this image contains text
picture taken from
somewheres, it is
not an original. if
you would like to
request an ansi, by
me of course, i can
f a be contacted on
either sushi bar z,
or no! greetings to
Guile, the guardian,
rimgale, asylum,
tus, and flood myth
ansi : faazyshiver
d e l u s i o n s o f g r a n d e u r
sys: the undead sorceror shiver
cos: a mess of them
number: 619-566-0794
a n s i a n d f o n t b y f a a z y s h i v e r
somewheres, it is
not an original. if
you would like to
request an ansi, by
me of course, i can
f a be contacted on
either sushi bar z,
or no! greetings to
Guile, the guardian,
rimgale, asylum,
tus, and flood myth
ansi : faazyshiver
d e l u s i o n s o f g r a n d e u r
sys: the undead sorceror shiver
cos: a mess of them
number: 619-566-0794
a n s i a n d f o n t b y f a a z y s h i v e r
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