this image contains text
NOTE: This is the first Shocked Pack
released due to the numerous requests from friends and
acquaintances. Since the ACiD Acquisition, as well as its
many other packs out there to date does not necessarily
reach ALL of the Computer users out, it seemed to be a
good idea to share not only my artworks, but also the
boards which I done the arts on. This Pack should not
be looked at as an egotistical attempt on my part to show
off my works, but rather as a sharing experience. For I
know, as well as others, that I am far from being the
top VGA artist out there, but I do think that my works are
somewhat satisfactory to the eyes of beholders.....
- Shock Wave ACiD
Shocked Pack : 1993 Premier Edition
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 SHOCKED NFO 7126 010194 a Shocked Pack Information File
2 ARCHANGL PCX 42476 040193 iH Soul of the Hunter
3 BATMAN PCX 71316 050193 iH Evilution
4 DING PCX 76636 092593 aH Dementia Net
5 MAXX PCX 13858 07.15.93 aL ACiD Release
6 MEGATON PCX 81206 112093 aH Out of Nowhere Access Denied
7 PROPHET PCX 117099 120593 aH CountDown to Extinction
8 REAPER PCX 89300 071093 aH ACiD Release
9 SPREADPC PCX 18052 122493 aL SpreadPoint / PC
10 VOODOO PCX 69262 083093 aH Cyclops
11 SW-CERE EXE 50685 070193 aHL ACiD Release
12 SW-CTE EXE 176884 123193 aL Countdown to Extinction
13 SW-CYC EXE 26641 082993 aH Cyclops BBS
14 SW-DB EXE 49648 062693 aL ACiD Release
15 SW-WHERE EXE 218390 123193 aHL Out of Nowhere Access Denied
16 NOWHERE ANS 24345 112893 a Out of Nowhere Access Denied
Data Legend
a ACiD Production i iCE Production
H High Resolution 640x480 256 color
L Low Resolution 320x200 256 color
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB
ANSi Animated
Total Files Net: 21 Average Compression Rate: 56
Total Bytes: 1,132,789 Total Bytes Zipped: 513,010
Thanks: Radman and ACiD for giving me the opportunity to show my works
to the BBSers of Today. just get the coding on time OK?
iCE for getting me started in the VGA scene in the beginning of
1993 year.
Maximum Carnage for being a bud from the beginning
Doom Guard for getting me started in the BBS scene
Great VGA artists of today who gives me the drive and animosity
in creating my VGAs. :
C.C.Catch for the favor you did for me....Psychic.MoD.. your Mods
KICKS ASS All over!!!
Tempus T. for being the first to truely believe in my ability and
for being the constant supporter of peace between ACiD and iCE
which I find uncommonly outstanding and honorable.
All the ACiD members....I LOVA YAs!!!!!!
My girlfriend who supported and critiqued my arts :
NOTE: Some of the VGAs coded by the ACiD coders were rush jobs, and thus
do not properly show us the true capabilities of either my VGAs or
the Coders...Hmmm...youd think having a VGA ready 3 months in
advance will give the coders enough time. Bitter? Somewhat!
I discourage New VGA artists out there from using Rendering techni-
ques for drawing. Although the qualities of the result speaks for
itself, it does not truely express an artists true artisitic
abilities, but instead it only demonstrates the persons ability
to use an application such as that of 3D studio. I am not saying
that all rendering artists have no artistic talent, but instead,
I am expressing my views on this subject.
Cardiac Arrest....why are you causing trouble with people when
they had no problems with you. Everyone on Monolith respected
you, but now you shatter everyones respect of you with the
immature stunt you pulled on CTE. Come on CA, cant we all just
get along? You are a great artist. you dont need to act like
that to get attention.
To ALL a Happy new Year and hope 1994 will bring us alot more
artists into the Scene.. Peace :
sheesh...is the torture finally over?
NOTE: This is the first Shocked Pack
released due to the numerous requests from friends and
acquaintances. Since the ACiD Acquisition, as well as its
many other packs out there to date does not necessarily
reach ALL of the Computer users out, it seemed to be a
good idea to share not only my artworks, but also the
boards which I done the arts on. This Pack should not
be looked at as an egotistical attempt on my part to show
off my works, but rather as a sharing experience. For I
know, as well as others, that I am far from being the
top VGA artist out there, but I do think that my works are
somewhat satisfactory to the eyes of beholders.....
- Shock Wave ACiD
Shocked Pack : 1993 Premier Edition
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 SHOCKED NFO 7126 010194 a Shocked Pack Information File
2 ARCHANGL PCX 42476 040193 iH Soul of the Hunter
3 BATMAN PCX 71316 050193 iH Evilution
4 DING PCX 76636 092593 aH Dementia Net
5 MAXX PCX 13858 07.15.93 aL ACiD Release
6 MEGATON PCX 81206 112093 aH Out of Nowhere Access Denied
7 PROPHET PCX 117099 120593 aH CountDown to Extinction
8 REAPER PCX 89300 071093 aH ACiD Release
9 SPREADPC PCX 18052 122493 aL SpreadPoint / PC
10 VOODOO PCX 69262 083093 aH Cyclops
11 SW-CERE EXE 50685 070193 aHL ACiD Release
12 SW-CTE EXE 176884 123193 aL Countdown to Extinction
13 SW-CYC EXE 26641 082993 aH Cyclops BBS
14 SW-DB EXE 49648 062693 aL ACiD Release
15 SW-WHERE EXE 218390 123193 aHL Out of Nowhere Access Denied
16 NOWHERE ANS 24345 112893 a Out of Nowhere Access Denied
Data Legend
a ACiD Production i iCE Production
H High Resolution 640x480 256 color
L Low Resolution 320x200 256 color
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB
ANSi Animated
Total Files Net: 21 Average Compression Rate: 56
Total Bytes: 1,132,789 Total Bytes Zipped: 513,010
Thanks: Radman and ACiD for giving me the opportunity to show my works
to the BBSers of Today. just get the coding on time OK?
iCE for getting me started in the VGA scene in the beginning of
1993 year.
Maximum Carnage for being a bud from the beginning
Doom Guard for getting me started in the BBS scene
Great VGA artists of today who gives me the drive and animosity
in creating my VGAs. :
C.C.Catch for the favor you did for me....Psychic.MoD.. your Mods
KICKS ASS All over!!!
Tempus T. for being the first to truely believe in my ability and
for being the constant supporter of peace between ACiD and iCE
which I find uncommonly outstanding and honorable.
All the ACiD members....I LOVA YAs!!!!!!
My girlfriend who supported and critiqued my arts :
NOTE: Some of the VGAs coded by the ACiD coders were rush jobs, and thus
do not properly show us the true capabilities of either my VGAs or
the Coders...Hmmm...youd think having a VGA ready 3 months in
advance will give the coders enough time. Bitter? Somewhat!
I discourage New VGA artists out there from using Rendering techni-
ques for drawing. Although the qualities of the result speaks for
itself, it does not truely express an artists true artisitic
abilities, but instead it only demonstrates the persons ability
to use an application such as that of 3D studio. I am not saying
that all rendering artists have no artistic talent, but instead,
I am expressing my views on this subject.
Cardiac Arrest....why are you causing trouble with people when
they had no problems with you. Everyone on Monolith respected
you, but now you shatter everyones respect of you with the
immature stunt you pulled on CTE. Come on CA, cant we all just
get along? You are a great artist. you dont need to act like
that to get attention.
To ALL a Happy new Year and hope 1994 will bring us alot more
artists into the Scene.. Peace :
sheesh...is the torture finally over?
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