumpy.
I suppose that the word bumpy is a little bit dilute.
Things are more of a roller coaster. At the mid point of
the month, we had over 60 members. This was absurd, and
nothing was being accomplished under our No Seniors!
policy. Things had to change, and they did. Dosage,
holder of the former Shiver Whq decided that things
were not what he was looking for, and he left quietly.
Dosage plans to errect a new group next month. With the
departure of an important member, so to go followers. 30
of our members went in the direction of Dosages new
group. If we can withstand the exit of 30 of our members,
about half then in my mind, we can stand up to any sort
of adversity that plagues us. I wish all whom have
choosen, or otherwise, to leave Shiver, good luck. There
is nothing you will find more precious than luck in the
works that we do.
With that, and the merger of the Visual Insanity team,
our member lists soared once again. But it is acceptable
as all of our members are very talented and all have
potential to succeed. One of the more noticable members
who have stayed along for the ride is Axebattler. Axe
was an extremely interesting case. Throughout the whole
month, he was not sure where he wanted to be. He knew
that he would be treated with dignity and respect here
with us, but his mind and heart were with Acid. At about
the midpoint of the month the shocker came: Axe Battler
had left us for Acid. Things seemed desolate, and it was
a real slap in the face. God had left. : Little did we
know that he would soon return after his stays with Acid
and Tribe would be brief. Later on in the month, Axe even
turned down the Guru himself: Beastie. Thank you Axe, we
appreciate your presence more than you could possibly
know. With that, Axe Battler turned in some of the nicest
pictures this group has known. From his last works in our
premier pack, Axe Battler has, well improved. Another to
catch my eye was Hellspawn. He appeared out of nowhere
to hand us some great Vgas as well as some musical files
that will really impress. Hellspawn is the most talanted
artist on this team. Ansi/Vga/Music what more could you
ask of the guy? How about a good attitude. There is no
need because he is one of the nicest dawgs around. tear
All in all, the staff onhand are some of the nicest guys
you are ever going to meet. I guarantee you that if you
enter our channel: Shiver, you will be greeted with a
friendly hello and the like. We try not to brag but it
is hard to hold down your excitement with the cast that
we have.
To get back on track here, Shiver is currently recruiting
new couriers. We have now, many many sites that need be
couriered to. If you could supply some of our guys with
phreaking utils such as: Calling Cards and Codes, we will
be more than impressed, and will award you a favor. It
is such a problem that we are afraid that some of the
distribution sites will not see a courier logging onto
their systems we are sorry, and we share your concerns.
Communication, I believe, is the most important that you
could ever have for an art group it is crucial. The
Internet Relay Chat system is how we utilize this need.
If ever there is something that you need to discuss with
with us, dont hesitate to type that magical: /join
Shiver. We are here, The Guardian, Peak Velocity, Myself
Axe Battler, Usul,etc. We are here to help you and to see
that what we are broadcasting to you, is something that
you would like to see. This brings up an interesting
point the suggestion box in the last pack saw little
use. Crimson Flash is having difficulties tallying votes
as the votes were hard to come upon. For this pack, try
out the suggestion box, fill it out and send it away to
either the Whq, Ushq, or the Chq. Then we can get your
opinion voiced.
You can always pick up the latest Shiver packs through
these ways: Contact us via Irc, or at FTP.ENG.UFL.EDU
Any distribution site that did not have their own Shiver
courier, this month the sites were in chaos, and please
find other means of getting your copy.
Probably I have bored you with trivial information, and
thus, you have not read this far. But for those who have,
stay tuned, the greetz are upcoming! : Anyhow, here is
where I get sentimental. I would just like to tell all
former Vi members, that I cant wait until things get
organized where we are all in unite. It wont be long, as
things are a little more organized than at the half way
point of this month I can assure you. Anyhow, the
situation looks a whole lot clearer, and things are much
more optimistic. Representing Shiver Productions, I would
like to now say thank you each and every one of you that
took the time to get this file, we tried to keep it
under a megabyte, honest! and we hope that you enjoy
what you are about to see. Shiver plans to be around for
a while yet, and we hopefully will have your support
throughout. This is Proze saying thanks to everyone, and
well see ya on the Internet!
