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0 2 / 9 5 I N F O R M A T I O N
Sup yawz! Welcome to another funfilled month of art, brought to you by none other than shiver. When last months pack was released, It appeared rather apparent to me that the pack was one of the best ones that we had ever released. And as always, I was wrong it seems. From what everyone said it was a rather horrid pack. So this month I knew we had to recover, and recover we did in my opinion but my opinion is always off, so ignore that last statement Ill just let you guys be the judges this time : From now on, we are only accepting artists of the utmost quality. And for that reason, we only gained a few new members this month. But as you can tell by the artwork by our new artists, they are truly great at what they do. From now on shiver will ONLY be accepting, ANSI artists who draw pictures not just logos, VGA artists, and
RIP Artists. We are centering around what the demand is upon the art
scene. And what our audience wants the most, is what they get. After all, without an audience to view the packs, there is no reason to even release them. Unfortunatly this month, our music division is being dismissed to go
there own seperate ways. Since we stopped releasing music in packs last month, and with only 3 or 4 musicians, we decided that it wasnt worth the trouble to go ahead and release a music disk. Thus.. all shiver musicians, have now been disbanded. sorry guys...
This month we gained a buncha great new artists, with alot of talent. First comes a spiffy artist who goes by the handle of Acidphix. He used to be an artist for a small local group named DOS. But as a large amount of people know, the founder of DOS, iP, ripped all his ansis in the first pack, and he did not have any desire to continue drawing for a group, whos founder rips ansis.
Hes got a great new original stile, which ive never seen before, and I encourage the guy to keep it up. We need many more original artists like Acidphix in the scene these days. Next comes to us a fantastic artist from DARK, named Cyber Wolfe He will still continue drawing for DARK also He just joined Shiver 3 days ago, and he did his best
ansi yet for us, in that time period. Its great to have such a dedicated guy like this in our group! Who do we have next you may ask? A great artist who uses the nifty handle of Edge. Hes a fantastic artist, who were very happy to have in the group! lesse.. ahh.. next comes to us a guy from UNiON named Godspeed. As many of
you know by his ansis in the previous UNiON packs, this guy can draw some mean ansis, and were extatic that he chose us over union. And
not only can he draw, but hes a great guy to get to know. Psionide, a spammy artist from a 619 group called The Alliance, decided Shiver was the place he wanted to be, and what he wanted, is what he
got. He has drastically improved in the past couple weeks, and if he keeps it up, he should be acid quality in no time! Next on our list of nifty new members comes Poseidon from a local group named TDD This guy can be the next pnakotic if he keeps it up. His fonts are some of the most wikid, original ones ive seen around. And he draws some awsome pictures too, with an original stile, unseen before. Its
always great to get a fantastic original artist like this! And last but definatly not least in our ansi division comes a fantastic artist all the way from Sweden, Europe. This guy absolutly blows me away. His ansis are incredible, and not only are his ansis amazing, the rate at which he makes them is equally amazing. He seemed to pop out a new 100 line ansi every day it seemed. Rimgale is truly a gift from god to our ansi division. He is definatly one of the very best ansi artists, that shiver has ever had. Well thats it for newcomers
to our ansi section. This month we gained a fantastic VGA artist, whos goes by the name of Typhus. He has a great new age stile, and has now taken over the position of VGA coordinator. He is doing a great job at it, and I look forward to seeing alot more fantastic VGAs from this great guy. In the Rip division this month we gained 2 fantastic artists. The first on our list is Azrael from former ACiD fame. This guy is absolutly amazing at rips, and is my favorite rip
artist, next to Red Man. Check out some of the summer editions of the ACiD packs to see some of his mindblowing work! And last but not least comes Prince of Darkness from A local Canadian group called The Shining Darkness. He just starting drawing RIPs, and as you can tell by his work in the pack, he will excel to acid quality in no time. Its great to finnaly get another person in our rip division besides
Cyber : Well thats all our new additions to shiver this month. I know I forgot someone as I always do, so sue me... Well I tried to keep this as short as possible, and I think I did
a pretty damn good job of it. Stay tuned next month for another funfilled shiver extraviganza! peace out yawz... The Guardiano El Presidente de Shiver
0 2 / 9 5 I N F O R M A T I O N
Sup yawz! Welcome to another funfilled month of art, brought to you by none other than shiver. When last months pack was released, It appeared rather apparent to me that the pack was one of the best ones that we had ever released. And as always, I was wrong it seems. From what everyone said it was a rather horrid pack. So this month I knew we had to recover, and recover we did in my opinion but my opinion is always off, so ignore that last statement Ill just let you guys be the judges this time : From now on, we are only accepting artists of the utmost quality. And for that reason, we only gained a few new members this month. But as you can tell by the artwork by our new artists, they are truly great at what they do. From now on shiver will ONLY be accepting, ANSI artists who draw pictures not just logos, VGA artists, and
RIP Artists. We are centering around what the demand is upon the art
scene. And what our audience wants the most, is what they get. After all, without an audience to view the packs, there is no reason to even release them. Unfortunatly this month, our music division is being dismissed to go
there own seperate ways. Since we stopped releasing music in packs last month, and with only 3 or 4 musicians, we decided that it wasnt worth the trouble to go ahead and release a music disk. Thus.. all shiver musicians, have now been disbanded. sorry guys...
