this image contains text
-name: ansi/ascii colly 1 by wooga--------------------------------------------
wog sonic
logon to bbs
page sysop
-name: sonicterror matrix----------------------------------------------------
did this for my not up yet board : its nothing special...
by the way the boards called sonicterror : so thats what the st is for :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: xpress modding logo----------------------------------------------------
ok. if you dont know who xpress are, then quit the program yer using to view
this file, pick up the nearest sharp object and impale your penis :b
nah. everyone knows xpress. bbs modding at its best. not that theyd ever use
this logo in one of their .nfo files or anything, cause theyre too elite
for little old wooga. btw, if anyone from xpress is looking at this,
its free if you would like to use it OK... just let me know about it. :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
aLias eMail uSefulness
member name email@email.server.com.um music/art/bbs/code
member name email@email.server.com.um MUSIC/ART/BBS/CODE
member name email@email.server.com.um music/ART/bbs/CODE
-name: member list thingie----------------------------------------------------
this is for anyone at all... any group. good for those that dont have artists
or dont have ANSI artists to be more specific :b
just fill it out like it is... um, the BRIGHT CYAN AND CAPITALS means they DO
that thing, the darker color and lowercase means they dont... ok thats easy
enough for you sceners to figure out... just make sure you fucking credit me
if you use it OK!
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
. f . i . n . e . s . t .
-name: shaolins finest logo---------------------------------------------------
not bad. thats all im saying. i KNEW id seen the style somewhere before.
ah well. its only a style stolen and it was ALL done from scratch. hehe.
like, i just thought of the style and tried it out - thinking that id scene
the style before... oh well
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
.d , ,, ,,
:.b.db. db.
b:: : :
.7 7 4 47
s h a o l i n s f i n e s t 9 8
art packs
tracking releases
group news
ansi/ascii by wooga
-name: shao der : menu------------------------------------------------------
crap eh? i was looking in some remorse pack i think, and sum1 said that
when doing asciis you could just use circles, and i did, his circles to
be exact, changing them a little, and yeah. its either pack 18 or 19 so hmm
this is up on my board which aint up yet btw in the shao menu and you might
be able to tell if yer smart :b that its a lightbar menu. hehe. oh well.
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
soap emag issue x
-name: soap diz - coloured version--------------------------------------------
okokok, i know this ones coloured - but i wanted to see what it would look like
too bad i used those colours - NOT good for shading : altho i didnt do a good
job anyhow :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
soap emag issue x
THE definitive emag of the nineties.
supposedly tells you all about our
art scene... :
its only drawback is its AUSTRALIAN!
-name: soap diz... non - coloured version-------------------------------------
ok - this is the proper one. i might reshade it before i submit it... heh.
i dont even know who to submit it to : altho they wouldnt use it : did i say
reshade? oops i mean to say i might shade it before i sumbit it... :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: cat--------------------------------------------------------------------
meeow. bloody cats - CHOP - dim sims... yum :
i considered extending the background on this one but couldnt be bothered :
um yer.. so. its says cat. i did it to annoy odb... maybe hell get it, maybe hewont... : doesnt bother me either way... :
i use : too much hehe
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: inflicted possibly a header in a .nfo--------------------------------
inflicted ansi. so what. : i like this one ... quite a bit actually - except itis far too small - it compromised height for width its hard to write inflicted
in ansi, very, VERY hard... but i DID it :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: inf--------------------------------------------------------------------
ok another inflicted logo. this time i took the easy way out and just did an inf
-the end is coming------------------------------------------------------------
ok so maybe i aint that good : im getting better tho - check out inflicted artpacks 1,2 and 3 and youll see how much ive improved : i want SOMEONE to tell
me im better now than i was then... :
anyhow greets to:- towser. ol dirty bastard. isotone. identitycrisis. stimpy. group greets to:- inflicted. shaolins finest. dome. apocalyptic visions.
