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To everyone in the scene,
For the last month or so there has been a lot of things on my mind concerning
the scene. When I first started doodling, I did not belong to any groups at
all, but later on I joined a small group called EAI and from that I progressed
to Synthetic and PCwave, before starting Shaolins Finest.
When I first started drawing, a lot of people that i knew asked me why on earthdo you waste your time drawing that shit?, and I would reply to them because
its fun. But that was a good year and a half ago and although it sounds clichedtimes do change and so do our opinions. I cant tell a lie, I still do think
that drawing ansi is fun and i still enjoy drawing, but maybe not as much as
when i first started out.
There are certain people in the scene that just dont belong. I dont want to
name them, so ill keep this as general as possible.
1. Rippers - I know imitation is a form of flattery or however that phrase
goes but people who rip for the sake of producing better art are just wrong.
Its not justifiable to copy the latest hot artist just to become a popular
artist yourself. Imagine what would happen if every painter in the world tried
to draw pictures looking like the Mona Lisa or every surrealist imitating Dali,
it would be pretty sad wouldnt it? I dont think that a sysop using a header
or portion or it on his bbs is ripping, but if someone took someone elses work
and changed the color here and there and released it as their own is without anydoubt ripping.
2. Group Sluts - I just use this as a generic name for people who join all the
groups that will let them in just to get the affiliation. If they can actually
do art for every group that they are in on a regular basis then good for them
but the people im targetting are those who join groups without contributing
anything. I admit i was like that at one stage but Id like to think that I can
offer every group that im in quality artwork on a regular basis.
They are also the people whom i feel are ruining the scene for all those that
truly enjoy drawing and being part of this society we have created for ourselves.
Now with all that taken care of, I would like to announce my sabbatical from thescene. I will still continue to draw as long as I receive reasonable requests,
but i just need some time off to concentrate on the other parts of my life ie.
university, socialising, girlfriend etc.. This is by no means my retirement
from the scene! It will take more than a few annoying little kids to drive me
away from drawing ansi. I just wont be drawing as much from now on I will
still draw!!!. So for the next few months, dont get too excited or worried
if you dont see any art from me or miss me on the boards that i visit, I will
be back!
Keep sending me requests, I will eventually do them. Hope to come back more
refreshed and with more ideas for art in a few months time around June. Thanksto everyone that has put up with my shit lately, when i get back ill be nicer!
Cya all around!
Ol Dirty Bastard
To everyone in the scene,
For the last month or so there has been a lot of things on my mind concerning
the scene. When I first started doodling, I did not belong to any groups at
all, but later on I joined a small group called EAI and from that I progressed
to Synthetic and PCwave, before starting Shaolins Finest.
When I first started drawing, a lot of people that i knew asked me why on earthdo you waste your time drawing that shit?, and I would reply to them because
its fun. But that was a good year and a half ago and although it sounds clichedtimes do change and so do our opinions. I cant tell a lie, I still do think
that drawing ansi is fun and i still enjoy drawing, but maybe not as much as
when i first started out.
There are certain people in the scene that just dont belong. I dont want to
name them, so ill keep this as general as possible.
1. Rippers - I know imitation is a form of flattery or however that phrase
goes but people who rip for the sake of producing better art are just wrong.
Its not justifiable to copy the latest hot artist just to become a popular
artist yourself. Imagine what would happen if every painter in the world tried
to draw pictures looking like the Mona Lisa or every surrealist imitating Dali,
it would be pretty sad wouldnt it? I dont think that a sysop using a header
or portion or it on his bbs is ripping, but if someone took someone elses work
and changed the color here and there and released it as their own is without anydoubt ripping.
2. Group Sluts - I just use this as a generic name for people who join all the
groups that will let them in just to get the affiliation. If they can actually
do art for every group that they are in on a regular basis then good for them
but the people im targetting are those who join groups without contributing
anything. I admit i was like that at one stage but Id like to think that I can
offer every group that im in quality artwork on a regular basis.
They are also the people whom i feel are ruining the scene for all those that
truly enjoy drawing and being part of this society we have created for ourselves.
Now with all that taken care of, I would like to announce my sabbatical from thescene. I will still continue to draw as long as I receive reasonable requests,
but i just need some time off to concentrate on the other parts of my life ie.
university, socialising, girlfriend etc.. This is by no means my retirement
from the scene! It will take more than a few annoying little kids to drive me
away from drawing ansi. I just wont be drawing as much from now on I will
still draw!!!. So for the next few months, dont get too excited or worried
if you dont see any art from me or miss me on the boards that i visit, I will
be back!
Keep sending me requests, I will eventually do them. Hope to come back more
refreshed and with more ideas for art in a few months time around June. Thanksto everyone that has put up with my shit lately, when i get back ill be nicer!
Cya all around!
Ol Dirty Bastard
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