This month we gained a buncha great new artists, with alot of talent. First comes a spiffy artist who goes by the handle of Acidphix. He used to be an artist for a small local group named DOS. But as a large amount of people know, the founder of DOS, iP, ripped all his ansis in the first pack, and he did not have any desire to continue drawing for a group, whos founder rips ansis.
Hes got a great new original stile, which ive never seen before, and I encourage the guy to keep it up. We need many more original artists like Acidphix in the scene these days. Next comes to us a fantastic artist from DARK, named Cyber Wolfe He will still continue drawing for DARK also He just joined Shiver 3 days ago, and he did his best
ansi yet for us, in that time period. Its great to have such a dedicated guy like this in our group! Who do we have next you may ask? A great artist who uses the nifty handle of Edge. Hes a fantastic artist, who were very happy to have in the group! lesse.. ahh.. next comes to us a guy from UNiON named Godspeed. As many of
you know by his ansis in the previous UNiON packs, this guy can draw some mean ansis, and were extatic that he chose us over union. And
not only can he draw, but hes a great guy to get to know. Psionide, a spammy artist from a 619 group called The Alliance, decided Shiver was the place he wanted to be, and what he wanted, is what he
got. He has drastically improved in the past couple weeks, and if he keeps it up, he should be acid quality in no time! Next on our list of nifty new members comes Poseidon from a local group named TDD This guy can be the next pnakotic if he keeps it up. His fonts are some of the most wikid, original ones ive seen around. And he draws some awsome pictures too, with an original stile, unseen before. Its
always great to get a fantastic original artist like this! And last but definatly not least in our ansi division comes a fantastic artist all the way from Sweden, Europe. This guy absolutly blows me away. His ansis are incredible, and not only are his ansis amazing, the rate at which he makes them is equally amazing. He seemed to pop out a new 100 line ansi every day it seemed. Rimgale is truly a gift from god to our ansi division. He is definatly one of the very best ansi artists, that shiver has ever had. Well thats it for newcomers
to our ansi section. This month we gained a fantastic VGA artist, whos goes by the name of Typhus. He has a great new age stile, and has now taken over the position of VGA coordinator. He is doing a great job at it, and I look forward to seeing alot more fantastic VGAs from this great guy. In the Rip division this month we gained 2 fantastic artists. The first on our list is Azrael from former ACiD fame. This guy is absolutly amazing at rips, and is my favorite rip
artist, next to Red Man. Check out some of the summer editions of the ACiD packs to see some of his mindblowing work! And last but not least comes Prince of Darkness from A local Canadian group called The Shining Darkness. He just starting drawing RIPs, and as you can tell by his work in the pack, he will excel to acid quality in no time. Its great to finnaly get another person in our rip division besides
Cyber : Well thats all our new additions to shiver this month. I know I forgot someone as I always do, so sue me... Well I tried to keep this as short as possible, and I think I did
a pretty damn good job of it. Stay tuned next month for another funfilled shiver extraviganza! peace out yawz... The Guardiano El Presidente de Shiver
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