Proze Shiver Productions
- Salutations -
Audio Mix: Nice conference call bud! :
Visual Insanity: Lets show them who we really are!
The Guardian: Bud you really are my hero. smooch
Minor Threat: Too bad things didnt work for us. :
Dosage: Cant wait to see you get going!
Abom: aBOM iS aLMOST aS nUDE aS...
Entity: eNTITY! wEZ aLL pHAT iN 94
Axe Battler: Way to display the skillz Ace..
Crimson Flash: Evolution has the toolz. Lets do it!
Imp Vicious: Thanks for the start man! You rock.
Entropy: If you dont know this guy, hes the
man of the hour. You rock!
Cheese Grater: Keep those rips flowing Ace!
Assaylant: Do you think next month we could
coordinate some couriers?? :
Group Greetz: Union - Lets mend our troubled past.
Tribe - Tribe pride rules! Way to go Cav!
Alive - Someone get me a site!
Dark - My hat is off boys..
Breed - This is childish! Lets stop it now.
Blade - MindCrime, start to write again.
All Others - Keep the faith.. It takes time.
Peace all!
Shiver Productions
it has come, there are so many things to talk about, I
cant even think where I should begin. Here it goes:
For those of you who have followed our saga, you will
surely know that this has definatly been an action filled
month. The artists from around the world that expressed
interest in our team was amazing, and quite plentiful.
Nearly every single day an application was handed in, or
a new art piece from one of our existing members. By the
time the end of the month rolled by, we had over three
megabytes of artwork for this, the July pack. Im sure
you will find that the quantity of the art is there, and
I am hoping that you will see that the much sought after
quality is there as well.
The people on the other side of the scale who were look-
ing to furnish their board statistics with our name,
were so plentiful, that many had to be turned away empty
handed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
each and every one of you whom expressed some sort of
interest. We could have never gotten where we are without
support such as that.
The most noticable, and I suppose most contraversial
incident occured not one week ago. I was talking to the
boys on the Internet and me and Peak Velocity were
talking of how Sk and Cav were taking over the channel.
Our discusion ended, and I thought nothing of it. I did
not even stop to ask him what group he was with. The next
time I logged onto the Irc, they were calling me into a
private channel, and they wanted to talk of a merger.
I had known that Vi had just merged with Breed, and this
concerned me. Then we got to talking and it was agreed
that things would go alot smoother without the Breed
members. Now, things are looking great. Vi brings with
them, leadership, charisma, and above all: talent. I
would personally like to thank Usul for seeing things in
my light, and to hang in there, because when you are with
Shiver, things can get bumpy.
I suppose that the word bumpy is a little bit dilute.
Things are more of a roller coaster. At the mid point of
the month, we had over 60 members. This was absurd, and
nothing was being accomplished under our No Seniors!
policy. Things had to change, and they did. Dosage,
holder of the former Shiver Whq decided that things
were not what he was looking for, and he left quietly.
Dosage plans to errect a new group next month. With the
departure of an important member, so to go followers. 30
of our members went in the direction of Dosages new
group. If we can withstand the exit of 30 of our members,
about half then in my mind, we can stand up to any sort
of adversity that plagues us. I wish all whom have
choosen, or otherwise, to leave Shiver, good luck. There
is nothing you will find more precious than luck in the
works that we do.
