this image contains text
Hello Everyone. I would like to start off by wishing
everyone a Happy New Year and hope everyone had a GRRREAT
Christmas. After the generous reviews I recieved for the
first Shocked-Pak, there was no doubt for a second release.
I want to thank everyone out there whos supported me over
the years, and I hope that my works have improved somewhat
for your enjoyments. And oh yeah, one more thing. I would
like to invite all of you out there to give Out of Nowhere
Access Denied BBS a call. It has been one of the most
consistent and FAST boards out there today......... Lata
- Shock Wave ACiD
Shocked Pack : 1994 Second Edition
FileName Ext Resolut. Date Description
1 SHOCKED NFO ---- 122794 Shocked Pack Information File
2 FILEID DIZ ---- 122794 .ZIP File Description
3 SW-ALTER EXE 640x480 060194 Coded VGAs
4 SW-COR1 EXE 640x480 100194 Coded VGAs
5 SW-DREAM EXE 640x480 043094 Coded VGAs
6 SW-FCITY EXE 640x480 022694 Coded VGAs
7 SW-HELL EXE 640x480 070194 Coded VGAs
8 SW-HOTEL EXE 640x480 060194 Coded VGAs
9 SW-INSOM EXE 640x480 033094 Coded VGAs
10 SW-KEG1 EXE 640x480 043094 Coded VGAs
11 SW-PSYC1 EXE 640x480 032894 Coded VGAs
12 SW-ACID2 GIF 640x480 122594 3-D Studio Rendered Greets Shit...
13 SW-ALTER GIF 640x480 060394 Alter Reality DeathTrap
14 SW-CORPT GIF 640x480 071494 Corruption Software Adaptation
15 SW-DREAM GIF 640x480 040194 Elusive Dream Charactor from Gen-13
16 SW-FORBI GIF 640x480 040194 Forbidden City Diva
17 SW-HELL GIF 640x480 040194 South of Hell Savage Dragon
18 SW-HOTEL GIF 640x480 040194 Hotel California Fugi
19 SW-INSOM GIF 640x480 040194 Insomnia Vampirella
20 SW-KEG GIF 640x480 041594 The Keg Dutch
21 SW-OONW2 GIF 640x480 091794 OONWAD Megaton Man
22 SW-PSYC1 GIF 640x480 040194 Psychosis FairChild
23 SW-PSYC2 GIF 320x200 040194 Psychosis Keroppi
24 SW-PSYC3 GIF 320x200 040194 Psychosis Nerd Dude
25 SW-SHCK1 GIF 640x480 122794 Shock-Pak 1994
26 SW-TOWER GIF 640x480 071494 The Twisted Tower Regent
27 SW-SECRT FAQ ---- 122794 Secret Original VGAs FAQ
28 ACID PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
29 DJC1 PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
30 DJC2 PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 21
Total Bytes: 1,631,414 Total Bytes Zipped: uhh......
Hello Everyone. I would like to start off by wishing
everyone a Happy New Year and hope everyone had a GRRREAT
Christmas. After the generous reviews I recieved for the
first Shocked-Pak, there was no doubt for a second release.
I want to thank everyone out there whos supported me over
the years, and I hope that my works have improved somewhat
for your enjoyments. And oh yeah, one more thing. I would
like to invite all of you out there to give Out of Nowhere
Access Denied BBS a call. It has been one of the most
consistent and FAST boards out there today......... Lata
- Shock Wave ACiD
Shocked Pack : 1994 Second Edition
FileName Ext Resolut. Date Description
1 SHOCKED NFO ---- 122794 Shocked Pack Information File
2 FILEID DIZ ---- 122794 .ZIP File Description
3 SW-ALTER EXE 640x480 060194 Coded VGAs
4 SW-COR1 EXE 640x480 100194 Coded VGAs
5 SW-DREAM EXE 640x480 043094 Coded VGAs
6 SW-FCITY EXE 640x480 022694 Coded VGAs
7 SW-HELL EXE 640x480 070194 Coded VGAs
8 SW-HOTEL EXE 640x480 060194 Coded VGAs
9 SW-INSOM EXE 640x480 033094 Coded VGAs
10 SW-KEG1 EXE 640x480 043094 Coded VGAs
11 SW-PSYC1 EXE 640x480 032894 Coded VGAs
12 SW-ACID2 GIF 640x480 122594 3-D Studio Rendered Greets Shit...
13 SW-ALTER GIF 640x480 060394 Alter Reality DeathTrap
14 SW-CORPT GIF 640x480 071494 Corruption Software Adaptation
15 SW-DREAM GIF 640x480 040194 Elusive Dream Charactor from Gen-13
16 SW-FORBI GIF 640x480 040194 Forbidden City Diva
17 SW-HELL GIF 640x480 040194 South of Hell Savage Dragon
18 SW-HOTEL GIF 640x480 040194 Hotel California Fugi
19 SW-INSOM GIF 640x480 040194 Insomnia Vampirella
20 SW-KEG GIF 640x480 041594 The Keg Dutch
21 SW-OONW2 GIF 640x480 091794 OONWAD Megaton Man
22 SW-PSYC1 GIF 640x480 040194 Psychosis FairChild
23 SW-PSYC2 GIF 320x200 040194 Psychosis Keroppi
24 SW-PSYC3 GIF 320x200 040194 Psychosis Nerd Dude
25 SW-SHCK1 GIF 640x480 122794 Shock-Pak 1994
26 SW-TOWER GIF 640x480 071494 The Twisted Tower Regent
27 SW-SECRT FAQ ---- 122794 Secret Original VGAs FAQ
28 ACID PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
29 DJC1 PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
30 DJC2 PCX 320x200 ?????? ???????????????
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 21
Total Bytes: 1,631,414 Total Bytes Zipped: uhh......
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