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S H I V E R 0 6 / 9 5 O N E Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y Happy Anniversary Shiver! Yes, believe it or not, on this day, exactly one year ago, Shiver amazed the scene with its
first pack. Its been one hella year, but we have all made
it through it. And Shiver is better than it has ever been. Many said, we would never reach the 1 year mark. But with much persistance and dedication, we finnaly did, and plan on being around for many years to come. As many of you know, Shiver has been through alot. From our 1001 line info file back in september, to our major merge with a new group every month, and even to our change to ansi only. Only
a few groups have ever reached a one year anniversary, and we are very proud to be one of those select few. Now I could go off on how shiver started, and how we came to be, and all the great things that happend, but why bother? I used to write 200+ line info files every month, and to
be frank, the general public was not to estatic about
reading them if you know what I mean. if you dont know
what I mean, try improvising If you care so much about our history, then I urge you to go ahead and get all
of the old Shiver packs and check out all the great
Shiver infos. invite a few friends over and read them, for extra added fun and excitement This info file is already getting rather large, so I will move onto this months happenings.
Not much happend this month, but we did gain some of the best artists shiver has ever seen. Our first entry into the shiver ansi division this month is an aussie with talent making our grand total of aussies to 4 named Nme. Yes you heard me right, Nme. dont ask Even though he wont win the best handle award, hes got raw talent in the
ansi divison hands down. He has only been drawing for a few months, and wow, this aussies got talent. Hopefully he will have some nifty stuff next month. Next comes another
great artist with a nitty gritty tough and titty style, who walks around bearing the handle Point Blank. Hes a great addition, and has some kickin work in this pack for you guys
to go googoo over. And next comes another rockin artist by the name of Rage. He was looking for a group to join, and
decided Shiver was where all the cool people hang out, and
since he wanted to be cool, he joined. why you laughing? This guy has raw talent. He has many various stiles, and all of them impress me. All I can say is, Rage, you roq. And last but definatly not least comes Stone Chapel, in my opinion the best artist shiver has ever seen. When I first saw his ansis, I was mesmerized or how ever you spell it All I can say, is to check out his ansis and I guarantee you
will agree 100 money back if you are not satisfied Its been great running Shiver with Betrayer since the beginning, and it has truly changed our lives, in learning how to manage a group, and getting along with many of the great people in the scene. But it could of never been
done without the support of the great artists of shiver.
And I thank you all for making us what we are today and
what we will be for years to come... The Guardian Shiver SS Shiver World Headquarters Shiver Global Headquarters
Evil Intentions Sub Zero
408251-6220 714894-6109
S H I V E R 0 6 / 9 5 O N E Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y Happy Anniversary Shiver! Yes, believe it or not, on this day, exactly one year ago, Shiver amazed the scene with its
first pack. Its been one hella year, but we have all made
it through it. And Shiver is better than it has ever been. Many said, we would never reach the 1 year mark. But with much persistance and dedication, we finnaly did, and plan on being around for many years to come. As many of you know, Shiver has been through alot. From our 1001 line info file back in september, to our major merge with a new group every month, and even to our change to ansi only. Only
a few groups have ever reached a one year anniversary, and we are very proud to be one of those select few. Now I could go off on how shiver started, and how we came to be, and all the great things that happend, but why bother? I used to write 200+ line info files every month, and to
be frank, the general public was not to estatic about
reading them if you know what I mean. if you dont know
what I mean, try improvising If you care so much about our history, then I urge you to go ahead and get all
of the old Shiver packs and check out all the great
Shiver infos. invite a few friends over and read them, for extra added fun and excitement This info file is already getting rather large, so I will move onto this months happenings.
Not much happend this month, but we did gain some of the best artists shiver has ever seen. Our first entry into the shiver ansi division this month is an aussie with talent making our grand total of aussies to 4 named Nme. Yes you heard me right, Nme. dont ask Even though he wont win the best handle award, hes got raw talent in the
ansi divison hands down. He has only been drawing for a few months, and wow, this aussies got talent. Hopefully he will have some nifty stuff next month. Next comes another
great artist with a nitty gritty tough and titty style, who walks around bearing the handle Point Blank. Hes a great addition, and has some kickin work in this pack for you guys
to go googoo over. And next comes another rockin artist by the name of Rage. He was looking for a group to join, and
decided Shiver was where all the cool people hang out, and
since he wanted to be cool, he joined. why you laughing? This guy has raw talent. He has many various stiles, and all of them impress me. All I can say is, Rage, you roq. And last but definatly not least comes Stone Chapel, in my opinion the best artist shiver has ever seen. When I first saw his ansis, I was mesmerized or how ever you spell it All I can say, is to check out his ansis and I guarantee you
will agree 100 money back if you are not satisfied Its been great running Shiver with Betrayer since the beginning, and it has truly changed our lives, in learning how to manage a group, and getting along with many of the great people in the scene. But it could of never been
done without the support of the great artists of shiver.
And I thank you all for making us what we are today and
what we will be for years to come... The Guardian Shiver SS Shiver World Headquarters Shiver Global Headquarters
Evil Intentions Sub Zero
408251-6220 714894-6109
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