With that, and the merger of the Visual Insanity team,
our member lists soared once again. But it is acceptable
as all of our members are very talented and all have
potential to succeed. One of the more noticable members
who have stayed along for the ride is Axebattler. Axe
was an extremely interesting case. Throughout the whole
month, he was not sure where he wanted to be. He knew
that he would be treated with dignity and respect here
with us, but his mind and heart were with Acid. At about
the midpoint of the month the shocker came: Axe Battler
had left us for Acid. Things seemed desolate, and it was
a real slap in the face. God had left. : Little did we
know that he would soon return after his stays with Acid
and Tribe would be brief. Later on in the month, Axe even
turned down the Guru himself: Beastie. Thank you Axe, we
appreciate your presence more than you could possibly
know. With that, Axe Battler turned in some of the nicest
pictures this group has known. From his last works in our
premier pack, Axe Battler has, well improved. Another to
catch my eye was Hellspawn. He appeared out of nowhere
to hand us some great Vgas as well as some musical files
that will really impress. Hellspawn is the most talanted
artist on this team. Ansi/Vga/Music what more could you
ask of the guy? How about a good attitude. There is no
need because he is one of the nicest dawgs around. tear
All in all, the staff onhand are some of the nicest guys
you are ever going to meet. I guarantee you that if you
enter our channel: Shiver, you will be greeted with a
friendly hello and the like. We try not to brag but it
is hard to hold down your excitement with the cast that
we have.
To get back on track here, Shiver is currently recruiting
new couriers. We have now, many many sites that need be
couriered to. If you could supply some of our guys with
phreaking utils such as: Calling Cards and Codes, we will
be more than impressed, and will award you a favor. It
is such a problem that we are afraid that some of the
distribution sites will not see a courier logging onto
their systems we are sorry, and we share your concerns.
Communication, I believe, is the most important that you
could ever have for an art group it is crucial. The
Internet Relay Chat system is how we utilize this need.
If ever there is something that you need to discuss with
with us, dont hesitate to type that magical: /join
Shiver. We are here, The Guardian, Peak Velocity, Myself
Axe Battler, Usul,etc. We are here to help you and to see
that what we are broadcasting to you, is something that
you would like to see. This brings up an interesting
point the suggestion box in the last pack saw little
use. Crimson Flash is having difficulties tallying votes
as the votes were hard to come upon. For this pack, try
out the suggestion box, fill it out and send it away to
either the Whq, Ushq, or the Chq. Then we can get your
opinion voiced.
You can always pick up the latest Shiver packs through
these ways: Contact us via Irc, or at FTP.ENG.UFL.EDU
Any distribution site that did not have their own Shiver
courier, this month the sites were in chaos, and please
find other means of getting your copy.
Probably I have bored you with trivial information, and
thus, you have not read this far. But for those who have,
stay tuned, the greetz are upcoming! : Anyhow, here is
where I get sentimental. I would just like to tell all
former Vi members, that I cant wait until things get
organized where we are all in unite. It wont be long, as
things are a little more organized than at the half way
point of this month I can assure you. Anyhow, the
situation looks a whole lot clearer, and things are much
more optimistic. Representing Shiver Productions, I would
like to now say thank you each and every one of you that
took the time to get this file, we tried to keep it
under a megabyte, honest! and we hope that you enjoy
what you are about to see. Shiver plans to be around for
a while yet, and we hopefully will have your support
throughout. This is Proze saying thanks to everyone, and
well see ya on the Internet!
Proze Shiver Productions
- Salutations -
Audio Mix: Nice conference call bud! :
Visual Insanity: Lets show them who we really are!
The Guardian: Bud you really are my hero. smooch
Minor Threat: Too bad things didnt work for us. :
Dosage: Cant wait to see you get going!
Abom: aBOM iS aLMOST aS nUDE aS...
Entity: eNTITY! wEZ aLL pHAT iN 94
Axe Battler: Way to display the skillz Ace..
Crimson Flash: Evolution has the toolz. Lets do it!
Imp Vicious: Thanks for the start man! You rock.
Entropy: If you dont know this guy, hes the
man of the hour. You rock!
Cheese Grater: Keep those rips flowing Ace!
Assaylant: Do you think next month we could
coordinate some couriers?? :
Group Greetz: Union - Lets mend our troubled past.
Tribe - Tribe pride rules! Way to go Cav!
Alive - Someone get me a site!
Dark - My hat is off boys..
Breed - This is childish! Lets stop it now.
Blade - MindCrime, start to write again.
All Others - Keep the faith.. It takes time.
Peace all!
Shiver Productions
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