-end of crazy talk and viewing displeasure------------------------------------
--------------------------ansi/ascii colly1 c wooga-------------------------
------------------this has been a shaolins finest production------------------
wog sonic
logon to bbs
page sysop
-name: sonicterror matrix----------------------------------------------------
did this for my not up yet board : its nothing special...
by the way the boards called sonicterror : so thats what the st is for :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: xpress modding logo----------------------------------------------------
ok. if you dont know who xpress are, then quit the program yer using to view
this file, pick up the nearest sharp object and impale your penis :b
nah. everyone knows xpress. bbs modding at its best. not that theyd ever use
this logo in one of their .nfo files or anything, cause theyre too elite
for little old wooga. btw, if anyone from xpress is looking at this,
its free if you would like to use it OK... just let me know about it. :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
aLias eMail uSefulness
member name email@email.server.com.um music/art/bbs/code
member name email@email.server.com.um MUSIC/ART/BBS/CODE
member name email@email.server.com.um music/ART/bbs/CODE
-name: member list thingie----------------------------------------------------
this is for anyone at all... any group. good for those that dont have artists
or dont have ANSI artists to be more specific :b
just fill it out like it is... um, the BRIGHT CYAN AND CAPITALS means they DO
that thing, the darker color and lowercase means they dont... ok thats easy
enough for you sceners to figure out... just make sure you fucking credit me
if you use it OK!
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
. f . i . n . e . s . t .
-name: shaolins finest logo---------------------------------------------------
not bad. thats all im saying. i KNEW id seen the style somewhere before.
ah well. its only a style stolen and it was ALL done from scratch. hehe.
like, i just thought of the style and tried it out - thinking that id scene
the style before... oh well
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
.d , ,, ,,
:.b.db. db.
b:: : :
.7 7 4 47
s h a o l i n s f i n e s t 9 8
art packs
tracking releases
group news
ansi/ascii by wooga
-name: shao der : menu------------------------------------------------------
crap eh? i was looking in some remorse pack i think, and sum1 said that
when doing asciis you could just use circles, and i did, his circles to
be exact, changing them a little, and yeah. its either pack 18 or 19 so hmm
this is up on my board which aint up yet btw in the shao menu and you might
be able to tell if yer smart :b that its a lightbar menu. hehe. oh well.
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
soap emag issue x
-name: soap diz - coloured version--------------------------------------------
okokok, i know this ones coloured - but i wanted to see what it would look like
too bad i used those colours - NOT good for shading : altho i didnt do a good
job anyhow :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
soap emag issue x
THE definitive emag of the nineties.
supposedly tells you all about our
art scene... :
its only drawback is its AUSTRALIAN!
-name: soap diz... non - coloured version-------------------------------------
ok - this is the proper one. i might reshade it before i submit it... heh.
i dont even know who to submit it to : altho they wouldnt use it : did i say
reshade? oops i mean to say i might shade it before i sumbit it... :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: cat--------------------------------------------------------------------
meeow. bloody cats - CHOP - dim sims... yum :
i considered extending the background on this one but couldnt be bothered :
um yer.. so. its says cat. i did it to annoy odb... maybe hell get it, maybe hewont... : doesnt bother me either way... :
i use : too much hehe
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: inflicted possibly a header in a .nfo--------------------------------
inflicted ansi. so what. : i like this one ... quite a bit actually - except itis far too small - it compromised height for width its hard to write inflicted
in ansi, very, VERY hard... but i DID it :
-end of ramble----------------------------------------------------------------
-name: inf--------------------------------------------------------------------
ok another inflicted logo. this time i took the easy way out and just did an inf
-the end is coming------------------------------------------------------------
ok so maybe i aint that good : im getting better tho - check out inflicted artpacks 1,2 and 3 and youll see how much ive improved : i want SOMEONE to tell
me im better now than i was then... :
anyhow greets to:- towser. ol dirty bastard. isotone. identitycrisis. stimpy. group greets to:- inflicted. shaolins finest. dome. apocalyptic visions.
-end of crazy talk and viewing displeasure------------------------------------
--------------------------ansi/ascii colly1 c wooga-------------------------
------------------this has been a shaolins finest production------------------
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