this image contains text
,g@S ,g@SS@p,
L gyyyyy 7 @@yp,
S@S S SS@p g g
::::: ,7 pf A S@S
:: g@ , L p@ ,7
: gL ,gyt@@ , Y@@ g@
.::. 0@@yyy@@S
g,: ,g
school artpack release info O1/O6/97 ::
----------------------- n e w s -------------------
as the lame institute that ripped our name is retirin for
d, summer, were goin to put up some shit and release our ,
,. 1st artpack... in this pack theres shit that has been :--.
gg done within minimun time, as the spring season brings but + /
flowers and the birds, also this great springmood for /
+ the teachers. that means like 120387 times harder tests n .
.- stuff. but, as we are supermen, ya cant see that in our art. .
----------------------- s e n i or s t a ff -------------------
asp .......... ascii ............ asp@ventura.fipnet.fi :::
woodoo ....... ascii ............ email :: ,
profane ...... ansi/ascii ....... email ,
: luminator .... ansi ............. luminator@stargate.nullnet.fi
,b .
gg .
----------------------- me m b e r s -------------------
darkmind ..... ascii ............ email
clairvoyant .. ascii ............ email dg
suffer ....... ascii ............ email g
: fluga ........ ascii/rip ........ fluga@ventura.fipnet.fi ggg
deepsome ..... ansi ............. spitface@dlc.fi
---------------------- b o ard s -------------------
b bs n ame n u m ber sy sop s
dg acid pond .... 358.O.XXXXXXX .... asp / trance / heck ,
fenerve ...... 358.O.XXXXXXX .... darkmind / merlin --.
new level .... 358.O.21/O7.. .... profane d
raped angel .. 358.O.21/O7.. .... clairvoyant
.- g
-------------------- s ch ool nf o ends -------------------
------------------------- n fo des ig n : asp/influx logo : riddler -
,g@S ,g@SS@p,
L gyyyyy 7 @@yp,
S@S S SS@p g g
::::: ,7 pf A S@S
:: g@ , L p@ ,7
: gL ,gyt@@ , Y@@ g@
.::. 0@@yyy@@S
g,: ,g
school artpack release info O1/O6/97 ::
----------------------- n e w s -------------------
as the lame institute that ripped our name is retirin for
d, summer, were goin to put up some shit and release our ,
,. 1st artpack... in this pack theres shit that has been :--.
gg done within minimun time, as the spring season brings but + /
flowers and the birds, also this great springmood for /
+ the teachers. that means like 120387 times harder tests n .
.- stuff. but, as we are supermen, ya cant see that in our art. .
----------------------- s e n i or s t a ff -------------------
asp .......... ascii ............ asp@ventura.fipnet.fi :::
woodoo ....... ascii ............ email :: ,
profane ...... ansi/ascii ....... email ,
: luminator .... ansi ............. luminator@stargate.nullnet.fi
,b .
gg .
----------------------- me m b e r s -------------------
darkmind ..... ascii ............ email
clairvoyant .. ascii ............ email dg
suffer ....... ascii ............ email g
: fluga ........ ascii/rip ........ fluga@ventura.fipnet.fi ggg
deepsome ..... ansi ............. spitface@dlc.fi
---------------------- b o ard s -------------------
b bs n ame n u m ber sy sop s
dg acid pond .... 358.O.XXXXXXX .... asp / trance / heck ,
fenerve ...... 358.O.XXXXXXX .... darkmind / merlin --.
new level .... 358.O.21/O7.. .... profane d
raped angel .. 358.O.21/O7.. .... clairvoyant
.- g
-------------------- s ch ool nf o ends -------------------
------------------------- n fo des ig n : asp/influx logo : riddler -
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